Friday, August 22, 2014

Sebamed Anti-Dandruff Shampoo Review

WHAT IS IT: Sebamed Anti-Dandruff Shampoo
Sebamed Anti-Dandruff Shampoo

Sebamed Anti-Dandruff Shampoo
Sebamed Anti-Dandruff Shampoo: When the scalp loses balance and becomes impeded with dandruff the hair loses it vitality, leaving it looking dull and lifeless. Sebamed Anti-Dandruff Shampoo has been specially formulated with mild wash active substances to gently cleanse hair and scalp, removing visible signs of dandruff. The active ingredient Piroctone Olamine reliably dislodges dandruff flakes and soothes irritation. Moisturising and conditioning ingredients revitlise the hair. The pH value of 5.5 supports the regeneration of the scalps acid mantle to stalise its barrier function, to keep it dandruff free.

Sebamed Anti-Dandruff Shampoo
The shampoo itself looks clear but has a pearlized tint to it.

Sebamed Anti-Dandruff Shampoo
It doesn't provide suds as it's soap-free, but it still behaves like what normal shampoo does. You know, the soaping-up and sudsing-up part, but without the actual whitish foam bubbling and multiplying up at all.

VERDICT: The first time I had any form of contact with the brand "Sebamed" was when my parents bought a lotion meant for my younger brother when he was still a baby. We all know how natural babies and skin rashes are, it's almost they were always BFFs during young age. But unfortunately for my brother, the rashes were kinda bad and parts of his face just looked so red, bumpy and itchy. Hence my parents bought a Sebamed lotion (I forgot what is the actual name of the product) meant for the rashes on my brother.

Unfortunately within a week of using it, my brother got a high fever. And apparently, my parents suspected it could be caused by Sebamed. Although exactly how, I'm not too sure. But something they said still rings in my head often. "We shouldn't have bought this. Our daughter had a bad reaction to it. And we were hoping it would work for our son.." Needless to say, my parents decided to keep the Sebamed lotion right on their dresser to remind themselves never to get this brand again for anyone in the family. Until they decided to throw it out when I was still in my teenage years.

And somehow, I found myself getting a sample of a Sebamed Anti-Dandruff Shampoo as a sample. And since I'm not a young and small toddler anymore, I figured it shouldn't do much harm. What more, it is touted as a pH5.5 shampoo that is just right for the human skin, hair, etc. And as many of you readers may have noticed, I've been constantly having trouble with dandruff for quite a number of years. And with products of any type, you just have to give it a try to see if it works. Besides, it just sounded promising and it's meant for the hair/scalp, not the skin at all.

I followed in detail on how the shampoo should be used. And immediately right after the first wash, it seemed like the shampoo is working. But right as soon as my hair is all dry, I noticed that my scalp started feeling itchy. It started with a normal itch, I would say. And I initially thought that because it's pH5.5, my scalp started to react as it needed to go back to the normal pH it was intended to be.

And for the next 1.5 days, my scalp was itching like mad and I was constantly looking around to make sure I was alone before I started scratching my scalp/head in agony with both hands, mind you! And because I have long nails, I actually tried to pry off the dandruff itself with my nails, which resulted in my poor scalp probably being brusied from the scratching to get the dandruff loose off my scalp.

It was only when I washed my hair/scalp on a daily basis for the past 1 week with my usual Elastine Shampoo that the itch finally lessened up. I'm guessing that Sebamed is probably not the right product for my family since I got such a bad reaction from using the anti-dandruff shampoo *shudders*


WHAT I THINK: Felt like a lice-full of monkey right after the first use. Oh god, the itching that never seemed to stop..

WHERE TO REDEEM SAMPLE: I got this sample as part of a package sample giveaway that Guardian hosted during X'mas season in 2013. Anyway, I'm just glad I got the shampoo as a sample instead of literally buying it. I'd probably kill myself if I did bought the actual retail-sized shampoo only to have a severe dandruff/scalp-itching moment :(

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