Saturday, December 8, 2012

Mizon Skin Recovery Night Repair Seruming Ampoule Review

WHAT IS IT: Mizon Skin Recovery Night Repair Seruming Ampoule


Mizon Skin Recovery Night Repair Seruming Ampoule: Anti-Aging cosmetic with Lathyrus japonicas wild extract. Patented Natto gum helps intensive anti-aging to regenerate skin. Rosemary leaf, aloe vera and lavender flower extract to reinforce skin protection film. Lecithin raises regenerating ability from wrinkles, stress, and harmful environments to make your skin tone vivid. It is a night exclusive regenerating ampoule which retrieves original skin status.

Peptide, which is good for skin elasticity, and antioxidants, Vitamin E, to help your skin elastic, young, and vivid. Cornus, and birch sap improve moisturizing ability and elasticity of skin. You do not even need a moisturizer and regeneration mask. KFDA notified ingredients, adenosine and Niacinamide, included. Cares fine wrinkles to prevent and delay early aging. Gives smooth skin texture. Impedes melanin synthesis for intensive whitening care. Makes your skin bright and clear to retrieve vividness of your complexion.

This product is a very light yellowish in color, with the consistency towards watery/runny that is consistent with gel-based ampoule. The scent is really light, kinda hard to pinpoint exactly what it smells like.

VERDICT: Firstly, the scent is actually really faint, almost to the point of being a scent-free or perfume-free skin ampoule. Despite the ingredient list listing rosemary leaf, aloe vera and lavender flower extract, I definitely did not detect any type of scent that reflects the 3 ingredients that I have stated out. So, for those of us who might have sensitive skin that cannot tolerate scented or perfumed skincare products, this could actually be a blessing indeed. Scent-free or perfume-free is technically good, no matter how you look at it.

For example, lavender can increase sensitivity to sunlight. Other essential oils can cause irritation, rashes, blotches or itchy skin. Stronger essential oils which may be problematic for some sensitive skin types include peppermint, menthol, and eucalyptus and tea tree oil. Hydrosols, which are less concentrated than full strength essential oils, may be more suitable for sensitive skin. These include rose hydrosol and lavender hydrosol. While these products still contain a “natural” fragrance, they may be gentler on the skin.

As for the color of this ampoule, it is actually a very very light yellowish. It's like one moment, you see a faint yellowish color and the next, it suddenly looks clear. Not exactly sure if this ampoule is supposed to be colorless or not. The consistency despite the light yellowish tint that looks close to being a facial oil, is actually slightly runny/watery, almost comparable to being gel-based. And we all know that no matter what type of skin type we have, we can all agree on the little fact that gel-based skin moisturizers are practically much easily absorbed into our skin, whether applied day or night.

As my own skin type is more towards the oily version, I personally find that it is easily spreadable on my skin without having my pores feel clogged. It is also smooth and glides easily without any fuss nor spills, which is a good thing too. And what's more, I like that this ampoule is absorbed easily into my skin, without the regular/usual sticky feeling I encountered too. As this ampoule is geared more towards anti-aging prevention, the best time to actually apply it will be in the evening/night time.

Besides the anti-aging function, this product is also good for skin renewal and whitening. Which both I did not saw, felt nor encounter despite dutifully using it for a couple of nights already. I woke up in the morning as usual, and my skin didn't look any whiter, especially on my blemish scars which pretty much looks the same before I applied this. As for skin renewal, I can't really give this a thumbs-up.

Prior to using this, the area around my chin (which is prone to acne flares) was actually acne-free and looking pretty decent. Towards the 2nd night of using this, I noticed a brand new pimple surfacing it's red angry self which actually hurts to the point where I had to grab an ice-cube and pressed it onto the acne spot just to relieve the redness and pain I was experiencing. If skin renewal is the equivalent of getting a new pimple, then I am so totally out of here..


WHAT I THINK: Skin renewal is not the equivalent of getting a pimple to sprout before I see my skin looking better than before.

WHERE TO REDEEM SAMPLE: If you or your friends were tagged, shared or invited to like Venus Beauty's Facebook page around early August, you would have already got to redeemed this sample from them.

However, it's still not too late to be a fan of Venus Beauty Facebook page at to be notified of current and upcoming promotions that are exclusive to Venus Beauty fans. Really dedicated service from the personnel in-charge of their Facebook page too!!

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