Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Nature Valley: Oats 'n Honey Review

WHAT IS IT: Nature Valley: Oats 'n Honey


Nature Valley: Oats 'n Honey: Nature Valley Oats 'N Honey granola bars combine real honey and rolled oats, to produce a sweet, wholesome snack. The bars are full of classic crunch and whole grain goodness, providing energy to help keep you going. Bite into one anytime, anywhere for an invigorating treat of quality whole grain. Packed in two-bar pouches, Nature Valley Crunchy Granola Bars offers a crunchy, sweet taste you can take anywhere.

I like how I can pair this granola bar with a cup of unsweetened hot tea and it becomes a fab snack without the guilty feelings.

VERDICT: Well, can't really emphasize too much on food scent. But this Nature Valley: Oats 'n Honey bar is all natural, healthy and contains 1.5 ounces, 190 calories and contains a relatively minuscule four grams of protein. But hey, this granola bar is actually marketed as an energy bar that is designed to give you that extra push when you are craving for unhealthy junk, therefore protein-wise, that won't be the true aim at all in consuming this little unassuming granola bar in the first place.

Many times when we crave for something to snack on, we probably just grabbed whatever is near and wolfed it down without a second though. And most times, it's always relatively junk food which ultimately ends up making us feel flab and guilty for snacking without thinking or looking. What's good about this granola bar? You don't feel guilty for snacking on one in the first place, since it's a better and much more healthier choice than compared to regular junk food.

what's interesting about this Nature Valley: Oats 'n Honey is that, it comes packed with 2 thin bars, instead of a big chunky bar. So, if you are just in the mood for a little snacking before your actual meal, you won't feel that much guilty as it isn't really going to make you put on weight. And let's face it, some of us actually prefer to eat our fruits in bite-size chunks or morsels instead of literally biting on the actual fruit. And who would have thought of storing cutting knifes in a office pantry? Unless you are working in the F&B industry/environment where knifes, spoons and forks are the de rigueur in a kitchen.

What I find comforting in this product is that, I can snack on a bar if lunch is still one or 2 hours away, and hunger pangs are killing me. In which case, can be easily washed down with a hot cup of unsweetened tea (or coffee, but I find tea is better). And you can save the other remaining bar for the next hunger pang moment before dinner time. Especially helpful if you know you are going to be on a full-shift for the rest of the day and you cannot be certain when is the next exact break-time, which could be hours away and longer to look forward to sometimes.

It crunches easily in your mouth, giving that fulfilling sensation of having to snack on something to curb that hunger while at the same time, prevent your uncooperative stomach from growling like a hungry lion without warning. I once had my stomach growl every 1 - 2 minutes in the middle of a morning meeting, and I ended up sitting through the meeting with my head hanging down. Not a nice picture, if you can imagine it. Add to the fact that the other staffs with me were all dainty females with waistlines to kill for, and it makes the whole ordeal even more terrifying. Will they think I am always hungry, when in fact I didn't actually had breakfast?

The con? It is actually a little dry, hence I keep recommending snacking on this with a cup of unsweetened tea to go along. It's not like that granola bar is really sweet, it's just a hint of sweetness so that the granola bar itself won't feel dry and yucky. On the contrary, it's actually yummy. But me doesn't like dry and flaky food too much, hence I always like to pair my dry and flaky bars with a cup of tea. A cup of unsweetened tea and a granola bar that is already just a little bit sweet actually complements each other in terms of taste.


WHAT I THINK: If only I had known about Nature Valley's granola bars a good 10 years ago, I could have saved myself from that stomach growling episode. But hey, I love this!

WHERE TO REDEEM SAMPLE: I got 2 packets from my very first Black Box that I received somewhere last last month (February 2013). Don't hope for any samples, just go out and buy it. This is a better alternative if you do not want to snack on junk food or if you prefer to snack on cut fruit slices and feel paying for cut fruit slices don't justify the cost.

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