Thursday, December 6, 2012

Pu Niao's Christmas Giveaway [Non-Sponsored]

And before you get all confused by the post title, kindly allow me to explain it a little in detail.

If it is a sponsored giveaway, there will be a review accompanying the giveaway/contest. As this giveaway is sponsored by yours truly (a.k.a Pu Niao~), hence the phrase "Non-Sponsored" stated above. But still, enough talk from me already

As Christmas season is fast approaching, I would like to thank my loyal and dedicated readers to my blog (Pu Niao's Beauty Junkie Reviews) and Facebook page (Pu Niao's Product Reviews) by hosting my own giveaway.

What are the prizes you may wonder? Well, I am going to keep it a surprise and suspense at the same time. Just know that the prizes includes products that I am personally crazy about. As it's my own personal giveaway, so I'd keep it simple. And future/subsequent giveaways will be even better. The prize itself may be cute, tiny and yummy (*hint*), but I am also including in another item together with the prizes too. Consider it a little extra something, like an additional reward for sticking it with me and my blog for close to 5 months already.

Rules of the Giveaway

Note: This giveaway ends on 24th December 2012 at 11:59pm. Entries later than this stipulated date and time will be ignored. This giveaway is open to anyone residing in Singapore or have a valid mail address in Singapore.

  • Like my Facebook page Here
  • OR

  • Like and Share my Facebook page post on this giveaway Here
  • Comment on this blog post why you want the prize, including your name, email address and Facebook profile name + link
  • Any entries not fulfilling the above rules will not be honored
  • There will be 2 winners for this giveaway
  • Winners will be announced on 26th December 2012 and contacted via PM on Facebook. If there is no reply within 2 days, new winner(s) will be picked once again
  • In the event the winner has un-Like my FB page before the contest is over, it will be auto-disqualification. Hence, I will need at least 2 days to ensure all participants follow the rules stated, so as to be fair to everyone who joined.
  • This is not a sponsored giveaway, I am doing this to reward readers and fans to my blog and Facebook page.
  • Once winners have been contacted, the earliest mailing date will be on the 27th December 2012. In the event the post office decided to take a few days off, mailing date will be towards the end of December 2012/beginning of January 2013

Now, go!

Some things to take note of:

I've come to know that some of you are unable to comment for some reasons. I'm guessing it's something to do with the blog layout that prevents the captcha from showing up properly. So, I've fixed it. Comments are now threaded, so if there's anything you left out, you can reply to your own comment and add in the missing info. As long as it's included within your own comment as a reply, it's still counted. I understand this is a fault of mine as I forgot I had to include in another HTML command to enable threaded comments for ease of use. All comments are still moderated to prevent mis-use as I've been receiving weird comments that has nothing to do with the blog post published. However, I've removed the captcha option so you need not worry about it.

If your comment has been published and you realized you have forgotten to include the necessary details, just make a reply to your own published comment and include in the additional details.

If your comment hasn't been published, just re-comment once more with the missing info. I will sort them out and delete the ones with missing info and published the correct ones you've submitted.

However, if you have Google Connect instead of an actual blogspot account, I would like you to log into Google Connect first, then proceed back to this blog post and comment. It should be resolved. If there's any problems once more, do not hesitate to send me a PM on Facebook. I will get back to you a.s.a.p and resolve the commenting issue *shakes fist at Blogspot*

P/S: Prizes are already picked out, ready to go to their new homes. Don't make them wait too long~


  1. I want the prize because I have been an avid reader of your blog and really appreciate your effort in sharing free goodies' news with all of us. And i hope to get a nice surprise for christmas :)

    name: kwek kuek
    fb: kwek kuek (

  2. I would like to be one of the winners for your giveaway because I am an avid reader of your blog and Facebook page. I would also personally love to try out the products that you are crazy about. After all,they may be some undiscovered gems for me. Anyways,thanks for organizing the giveaway and continue to rock on! Happy Holidays! :)

    Name: Eleen Cheong
    Facebook Name: Eleen Cheong
    Facebook profile link:

  3. I want to win the prize because I did not win any contest before and I hope to win the prize . I always like to go to your blog and see the latest sample,giveaway and you always comment how good the product that you tried. Anyway Thanks for the effort in posting the lastest sample and giveaway.

    1. Name:Huiru
      Facebook name:Tan huiru
      Facebook link:

  4. I want the prize because ~
    Name: Pu Niao
    FB Profile Name: Pu Niao
    FB Profile Link:

    1. This is just a test comment to ensure all entries can be captured properly *shakes fist at BlogSpot*

  5. I want to win the prize because I want a surprise christmas gift for myself to end year 2012 and to welcome 2013! Cheers!
    Name: Kathryn
    Facebook profile name:Dataka Katson
    FB Profile Link:

  6. I want to win the prize because I love to win free goodies and all! :D It is just a hobby!
    By the way, thank you so much for the sincere and well-written comment on my blog, just saw it recently because I was overseas!
    Name: Lai Ying Ying
    Facebook profile name:Ying Ying Lai
    FB Profile Link:

  7. Dear Pu Niao,

    I have always love samples and eager to come to your blog for redemption links, beauty tips and product reviews. In just few months' time Im addicted to your blog!(must visit almost everyday..)Heehee now this is the first time I heard you have a Christmas giveaway. Christmas giveaway is as good as free samples -I love!

    Name : May Rachel
    email :
    Facebook name : May Rachel
    Facebook profile link :!/may.rachel.73

  8. i would like to win this giveaway because i love the process of participating in giveaways and enjoy the process of it. moreover, the thrill of seeing my name if i win the giveaways simple excites me!

    Name : Annabelle Tong
    email :
    Facebook name : Neu Syhan Annabelle
    Facebook profile link :

  9. i would like to win this giveaway as I enjoy the feeling of receiving a surprise present!

