Wednesday, March 20, 2013

St Ives Invigorating Apricot Scrub Review

WHAT IS IT: St Ives Apricot Scrub


St Ives Apricot Scrub: Only St Ives captures these secrets in this deep cleansing formula with 100% natural exfoliants that gently exfoliates, removing dull, dead skin cells to instantly reveal smooth, visibly healthy skin. It is oil-free, contains 100% natural exfoliants & 100% natural extracts and 2% salicylic acid.

Personally, I am a sucker for beauty products that features such kind of squeeze tubes, as I find it really hassle-free to use while ensuring the product doesn't dry out at all.

It's smooth, the scent is great (I go weak in the knees with anything peach scented), and I love how smooth my skin feels after using this to exfoliate.

VERDICT: First of all, the scent! I am absolutely in love with anything that is peach-scented, as peach-scented products isn't too cloying nor nausea-inducing with the scent. And I love exfoliating to a fanatical level, although I try not to advertise that exfoliating-crazy level out loud. I love how the scent doesn't linger on unnecessarily after exfoliating and washing it off my face. And it doesn't give me any bad reactions after using it, especially so since I have been using this as early as 16 years old (during Secondary school days when I had a part-time job and half my pay went to St Ives products lol).

Especially with acne/pimple and oily prone skin like mine, I am constantly trying to have smooth and soft skin and sometimes, just plain regular facial cleansing isn't enough to make my skin feels clean. And to be honest, I bought this at 16-years-old on a whim. Although the array of facial exfoliating products weren't that much as compared to now, I still took my own sweet time to choose and finally settled for St Ives Apricot Scrub, as it was previously called then. And young me back then didn't exactly know what's the importance of exfoliating, it's just that simple want and wish of having smooth and clean skin that doesn't look clogged nor dirty.

Although the bad part is that, my mother in the pretext of cleaning out my room chanced upon a few tubes and those remaining few tubes miraculously and mysteriously migrated to her bedroom, making me wonder just how fast did I exactly use it. And like I mentioned before, I was only 16-years-old, so my ideal and knowledge of skin exfoliating wasn't as good as what I am aware of now. And add in the fact that back then, I only remember to exfoliate when I had too much blackheads on my nose, which meant I only exfoliate once or twice a month. Sounds lazy? I know, I was that lazy back then.

Fast forward to a couple more years into my 20s and the packaging for St Ives changed so much, but it's still the same old product, just with a cleaner and prettier look to it. What I personally adore is that, this works really well on my oily face and recently in January this year, I've decided to stick to a good regular regime of exfoliating my face at least 2 to 3 times a week. As experts claimed that exfoliating 2 to 3 times a week is actually good and helpful in eliminating blemish scars, slough off dead skin cells and much more benefits. And I dare attest that my face do have really fewer and less acne/pimple breakouts, my old and recent blemish scars are starting to look much more lighter than before, (Of course moisturizing and blemish scars lightening products come into play as well).

I love how it feels just right when I am scrubbing this on my face in the mission of removing dead skin cells on my skin. If you have sensitive skin, this might be a little too abrasive on your skin, but for normal to oily/combination skin, it should work just right. I can literally feel the top dead layers of my skin being rubbed and loosened with every scrub and I love how my skin instantly feels after washing it clean. Smooth, soft, clean, ready to meet the world!


WHAT I THINK: Despite this being my very 1st beauty product choice at sweet 16, I am still a staunch user of this. Plus, it's actually cheap and affordable and you can use it in the bath/shower too, not just on your face.

WHERE TO REDEEM SAMPLE: So far, there's a St Ives Facebook page at, but no samples are available for redemption. However, you can buy and share it with a friend or family members, thus dividing the cost equally. And once again, if you have really sensitive skin, proceed with caution.

Why not like my Facebook page at to be informed of latest samples I found, which is duly updated? Also includes updates to contests that I've sourced out for you to join. It will definitely save you the trouble of having to hunt them down :)

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