Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Last update for 2013

So, it has been a pretty good but weird year for me. I started out blogging on a daily basis on this blog, before winding down to 1 post per 3 weeks routine. It's pretty crazy, I tell you. On one hand, I wanted to continue blogging daily here. But yet, my work schedule is kinda bleh to prevent me from doing so. And since this year is ending, I'll start off 2014 with regular blog posts once again instead of trying to fit in a new blogging schedule out of the blue.

Since my work schedule is pretty much going to be closing shifts mostly, I figured that I would blog after I get off from work. In other words, after midnight everyday, Singapore time LOL I know this sounds hilarious at some point. But if you were to look at this from various points of view, it might work out somehow.

If I were to blog after midnight in Singapore time, this ensures that my local a.k.a Singapore readers would always get a fresh post waiting for them every morning. Or afternoon, if they hold a shift job. And for overseas readers, and depending on the timezone they are from, it will either be a fresh blog post for the start of the day or a fresh blog post to round off the day.

And as usual, samples and freebies received/redeemed posts will still stay on a end-of-the-month post basis. Since at the start of each brand new year, it will either be samples and freebies galore or not much at all. So, I wouldn't want to chance it with the old weekly post, but links to freebies and samples will still be shared via my Facebook page so you won't miss out. Those that I managed to find out and happened to last for another day or less, I'll gauge to see whether it might still be worth sharing although I hope my readers will get to know about it so they can get their hands on some free goodies to use and try out.

Any feedback, comments and suggestions, do send them in via this blog or the relevant Facebook page update :)

Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Merry Christmas to you~

Merry Christmas 2013

May this day brings with itself a bunch of joy & laughter, a delight to savor.

Merry Christmas

Monday, December 9, 2013

Tsaio Pimple Tonic Review

WHAT IS IT: Tsaio Pimple Tonic
Tsaio Pimple Tonic

Tsaio Pimple Tonic
Tsaio Pimple Tonic: Contains Salicylic Acid, a moderate peeling agent that helps soften and purify cuticles for velvety smooth skin texture. Blended with various botanical extracts, it does not leave any unwanted tightness.

Tsaio Pimple Tonic
The product itself looks a little yellowish, almost like chrysanthemum tea. Although I have to admit, it doesn't seem do much help for my pimples :/

VERDICT: First of all, the scent of the product itself is somewhat light medicinal/herbal. Rest assured that the medicinal scent isn't that strong and overpowering at all. Since the brand name "Tsaio" a.k.a. 上山採藥, which translates roughly to "Going up the hill to pluck medicine", I'm just going to presume this is part of the reason why some of Tsaio products smell a little medicinal and/or herbal-ish so it'll go with the brand name. Actual main reason is because it's blended with various botanical extracts. I doubt I'm going to try this product if it's stated that it's blended with botanical extracts, is named Tsaio but smell something like expensive beauty products from France or something LOL

So far, I've only used this when a brand new pimple is about to make it's appearance on my skin and needless to say, it's not as if it was only 1 pimple every 3 months. Regular readers would have known about my skin troubles after using The Body Shop's Tea Tree Oil. In other words, I'm getting pimples on a really regular basis. Therefore, I religiously applied this before the dreaded pimple gets any redder and obvious on my pale and ghostly skin tone and when the pimple finally decides to ripen after making it's grand appearance.

And I'm proud to say that this product... doesn't seem to work for me at all. In fact, cheaper off-course alternatives such as the Nexcare Acne Patch seems to be working better instead of this product that actually supposedly helps directly. You see, I have a feeling that this product makes my pimple(s) behave indecisively after application. Sometimes, my pimples really decide to have a life of it's own and decide to make me suffer by slapping concealer like a maniac just for the sake of covering up the redness that shows on my skin.

The possible only saving grace is that it actually helps "cool" the burning sensation I get when a pimple is starting to get red and angry. But other than that. I don't even know how it's "peeling" properties is supposed to help when a pimple is fast approaching to "eruption" although I can attest to the fact that the skin around and on my pimple doesn't feel so tight and taut that it hurts.


WHAT I THINK: Helps cool the burning and painful sensation you feel when you have an angry red pimple on your face, but other than that, it doesn't seem to do anything positive at all.

WHERE TO REDEEM SAMPLE: There's no sample sachets to bring home and try. Although on the contrary, you can pop down to the nearest Beauté Spring outlets to try their sample bottle instead.

