Saturday, August 16, 2014

NESCAFÉ Smoovlatte Review

Nescafe Smoovelatte

Nescafe Smoovelatte
NESCAFÉ Smoovlatte: A premium smooth and aromatic coffee latté brings coffee lovers a rich flavour, an irresistibly lingering aroma, and smooth creamy milk taste, perfect for those who appreciate quality and convenience.

Nescafe Smoovelatte
It's not too sweet and it's really smooth as it glides down my throat :O

VERDICT: I still remember drinking coffee as young as 3-years-old and that very same night, I walked around the bedroom cos I ended up being unable to fall asleep. And the next time I got to drink anymore coffee again was when I was in my teenage years, as I was "banned" from any coffee-related drinks because apparently, my father was pissed I walked around the bedroom repeatedly in the dead of the night. And mind you, it wasn't a cup of coffee back then. It was only a teaspoon of coffee from the coffee shop. I'm thinking more towards super strong, undiluted Robusto black coffee, since my parents prefer strong undiluted coffee instead of the usual coffee shops one that mix 3/4 cup of plain hot water to 1/4 cup of coffee.

My first impression and tested version of NESCAFÉ was actually the granule version where you have to mix with hot water and you can add milk and/or sugar for preferences. Enough to say, I'm not a big fan of NESCAFÉ granule coffee since the taste is just close to being plain and yucky. If you add too much NESCAFÉ granules, it'll end up on a grander scale of yucky. And by then, even if you add milk AND sugar, it will still stay yucky. So, it wasn't until a few years ago that I dare to purchase my first can of NESCAFÉ coffee from 7-Eleven. It wasn't that bad although I thought it could have been better.

And before I knew it, NESCAFÉ introduced the Mocha and Latte flavour to the already existing milk coffee flavour already available. Yes, I've tried both the Mocha and Latte version. The Mocha version is a little too sweet, and the Latte version is just a notch less sweeter. But still sweet nonetheless, so I still typically stick to my milk color flavour all these years, until I heard that NESCAFÉ is launching a Smoovlatte version a few months back. And as the tagline suggest, it's supposedly "Smooth as silk" which I somewhat found incredible and non-believing as I thought how on earth can coffee be "Smooth as silk".

Until I got my sample in the mail and gave it a try. Yup, as the tagline suggests, it is really smooth as silk. Note that when I drank the milk coffee version for a few years back, it's just drinking coffee. But with the Smoovlatte, it literally glide down my throat instead of being able to drink it normally. And I mean, glide LOL It's as if I just drank silk that tatstes like coffee. Even the expensive cafe coffee, such as Starbucks for example is unable to create a coffee that can literally glides down your throat smoothly.

Taste-wise, it's not too sweet and I think I prefer it over the milk coffee version that I've been sticking to for the past few years. My only pet peeve is, can NESCAFÉ make a can version instead of a bottle version? Bottle version very 麻烦 (a.k.a troublesome). 麻烦 because in a can form, you just drink it and go. But with a bottle, you're tempted to "save it for later" and thus begin the race to find the nearest fridge at your workplace to store it in. Only to forgot it's existence because you were rushing to get home after work LOL


WHAT I THINK: This definitely tastes better than the usual milk coffee version that I've been drinking for the past few years. This is something I would love to drink on a daily basis, but then I prefer canned coffee more than bottled coffee :D

WHERE TO REDEEM SAMPLE: Sample(s) no longer available :(

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