Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Last update for 2013

So, it has been a pretty good but weird year for me. I started out blogging on a daily basis on this blog, before winding down to 1 post per 3 weeks routine. It's pretty crazy, I tell you. On one hand, I wanted to continue blogging daily here. But yet, my work schedule is kinda bleh to prevent me from doing so. And since this year is ending, I'll start off 2014 with regular blog posts once again instead of trying to fit in a new blogging schedule out of the blue.

Since my work schedule is pretty much going to be closing shifts mostly, I figured that I would blog after I get off from work. In other words, after midnight everyday, Singapore time LOL I know this sounds hilarious at some point. But if you were to look at this from various points of view, it might work out somehow.

If I were to blog after midnight in Singapore time, this ensures that my local a.k.a Singapore readers would always get a fresh post waiting for them every morning. Or afternoon, if they hold a shift job. And for overseas readers, and depending on the timezone they are from, it will either be a fresh blog post for the start of the day or a fresh blog post to round off the day.

And as usual, samples and freebies received/redeemed posts will still stay on a end-of-the-month post basis. Since at the start of each brand new year, it will either be samples and freebies galore or not much at all. So, I wouldn't want to chance it with the old weekly post, but links to freebies and samples will still be shared via my Facebook page so you won't miss out. Those that I managed to find out and happened to last for another day or less, I'll gauge to see whether it might still be worth sharing although I hope my readers will get to know about it so they can get their hands on some free goodies to use and try out.

Any feedback, comments and suggestions, do send them in via this blog or the relevant Facebook page update :)

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