Why not like my Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/PuNiaosProductReviews to be informed of latest samples I found, which is duly updated? Also includes updates to health, beauty & lifestyle tips at least once a day. It will definitely save you the trouble of having to hunt them down :)

Saturday, December 7, 2013

Scottish Fine Soaps Au Lait Bath & Shower Gel Review

WHAT IS IT: Scottish Fine Soaps Au Lait
Scottish Fine Soaps Au Lait Bath & Shower Gel

Scottish Fine Soaps Au Lait Bath & Shower Gel
Scottish Fine Soaps Au Lait Bath & Shower Gel: A creamy foaming gel with added Vitamin E, suitable for use in either bath or shower and scented with the signature scent of Au Lait.

Scottish Fine Soaps Au Lait Bath & Shower Gel
Gel like texture with a watery consistency, the scent was simply milky goodness at it's best!

VERDICT: The scent of this bath & shower gel is so milky good, it's almost akin to showering/bathing in actual milk. The texture is gel-like but the consistency is watery, like what bath & shower gels are supposed to be, and despite being a watery-esque shower gel, I found that it suds up very well and at the same time, I didn't have too much trouble washing it off either.

For the uninitiated (me in particular), Scottish Fine Soaps is a Scottish based manufacturer of bath & body products established in 1974. Founder, Derek Ross initially set out with the ambition to become a superb toiletry manufacturer, creating products which promote well-being for the mind and body. And because the company is based in Scotland, which is one of the most beautiful natural environments on the planet, hence their focus has always been on quality, luxury and heritage, Scottish Fine Soaps are committed to doing all they can to ensure it remains that way.

And honestly, this is the first time I've encountered, tried and tested au lait a.k.a milk-based shower products throughout my 30 years of existence in life. If only this brand is readily available in Singapore, we can all be Cleopatras-waanabe, showering with milk (well, almost) on a daily basis. And yes, I found it a shame that there is no flagship store in Singapore at all.

The shower & bath gel doesn't irritate my sometimes sensitive skin at all, and even hours after using this in the shower, I still encounter no after- and side-effects from using this on my skin. Safe to say, this is definitely a good choice for some of us who might have sensitive skin and cannot stand using the same soap bars as the rest of our family and/or cannot handle ordinary run-of-the-mill mass-produced shower & bath gels. Definitely a god-send from this product.

And after washing the suds off my skin, my skin doesn't feel as if there's a layer of shower gel residue clinging to my skin too unlike various shower/bath gels I've tried and used before. And the best part? My skin actually felt softer after a few uses, something that I don't experience when using other bath & shower gels at all.


WHAT I THINK: It isn't that hard if you want to be a Cleopatra. Yup!

WHERE TO REDEEM SAMPLE: I got this sample travel-sized bottle in my Vanity Trove box that I received last year (2012) in August. I would actually suggest buying the shower & bath gel and/or body butter to try it out first before deciding on getting the entire range. At least if it doesn't work out for you, you can still give it to a friend. But since my sometimes sensitive skin can get really cranky without warning, I find that this product works just well for me.

Why not like my Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/PuNiaosProductReviews to be informed of latest samples I found, which is duly updated? Also includes updates to health, beauty & lifestyle tips at least once a day. It will definitely save you the trouble of having to hunt them down :)

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

AmethyStory Mineral Aqua Gel Review

WHAT IS IT: AmethyStory Mineral Aqua Gel
AmethyStory Mineral Aqua Gel

AmethyStory Mineral Aqua Gel
AmethyStory Mineral Aqua Gel: No colouring, no fragrance, this gentle formula is specially blended with Amethyst, Hyaluronic Acid & Bio Energy Fluid to help enhance the removal of dead, dry & rough skin & promote skin rejuvenation. After removing the dead skin layers that form a barrier, your skin would be in a optimal condition to absorb skincare nutrients!

Instant results after use: skin feels fairer, more hydrated, and clearer. Make up can glide on easier & more lasting with a natural look. Use the Amethystory Mineral Aqua Gel for a more natural way to improve your complexion

AmethyStory Mineral Aqua Gel
Smells pretty decent and doesn't feel sticky upon application at all.