    Name : Zane
    email :
    Facebook name : Zane Ong
    Facebook profile link :

  10. I want the prize because I like surprises and taking part in contests. Thank you for coming up with your blog, which helps me to get the latest news on giveaways, samples and contests.
    Name: Sng L K
    Email: sljslk[at]gmail[dot]com
    FB Profile Name: Slj Slk
    FB Profile Link:

  11. I would like to win this giveaway because I would like to try out some great products! I say great coz if it passed your standards and you are crazy about it, it must be good! :)

    Name: Christine Rodriguez
    Facebook Name: Tin Rodriguez
    Facebook profile link:

  12. Name: Kaori L.
    Facebook name: Kaori Lizaso
    Facebook link:
    I want to win because I am a beauty junkie like you and would love to receive a surprise pressie from you! :) I'm sure it'll be awesome and it will be a lovely xmas gift :P

    Thanks for the giveaway! Hope I win! :)

  13. Name: Anveli Li
    Facebook name: Danve Li
    Facebook link:

    Thank you for this awesome giveaway. I wish to receive a Christmas present from you! As you mentioned it is something you are personally crazy about, I am sure it will be something I will be crazy about too. Thanks again for this giveaway!

  14. I deserve to win simply because I would like some luck off you; you seem to win most contests and in time to redeem most of the awesome-st samples! :P

    Name: Belle Tamang
    Email address:
    FB profile name + link: Tamangnee Blithe /

  15. I want the prize because i love christmas an i love to receive and give presents!
    Name: Katie P
    FB Profile Name: Katie Cai
    FB Profile Link:

  16. Becos..... I love surprises!!! Who doesn't?

    Name: Kyky Lim
    FB Profile Name: Kyky Lim
    FB Profile Link:

  17. name:cheryl
    fb profile name: cheryltheoneandonly
    fb profile link:

    comment: HI Pu Niao! i would really like to win this giveaway of yours because i'm a avid reader of yours! I visit your blog frequently because that is where i get all the latest updates on where i can get latest samples and giveaways ASAP in case it runs out! As a fellow blogger , it is also interesting to read other people's blog and see what are their different perspective on products that i am skeptical to try at first! hence i would like to that you for giving me a chance to know a product better before getting my hands on those products!
    I'll also like to do a detailed review on the products if i manage to be one of the winners in this giveaway! so pick me please!

    i also love the suspense i get when i enter a giveaway! the feeling of checking the web everyday to see if i have won anything is simply amazing! so i hope you';; give me a chance to win because i've always enter giveaways but i don't have ladyluck with me to win!

  18. Name: Lee Zhen Huan
    FB profile name: ZhenHuan いつまでも
    FB profile link:

    Hi Pu Niao :D I've been reading your blog and reviews for a quite some time now and thank you so much for introducing to me so many good products! Your detailed reviews gave me a different perspective to products and allows me to fully consider before purchase. This have ensured me to be able to get products suitable for myself. ^^

    Also, being a cheapo, the links that you posted for the samples have brought me to so many good products that made me buy them. Products that you've reviewed such as T-zone has done many good to me :D

    Having missed many of your giveaways previously, I finally have a chance to enter in this Christmas giveaway! ^^ Seeing that this giveaway is from you, I presume that the things that you're crazy about are very good and useful products that I might not have come across yet. Makes me excited to even think about it!
    You're being like a Santa Claus this Christmas, giving out mysterious and exciting presents!I love you!
    For this Christmas, I wish for Pu Niao's giveaway winner to be me! :D

  19. I would like to get this surprise as I know I would be getting something wonderful. If it's something which you are personally crazy about, it must be real good as I believe in your "tastes" and sincere reviews!

    Name: Pang Pui Han
    Email address:
    Facebook profile name: miapph
    Facebook profile link:

    Thanks for hosting this giveaway and have a Happy Holiday!!!

  20. its the first time im joining your giveaway and i really really want to win it!!! so im trying my luck!!:)

    Name:Gigi Lim
    Email address:
    Facebook name: Joanna Gigi
    Facebook profile link:

    MERRY X'MAS!!!

  21. Name: Jenney Tan
    Email address:
    Facebook name: Jenney Tan
    Facebook profile link:

    I love to read beauty product reviews & beauty blogs. I happened to chance upon your blog not long ago. I like the links that you posted for samples & of cos your reviews on these products were good. It really will make me consider buying these products =))

    I hope I will be one of the lucky winner to win your Christmas Giveaway. Really excited to find out what's the prizes >o<

    Merry Christmas to U!!!

  22. I want the prize because hope to get new goodie to doll myself up for CNY.
    Name: Irene Soh
    FB Profile Name: Irene Soh
    FB Profile Link:

  23. Name : Shi Hui
    Email :
    FB Name : La Yolanda
    FB :

    I like to win cause your giveaway looks interesting

    Ho Ho Ho Merry Christmas !


Thank you for commenting on Pu Niao's Beauty Junkie Reviews, a personal blog on Beauty-related stuffs. Kindly note that I will reciprocate as soon as I possibly can, unless:

1. I'm not online (probably dead asleep and possibly drooling)

2. Got blindsided by free candy (where did that came from?)

3. Cannot find your comment box cos I am actually blind as a bat most times (-squints- *_* -blinks-)


1. Kindly avoid promotional/non-sense/unrelated comments or demands as this can be reason for deletion of your comments.

2. Avoid commenting with "nice post"/"thanks for sharing", or the likes. Kindly just read the post and comment something about it.

3. Replying with some facts/rumors or other info related to the post is well appreciated too.

Your comments always make my day(s) feel special and appreciated and each comment will be followed up as well. Thank you and have a wonderful day ahead~