For this past week's samples, there's only 1 with a little showcase on cheap cosmetics as well. Oh well, I'm a cheapskate sometimes LOL

Personally, when it comes to buying stuffs, I have a simple motto. Buy it because you have to, not because you want to or you feel like it. If you buy things because you have to, there's a reason you must or have to use it all the time. But if you buy things that you want to or because you feel like it, chances are that you probably use it only once in a while, slowly being forgotten. And by the time you remember it's existence, it's probably too old, damaged, or expired to the point where it cannot be used anymore.
I've been eyeing this Long Barrette from Daiso for a while now, but I kinda need a valid reason to justify this purchase. And since my workplace felt that using a regular rubber/hair band to tie up one's hair is almost the equivalent of being too casual, buy this I must xD It didn't help that I need a long one, instead of a short one, as my hair despite looking so little, is actually thick. Small ones will only snap in half, making me waste my precious S$2 on it, so I might as well wait until Daiso have the longer one instead.

This is actually a Eyebrow Powder I got from Daiso for S$2 as well, but since it looks more like eyeshadow, I used it as a eyeshadow palette instead. Even the description at the back stated and explained in broken English on how this eyebrow powder can help well-defined, natural-looking eyebrows. Let's just say I really did use it as eyeshadow, and it stayed pretty well without any smudging at all :D
I used the darker color near my eyelids, while the lighter color goes on the lid around the eye socket area.

This is apparently a "Seductive Cheek & Hi-light" powder, which I bought from Daiso for S$2 as well. The darker shade that is pink is meant to be used as a blusher, while the white/beige-ish color is to be applied on the T-zone and under-eye area. Let's just say it does it's work pretty decently, and the only re-application I need to do throughout the day is actually to powder my slightly oily-looking nose xD
WHERE TO REDEEM SAMPLE: No sample redemption for Daiso. But then, their stuffs are sold at S$2 a piece, so it's pretty cheap to buy and try. If it doesn't work for you, you can still pass it to the next person. Provided you use your own blush brush and eyeshadow/eyebrow applicator instead of the one found in the product itself.

I got to know about this sampling activity on Facebook, and as usual, got everyone I know to go grab it while stocks are still available. It's kinda crappy that they have to fold the pamphlet in half cos it doesn't fit into the envelope nicely :( The sample I received is the Bio-Essence Face Lifting Cream Royal Jelly + ATP and it's worth 4g. Should last at least up to a week, if I am not wrong :D

The pamphlet actually informs you what their products does for your skin, the benefit it gives when you use it and the differences you can see and experience before and after using it.

And over here, you can see that the order their products should be used in, so as to achieve the perfect result it promises.
WHERE TO REDEEM SAMPLE: Go over to Bio-essence Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/bioessence.sg, Like their page as a fan first in order to access their app(s). Next, look for the link that says Free Sample, click on it and follow the prompts and fill in your details. You will receive your sample in the mail :D

Why not like my Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/PuNiaosProductReviews to be informed of latest samples I found, which is duly updated? Also includes updates to health, beauty & lifestyle tips at least once a day. It will definitely save you the trouble of having to hunt them down :)
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