AmethyStory Mineral Aqua Gel
And it works so well, kinda half tempted to use it on a daily basis although it's a little difficult to wash off after usage. Haha xD

VERDICT: First to start off things, this Mineral Aqua Gel from AmethyStory has no significant scent, just that it reminds me of clean and fresh, that's all. I personally don't think I am a stickler for scented facial products unless it's Green Tea, Tea Tree and the likes. Anything else would just be a tad awkward unless the scent is literally to-die-for. I still remember previously when I review the Natural Aqua Gel Cure and I personally still think in terms of after-usage, Natural Aqua Gel Cure seems slightly better although price-wise, AmethyStory would be cheaper.

AmethyStory Mineral Aqua Gel is actually milky-white in color and the product has a gel-like consistency to boot. So, I won't be surprised if you got the sample version and found out that it starts to harden a little if you forgot to use it for a week or 2 after transferring it from the sample sachet to a reusable container/pot. Mine's starting to feel like hair gel somewhat, and I don't really want to know how much more it can harden if I leave it any longer.

Despite the misforgivings about the condition of this product, I found that this product also work well. And since I haven't been properly exfoliating my skin for close to a month previously, I was kinda happy that I managed to get off so much dead skin cells immediately upon using this for the first time. This gel-like product starts to slowly "melt" into liquid form as I massaged it around my face and soon enough, white and wet flakes started showing up as a testament to my laziness in facial exfoliation LOL

But when it's time to wash off the after-math of the product and the white wet flakes off my face, I seemed to have encountered a slight problem. It took a few washes before I can totally wash off everything on my face. Seems like those wet flakes refused to budge and get off my skin upon initial face washing, and subsequent washing doesn't seem to totally help. I ended up having to grab a tissue to swipe off the leftover flakes off my face. Sometime an exfoliator shouldn't do upon after usage, don't you think so?

In terms of usage, this product doesn't seem to fare so well although the price is definitely cheaper than the Natural Aqua Gel Cure though.


WHAT I THINK: First time I ever felt that washing my face seems like a chore ^^;

WHERE TO REDEEM SAMPLE: AmethyStory on Facebook is no longer giving this sample away. I would actually recommend asking among your friends who else has a sample that they can give you to try though. Let's just say, it's a chore to re-wash your face repeatedly :/

Why not like my Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/PuNiaosProductReviews to be informed of latest samples I found, which is duly updated? Also includes updates to health, beauty & lifestyle tips at least once a day. It will definitely save you the trouble of having to hunt them down :)

Saturday, November 30, 2013

Samples Received/Redeemed: November 2013

So, I've come to a decision for now. Samples Received/Redeemed posts will be consolidated and posted up towards the end of every month. As mentioned before in my previous Samples Received/Redeemed post, some weeks I could have received only 1 sample or even none. While some weeks, I might received so much I might have to split them into 2 separate weekly posts instead. And I got thinking, since I've already diligently posted up samples/freebies link to my Facebook page, all that's left for the "aftermath" of it is to post them up on this blog once I received the samples.

Regular samples/freebies requesters would have realized that some companies are prompt in sending out samples while some can take somewhat forever with no news at all. At least a monthly consolidated post would showcase the samples that are received within the month. And also, I've decided to stop updating several sub-tabs under the Win Something tab. In short, Facebook: Lucky Draw and Facebook: Daily Contests won't be updated. On the contrary, if the prizes seems worth winning, I'll post up relevant links on my Facebook page instead. Let's just say I'm "saving" those precious spaces for something else in the near future.

Anyways, without further yapping from me, here's a look at November's freebies, samples received & redeemed and goodies I've bought for myself and/or discovered.

Guardian Plus
Guardian Health & Beauty Facebook previously had this ongoing X'mas-related app called Guardian Plus where you send gift packs to your friends. Whoever sends one back to you in return makes you eligible to redeem a Gift Pack for yourself. I went for the For Her free pack since obviously, I'm a female LOL The Gift Pack is valued at S$25 and seems quite awesome, in my humble opinion. At least the good part is that, we can redeem it at Takashimaya Orchard instead of going to Tampines. I still remember having to travel all the way to Tampines to receive my CNY prizes LOOL Anyhows, here's the goodies in my Guardian Plus Gift pack.

