I'm pretty sure you ladies (and young girls) have seen something similar at Watsons and Guardian Pharmacy throughout Singapore. Nail stickers such as these retailing for close to S$10 a pack, while I personally think it's kinda cool that nail art application can be made so much easier, simpler and even more fuss-free, I for one felt that it's really expensive to spend so much on something that only lasts approximately 10 days.

So, imagine my surprise when my mother bought all these for me. And the price? You are going to flip out when you hear it. Apparently at the wet market, she saw a lot of women hogging this one stall and when she went over to check it out, she saw all these nail stickers selling at only S$2 a pack (in short, 12 nail stickers in 1 pack) and if customers were to buy 5, they get 1 free. Basically, my mother bought 5, got 1 for free and in the end only spent S$10 in total. As opposed to actually buying at Watsons and paying close to S$10 per pack and not getting anything free in return. You do the maths and tell me which is cheaper.

Here's some more designs she got along the way LOL Honestly, I feel that the stuffs that went into these nail stickers shouldn't differ that much, regardless of the price. As ultimately, it only lasts for 10 days. So, these are definitely a steal for me :D
WHERE TO REDEEM SAMPLE: No sample redemption for now.

As mentioned at the beginning of this post, I was a little appalled to find out that Spotlight has a membership card all these years. Silly me for spending and paying at the full price when I could have gotten discounts on each visit and purchase. And the best part? They emailed you a temporary card to use first while they dispatched an actual physical membership card to your mailbox.
WHERE TO REDEEM SAMPLE: If you are someone who likes crafts and anything similar and/or related to crafting, here's how to get your own Spotlight membership card. Go over to Spotlight VIP Card section at https://www.spotlight.com.sg/vip-club/, fill in your details. That's all. It doesn't even cost a single cent. Meanwhile, I'll just go lament on the vast amount I have paid in full retail price without the membership card discounts somewhere in the corner of my room..

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