Friday, December 7, 2012

Mizon Skin Turnaround Pore Refine Silky Essence Review

WHAT IS IT: Mizon Skin Turnaround Pore Refine Silky Essence


Mizon Skin Turnaround Pore Refine Silky Essence: Secret Velvet Treatment Mysterious silky essence accomplishing smooth skin which looks just like natural with pore management and sebum control effect. Green tea, corni, and lotus extract which intensively controls pores will prevent the pores from widening because of sebum secretion.

It's actually gel-based, and is white in color. And it has a pleasant scent to it too. This is to be used as a facial essence, similar to a facial moisturizer. To be applied on after using your regular facial toner. It can be used as a primer before make-up to ensure a smooth texture which makes applying make-up much easier.

VERDICT: First of all, the scent!! This actually has a pleasant scent to it, considering that it has green tea, corni and lotus extract. So, I was definitely gunning on this product to smell at least close to heavenly no matter what. And at the same time, it is close to a gel-based facial moisturizer/pre make-up primer. And hence, it is rather nice to apply on my skin as it is so smooth and literally silky to the skin. It gets absorbed into my skin rather fast, as compared to similar brand products that has the word or phrase "silky" and "essence".

As this was given generously to interested fans of Venus Beauty on their Facebook page around the start of August when Venus Beauty's presence on Facebook was just starting to get a foothold. And this sample was one of those facial product samples Venus Beauty wants their fans to grab hold of before stocks ran out. And thereafter, almost all Venus Beauty fans are constantly rewarded with goodies and freebies at least once or twice a month up till now. We all have to wait for the current V-Promotion to end before we get to know what's going to come up next.

This sample is actually enough for close to 1 week's usage, provided if you apply a really thin layer on your face. Whether you have dry, sensitive, oily or combination skin, it doesn't matter. Although it's best to apply skin moisturizer/serum, it doesn't mean you have to scoop out a huge amount. Just a little can go a long way, especially when samples are concerned. So, I managed to use this for close to a week already and here's what I think.

Like I had previously mentioned, it's actually smooth and silky when this essence comes into contact with your skin, and personally for me, it actually gets absorbed rather fast and easy. Despite the essence looking all white and cream-based, it's definitely more towards gel-based judging from how it gets absorbed into my skin without much difficulty. However, as I applied this on after my evening shower, so I had the good luck to wait and see what are the after-effects from using this. And it is giving me mixed expectations.

Just less than a few hours after applying this, my face feels rather "heavy". And a quick swipe of my face with my (clean) fingers proved that sebum flow was close to heavy. It's actually been a while since I saw a layer of sebum on my fingers, so naturally, I decided to take a peek at the mirror. But then, here's where the weird thing happens. Despite seeing so much sebum on my fingers, my face doesn't look very oily nor greasy at all. Weird huh?

We all know that if a quick swipe on our face with our fingers, or even using a piece of facial oil blotters will transfer facial sebum from our face to whatever we use. And naturally, we would more or less guessed how much facial sebum our facial pores will have secrete by looking at our fingers or oil blotters without even looking at the mirror. But still, I was glad I took a peek at the mirror and instantly amused at what I saw. Excess sebum on my fingers, but non-oily/greasy face.

I thought it could have been weather related (Remember, Singapore is a hot and humid country, whether it's day or night), so I continued using this for another few more nights. But from the second night onward, the facial sebum seems a little more controlled. No excessive facial sebum detected, felt nor seen when I did my nightly "finger-swipe-on-my-face" activity. Which made me wonder if it was actually my skin trying to adjust to this product, hence the excessive sebum I got on the first use.

And as this product promises to "intensively controls pores, and will prevent pores from widening because of sebum secretion". The pores on my face looks pretty much the same, it didn't look minimized at any point if this product's main aim is to somehow minimized our pores. And for the pores on my nose, it does look controlled though. Prior to using this, I can see visible globs of sebum on my nose at night. But after using this, the pores on my nose doesn't feel tightened nor minimized. Yet, the sebum flow from the pores of my nose are visibly reduced.

If only everyone had at least 2 sample sachets instead of one, it may help us to decide if this product is one that should be considered and bought or just plain ignored due to the way it works.


WHAT I THINK: This product may had been a little rich for my skin, considering that the 1st time I used it, I had excess sebum flow. Which ultimately gets controlled, this is a rather "confusing" product through and through.

WHERE TO REDEEM SAMPLE: If you or your friends were tagged, shared or invited to like Venus Beauty's Facebook page around early August, you would have already got to redeemed this sample from them.

However, it's still not too late to be a fan of Venus Beauty Facebook page at to be notified of current and upcoming promotions that are exclusive to Venus Beauty fans. Really dedicated service from the personnel in-charge of their Facebook page too!!

Why not like my Facebook page at to be informed of latest samples I found, which is duly updated? Also includes updates to contests that I've sourced out for you to join. It will definitely save you the trouble of having to hunt them down :)

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