Guardian Plus
  • Woods' Peppermint Lozenges x 1 @ 15g
  • Pharmaton CorActive x 1 tab (4 Capsules)
  • Pharmaton CorActive pamphlet x 1

Guardian Plus
  • Physiogel pamphlet x 1
  • Physiogel Hypoallergenic Cream x 1 @ 3ml
  • Physiogel Hypoallergenic Lotion x 1 @ 10ml
  • Physiogel Hypoallergenic Cleanser x 1 @ 10ml

Guardian Plus
  • Japan BeautiScience Chewable Collagen with Hyaluronic Acid tablets x 6 tablets
  • MyChelle Magnolia Fresh Eyes x 1 @ 0.5ml
  • Udderly Smooth Body Cream x 1

Guardian Plus
  • Colgate Sensitive Pro-Relief x 1 @ 22ml/30g
  • Vagisil FreshDay Feminine Cleansing Wipes x 1

Guardian Plus
  • SebaMed Anti-Dandruff Shampoo x 1 @ 20ml
  • SebaMed Cleansing Shower Oil x 1 @ 15ml
  • SebaMed Olive Cleansing Bar x 1 @ 15g
  • Himalaya Purifying Neem Face Wash x 1 @ 15ml

Guardian Plus
  • Vitabiotics Jointace Omega-3 x 8 capsules
  • Innershine RubyCollagen Essence x 50ml(bottle) & 15g(strip)

Guardian Plus
  • Tiger Balm Neck & Shoulder Rub x 1 @ 5g
  • Complete Blink-N-Clean Len Drops x 1 @ 5ml

WHERE TO REDEEM SAMPLE: Go over to Guardian Health & Beauty Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/guardiansg, Like the page first. Next, look for this app called Guardian Plus. You need to send at least 3 gifts to 3 friends and the first one who sends back the gift to you will let you be able to redeem the Gift Pack of your choice :) Good Luck!

I personally love how the green of this sample tube looks like. It's so zen-ish looking LOL It's worth 15g, good for half a week's usage if you use it once a day though. Hmm...

WHERE TO REDEEM SAMPLE: Ssampling has already ended. However, I still urge you to be a fan of their facebook page to be informed/updated on the latest sampling activity. Go over to Neutrogena Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/NeutrogenaSG, and Like their page.

Beauty By Nature
I was a little curious about the shower gels and bath salts that can be found in all Beauty by Nature outlets and finally decided to grab these 2 babies while at it.

  • Mint-Lavender Scrub Salt @ 400g
  • Mint-Lavender Shower Gel @ 600ml

The scent is so minty and refreshing I was instantly sold. Not to mention that staff there was more than eager to let me test-sniff almost everything LOL

Beauty By Nature
And I got these samples for my purchase too:

  • Nuxe Body Fondant Shower Gel x 1 @ 50ml
  • Nuxe 24hr Soothing and Moisturizing Emulsion x 1 @ 15ml
  • Nuxe Fondant Cleansing Gel x 1 @ 15ml
  • trilogy Refresh & Shine Conditioner x 1 @ 30ml

Beauty By Nature
And because November was my birthday month, I was eligible to redeem a birthday gift pack as well.

Beauty By Nature
Here's a peek at what's inside the box. And seriously, I've never seen a sales staff so happy in my entire life before. She actually made me feel as if I was her fairy godmother despite only paying less than S$50 for my total purchases xD

Beauty By Nature
My birthday gift pack freebies includes:

  • Lierac Initiatic Energizing Smoothing Fluid Early Wrinkle Correction x 1 @ 10ml
  • Evolu Recovery Day Cream Skin-Calming Replenishment x 1 @ 75ml
  • Le Petit Olivier Bio Organic Care Shampoo x 1 @ 250ml

Beauty By Nature
  • Nuxe Anti-Fatigue Moisturizing Cream x 1 @ 15ml
  • Nuxe Brightening Cleansing Foam x 1 @ 15ml
  • Nuxe Visible Expression Lines Fluid x 1 @ 15ml
  • Nuxe Visible Expression Lines Cream x 1 @ 15ml
  • Nuxe 24hr Soothing and Moisturizing Emulsion x 1 @ 15ml
  • Nuxe 24hr Soothing and Rehydrating Fresh Mask x 1 @ 15ml
  • Nuxe Clarifying Cream Mask x 1 @ 15ml

WHERE TO REDEEM SAMPLE: If your birthday is coming, you will receive a flyer in your mailbox informing you that you are eligible to redeema birthday gift pack from any Beauty by Nature outlets in Singapore. And the flyer itself also gives you 25% discount on any purchases. Coupled with my "chop-chop" membership card, I get additional 10% discount as well.

franc franc
I bought a Power Essence Watering Gel Cream in Frangipani scent. They have other scents too, but this Frangipani scent is so much gentler to my nose. And along the way, I bought a multi-purpose pouch that was on discount at francfranc Vivo City. It was originally S$23, but I only end up paying S$6.90 for it. It's about due time I get a proper pouch for my membership cards LOL Using a container only gives me bruises on my thigh :(

franc franc
Here's how the pouch looks like after I stuffed it full of my cards xD

WHERE TO REDEEM SAMPLE: No samples are available for bringing home. On the contrary, whatever can be tried or sniffed at are all placed alongside their products.

