Sunday, December 9, 2012

Samples Received/Redeemed: 03 Dec - 08 Dec 2012

Insane week for samples that I received and redeemed. If only we get to receive so many every week, we can all be happy chicas for the whole year. Without further ado, let's take a look at all the goodies I bagged for the past week. (And more sniffing)

Oh, and do be aware that this post consists of 22 photos, so wait for the post to load before scrolling xD

At least it was somewhat easy to guess what's the content from the envelope.

Fluorinez Anti-Bacterial Fluoride Mouth Rinse (100ml)

WHERE TO REDEEM SAMPLE: Oh well, I randomly bugged a friend to redeem it for me because I wondered if it will be another toothpaste or something new. And this time round, I got the mouth rinse instead. However, current sampling/redemption is over and the next available round will be on 07 January 2012.

So it isn't too late to go over to Pearlie White Facebook page at and Like their page first :)

As soon as I saw the "Gold 90.5FM" stamped on the envelope, I knew what it was!! When other radio stations have failed me in terms of music choices, I always know I can go over to 90.5FM and listen to all those wonderful goldies. Yea, I'm not past 30 years old yet, but still, old songs are always the best when compared to current pop hits.

I got to know about this promotion via a friend on my Friend List on Facebook. That's what friends are for, they point you in the right direction whenever there's goodies, freebies and samples going on ^^

WHERE TO REDEEM SAMPLE: Go over to Gold 90.5FM Facebook page at, Like their page. Next, click on the box that says Message and send them your name and mailing address via the Message/PM (a.k.a Private Message) function. Please, for the love of anything and everything good, don't type out your full mailing address via the Comment box. You are only making things easy for advertisement spammers to spam your mailbox with unwanted flyers only..

So, I found out I was one of the first 50 lucky Facebook fans to be rewarded with a Dr.Ci:Labo Aqua Collagen Gel Enrich Lift EX (20g). Was wondering how I was going to redeem it as I am using my online alias as of now. (I would need to collect my new PINK IC which actually reflects Pu Niao on the PINK IC as well :/ ) Until I realized I printed out my FB Profile page weeks ago, could probably used that to show and redeem.

Until I showed up and forgot I used my online alias and gave my real name instead xD

This 20g sample comes with a pamphlet as well, showing all the various products Dr.Ci:Labo carry. Maybe I might consider getting their acne series once I'm done using the existing acne facial products I have on hand.

It's small, it's cute and I don't have wrinkles. My mother will probably benefit from this instead due to the collagen :D

At least the lady who was manning the counter wasn't pushy in trying to get me to buy something. She is probably aware that this is a new brand in Singapore and people won't buy anything at least until they get samples to try and feel it's worth the purchase. Kudos to her!!

WHERE TO REDEEM SAMPLE: Go over to Dr.Ci:Labo Singapore Facebook page at and Like their page. Next, Share their page in order to have a chance to be picked to get a sample of their fab products.

So, this promotion was also thanks to a Facebook friend who pointed me in the right direction as well. So, L'Occitane Singapore had a Facebook promotion and everyone who designed their own L'Occitane Christmas tree is eligible to redeem a petite hand cream by printing out a email redemption letter and surrendering the letter to L'Occitane's Paragon outlet (at B1).

Not hell bent on trying to get more votes on my designed Christmas tree since I know I will never win. Even if every fan on my Facebook page voted for one another, we won't get it since we all are pretty aware of the rampant cheating going on with such apps. (Heck, I can't even get half the friends on my personal Friend List to vote for me no matter how I try..) This has struck even The Body Shop promotional apps too. As long as I get the petite hand cream sample, I am more than content already :)

WHERE TO REDEEM SAMPLE: Go over to L'Occitane en Provence Singapore Facebook page at and Like their page. Next, go over to L’OCCITANE Christmas Tree app page and follow the prompts given. Once done, you will receive an email from them. Print out the email letter and bring it to L'Occitane's Paragon outlet at B1 to redeem.

So, I wasn't expecting to be picked as one of the winners for Skinstreet first giveaway. Until one fine morning, I logged into my Facebook account and saw the announcement *squeaks* They asked for the winners to email them and I promptly gave them my name, IC number, telephone number and mailing address and they informed me that they will mail it to me. So sweet!!

Most prizes, we always have to go down to a designated location and self-collect but not Skinstreet. Maybe it's because I gave them my mailing address as I think I was the first to respond, so well, haha..

Upon opening up the box, I saw so much cushioning for the Day Cream and Night Cream.

2 pamphlets detailing the products they carry as well. Such as the iderm Placenta Serum and Sonic Cleanse handheld facial cleansing machine (machine, I think..)

