Monday, March 18, 2013

Lactacyd Revitalize Review

WHAT IS IT: Lactacyd Revitalize


Lactacyd Revitalize: Perfect for maintaining feminine health, the Lactacyd Revitalize invigorates with extra-nourishing care for your intimate zone. Its special mild formula rejuvenates by preventing dryness and loss of skin elasticity. Enhanced formula with vitamin E and collagen, extra moisturizing effect and suitable for sensitive skin.

The scent is actually soapy, and gives me the feeling of clean and fresh. So, you can essentially classify this product under the mild fragrance or non-fragrance range, if you want to.

VERDICT: he scent is actually soapy, and gives me the feeling of clean and fresh. So, you can essentially classify this product under the mild fragrance or non-fragrance range, if you want to. What I like is that, despite the very light soapy fragrance, it doesn't make me feel bleh after using. As opposed to using regular soap or just plain water. It gives me this really wonderful clean and refreshed feeling after using it. And despite hours after using this in the shower, my V-zone doesn't feel as if it's too dry and uncomfortable.

What I personally understand is that, if you neglect cleaning your V-Zone properly, weird complications might showed up without warning. Such as this god awful smell due from less than regular cleaning, itching and that feeling of extreme yuck-ness from just totally neglecting it. However, with a wonderful product such as this Lactacyd Revitalize, your V-Zone can feel fresh and clean at the same time. And it doesn't give any side effects from using it too. And to be honest, Lactacyd is the only feminine wash product I have tried so far, and I am loving it.

I think the unpleasant feeling in your V-Zone can get even worse, if you neglect to clean it properly. Such as this intense burning and itching feeling you get, and despite knowing that you clean it well during shower with only tap water, it doesn't really help much. Since using plain tap water only sufficiently washes away the awful scent for a short while. Whereas, using a dedicated feminine wash can actually help eliminate all those pesky V-zone woes you have been facing, for who knows how long. This can be liken to another scenario I've heard on national radio about how one must always wear clean underwear, cos you never know if you get knocked down. And while the staffs in the operating room are busy peeling away your clothes, they will probably not feel amazed at your dirty knickers.

I think the same scenario can be illustrated with a not-so-clean V-zone too. Imagine after surgery, there will be people in the operating room shaving your pubes clean so they can insert a Catheter, and bam! Something fishy and funky wafting around the operating room. It's probably you, but you won't know cos you are so drowsy from the anaesthesia they administered to you before surgery begins. And no, nobody will tell you anything about the fishy and funky smell either, so don't hope too much on it. However, if you are using a feminine wash such as this Lactacyd Revitalize, you can rest assured that your V-zone secrets are safe, if in the event you are unfortunately lying unconscious in the operating room.

The other factor is that, you can and always feel clean, no matter where you are or what you are doing. I mean, when we were young little girls, it's actually forgivable if you go to the toilet and pee, and then immediately pull up your panties without a second thought. But understand this, as soon as you hit puberty, the weird smells will come, on top of the other regular puberty stuffs going on. And that is the good age to start considering and deciding which feminine wash product you want to be acquainted with. And unfortunately for me, my mother doesn't believe in such products, so no points for me though.

However, as a friend to you, I would definitely suggest investing in feminine wash products as soon as puberty age hits you. It can be a friend, or a neighbor, but please do get the message out. Because if you consider this scenario in the long run, it won't be nice to know deep down inside yourself, you know your V-zone have this weird smell to it and you are not doing anything to solve it at all. It's almost blasphemous to even remotely think about it.

If this still don't deter you at all. Try another one more scenario. You are married and you are on your honeymoon, doing that deed for the first time of your virgin life. And your new husband casually commented: "Phew! What's that funky smell?" Now, how would that feel? Awkward? Embarrassed? Put off with sex for the rest of your married life? I hope not. Hence, even if you are someone who barely just realized that it is important to take care of your V-zone, then you should deserve a pat on the back as it shows you care for your V-Zone just as you care for your outer appearance.

And the best part about Lactacyd Revitalize? It's anti-itching, so it's perfect if your V-zone is always feeling the itch. The pH level is 5.2, which is also perfect for your V-zone too, as the pH level in our V-zone is slightly different from the pH levels on your scalp, hair and skin. What's more, it comes with a deodorant function as well, which helps eliminate funky odor from your V-zone too. As it suds easily and decently and yet is able to be washed off just as easily too.


WHAT I THINK: Cleanliness, refreshing feeling, odor eliminator, what else can I ask for?

WHERE TO REDEEM SAMPLE: Go over to Lactacyd - Love your V Facebook page at, Like the page as a fan. Next, look for this link called Bcomes our VIP, fill in the details and you will get 2 sample sachets in your mailbox.

Why not like my Facebook page at to be informed of latest samples I found, which is duly updated? Also includes updates to contests that I've sourced out for you to join. It will definitely save you the trouble of having to hunt them down :)

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