Milo was previously having some sort of photo contest giveaway, and I only found out about it quite late. But luckily, PepperSung told me about it, which in turn, I quickly shared the link on my Facebook page. Majority of the best prizes were already fully redeemed, so I had to settle for the tumbler prize instead.

To top it off, nobody from Milo called to confirm my pick-up date for the prize, not even a sight of any email despite the redemption letter claming so. I finally managed to made it to the pick-up point for collection only to be told by the receptionist that the redemption period is over. I sort of "argued" my case politely and informed her that despite the letter claiming that a representative will call and confirm a pick-up time and date, I didn't receive any phone call or email at all. And in the end, I was allowed to collect my prize. Phew~

400g Milo powder pack and a Milo tumbler.

The lid/cap looks easy to "operate" on since I'm just sometimes plain lazy to operate a mug that takes too much steps to use LOL

WHERE TO REDEEM SAMPLE: Redemption is already over as all items have been fully redeemed.

The Sample Store previously had a new Sponsored Sample up for grabs, and it was just a sad Darlie toothpaste. I'm actually getting lethargic from the over-abundance of toothpaste samples I'm probably going to hate using them for a while now :/ So, I sort of waited and baited until they came up with another new sample and grab them both at once.

The Sample Store
Bioessence Aqua Droplet Sleeping Beauty Mask x 2 sachets @ 3g each.

The Sample Store
Inside peek at the sample pouch itself.

The Sample Store
Darlie Double Action Enamel Protect Toothpaste x 1 @ 50g

WHERE TO REDEEM SAMPLE: As long as you have an account with The Sample Store and also have enough points, you are able to redeem these samples. Just go over to https://www.samplestore.com/site/home, click on the Sponsored Samples link and click on the items you want to redeem. Simple as cake. By the way, Sponsored Samples meant "Free Delivery". So, even if you have no money a.k.a credits in your account, you can still redeem them as long as you have points in your accounts, which is accumulated when you review products.

Black Box December
So, I found out I was eligible for the December Black Box, or was it the November Black Box? :O

Black Box December
The latest news on the Black Box card detailing the latest updated method to secure your own Black Box, either via balloting or by paying courier fee.

Black Box December
A list of items expected to receive in the Black Box itself.

Black Box December
The bimonthly vouchers I always dread receiving and seeing, to be honest :/ Anywho, here's a look at the samples/freebies I got in the latest Black Box~

Black Box December
  • VDL Lumilayer Primer x 1
  • VDL Perfecting Last Foundation SPF 25, PA++ x 1

In the front, it's English but at the back, it's in Korean. Hmm...

Black Box December
  • Gatsby Ice-Type Deodorant Body Paper x 3 sheets per pack
  • but, Becky Natural Vitality & Soothing Lavender Mask x 1 @ 28ml

Black Box December
  • Nuxe Hand and Nail Cream x 1 @ 15ml
  • bio-home Kitchen Cleaner x 1 @ 40ml
  • Darlie All Shiny White Enamel Care x 1 @ 40g

Black Box December
  • Zappy After Sports Wipes x 1
  • Zappy Ultimate Antiseptic & Antibacterial Wipes x 1
  • Zappy Boy Alcohol Wipes x 1
  • Zappy Insect Repellent Wipes x 1

WHERE TO REDEEM SAMPLE: As long as you are a subscriber to Black Box Singapore, you are eligible for a chance to receive your free bimonthly Black Box. When the new box is about to make an appearance, you will get a email asking you to go to a link provided to ballot for a chance. If by any chance you don't get that chance, you can pay for the courier fee to ensure your black box is secured for delivery to you :)

Why not like my Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/PuNiaosProductReviews to be informed of latest samples I found, which is duly updated? Also includes updates to health, beauty & lifestyle tips at least once a day. It will definitely save you the trouble of having to hunt them down :)