After attacking the bubble wrap as carefully as I possibly can, I saw these 2 babies. Love the color used!

The pink box is for the Day Cream which promises glowing radiance. It actually looks a little like oats and milk, but the scent is yum. Contains:
  • Damascus Rose otto
  • Sandalwood
  • Wild-Grown Rosehip Seed
  • Rose Damascena Cells

The dark blue box is for the Night Cream which promises skin cell rejuvenating. It looks almost like mayonniase and the scent is also yum. Contains:
  • Wild-Grown Argan Oil
  • Royal Jelly
  • Orange Blossom

WHERE TO REDEEM SAMPLE: As I won this via Skinstreet first giveaway, so i's hard to redeem. However, Skinstreet promises more giveaways coming soon. So, go over to Skinstreet Facebook page at, and Like their page to be notified of future giveaways and contests

So, I was feeling a little blah and bored and decided to go over to SaSa SG and see if there's any new contests up. And I happened to chance upon a promotion that is exclusive to SaSa Facebook fans.

It's actually fat burning pills (a.k.a slimming pills) and despite only seeing it a few days after it was posted up, I decided to try my luck and yippe, there's still stocks left. It's not like I advocate slimming pills strongly, it's still best to try and slim down the natural way instead of trying to cheat via pills and only to have your health suffered as a result.

But still, since SaSa is somewhat "endorsing" it, I figured it shouldn't pose any health risk and hence decided to try it. I mean, let's face it, no decent company would introduce products that pose health risks despite the product claiming excellent results. On a side note, I know who to look for if something happens, but, touch wood!!

This is a 3 days start-pack trial version. Directions includes to take 1 capsule of Raspberry Ketone Plus+ with breakfast and lunch. And take 3 Oxytarm before sleeping at night with a glass of water. So, I am presuming that the oval ones are the Oxytarm pills that lasts for 3 days and the regular pill shape ones are the Raspberry Ketone Plus+. Kinda confusing without knowing which is which?

WHERE TO REDEEM SAMPLE: I am not sure if there are still stocks left? However, you can still go over to SaSa SG Facebook page at and Like their page. Next, send an email to with your name and mailing address.

alternatively, be a fan of SaSa SG Facebook page to be notified of up-and-coming contests, giveaways, etc.

So, I won a Happy Pack from What's in the bag? together with Aruna Thesupermum. Wasn't expecting to win anything from them too lol But well, it is definitely a pleasant surprise nonetheless. The person-in-charge, Lyann Yap, actually ensures that all stuffs are followed up with the winners. From sending a photo of the package that is due to you, to the after follow-up. That's really sweet and detailed!!

When I received this in my mail, I heard lots of crinkling when I slightly pressed the envelope *crinkle crinkle*

I swear Lyann Yap must have a satellite somewhere. How did she know I wub candies?? ♥♥♥

WHERE TO REDEEM SAMPLE: Go over to What's in the bag? Facebook page at, Like and Share their page to be a friend. And join the contests that's ongoing. That easy and simple!!

So, if you remember my previous post on received and redeem samples about the "flash" issue I had with the Venus Beauty AMK outlet staffs. Me and Venus Beauty had come to a solution. I transferred S$9.90 to them and they will mail me a tub of the NOPS Pink Clay Brightening Mask. Ever since I first chanced upon their first giveaway sampling exercise (They let fans redeem retail size version of products they are introducing) of the NOPS Silky Repair Hair Shampoo, I've fell in love with the NOPS brand.

So, this NOPS Pink Clay Brightening Mask is actually a must-have product for me. What they gave out for free or sell at a special prize will ultimately be sold across all their Venus Beauty retail outlets throughout Singapore, however the price will be the normal retail prize instead of the introductory special prize during sample redemption period.

Might as well get it while it's still S$9.90, instead of waiting and having to get it at more than S$15.00, don't you think?

Package came with loads of bubble wrap to protect the product in the mail. That's also a sweet gesture as we all are aware of how SingPost behaves when our precious stuffs are in their mercy :/

Even the packaging is pink and cute. And the clay mask is really pink in color too. it weighs 80g and I am going to save their bottles and containers when I need something to hold my DIY hair and facial sutffs I'm going to do :D

WHERE TO REDEEM SAMPLE: Go over to Venus Beauty Facebook page at, Like their page to be notified of up-and-coming giveaways.

For latest exising fans and Likes, you'll have to wait for the next giveaway, but I assure you the wait is worth waiting for.

Why not like my Facebook page at to be informed of latest samples I found, which is duly updated? Also includes updates to contests that I've sourced out for you to join. It will definitely save you the trouble of having to hunt them down :)

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