Monday, December 9, 2013

Tsaio Pimple Tonic Review

WHAT IS IT: Tsaio Pimple Tonic
Tsaio Pimple Tonic

Tsaio Pimple Tonic
Tsaio Pimple Tonic: Contains Salicylic Acid, a moderate peeling agent that helps soften and purify cuticles for velvety smooth skin texture. Blended with various botanical extracts, it does not leave any unwanted tightness.

Tsaio Pimple Tonic
The product itself looks a little yellowish, almost like chrysanthemum tea. Although I have to admit, it doesn't seem do much help for my pimples :/

VERDICT: First of all, the scent of the product itself is somewhat light medicinal/herbal. Rest assured that the medicinal scent isn't that strong and overpowering at all. Since the brand name "Tsaio" a.k.a. 上山採藥, which translates roughly to "Going up the hill to pluck medicine", I'm just going to presume this is part of the reason why some of Tsaio products smell a little medicinal and/or herbal-ish so it'll go with the brand name. Actual main reason is because it's blended with various botanical extracts. I doubt I'm going to try this product if it's stated that it's blended with botanical extracts, is named Tsaio but smell something like expensive beauty products from France or something LOL

So far, I've only used this when a brand new pimple is about to make it's appearance on my skin and needless to say, it's not as if it was only 1 pimple every 3 months. Regular readers would have known about my skin troubles after using The Body Shop's Tea Tree Oil. In other words, I'm getting pimples on a really regular basis. Therefore, I religiously applied this before the dreaded pimple gets any redder and obvious on my pale and ghostly skin tone and when the pimple finally decides to ripen after making it's grand appearance.

And I'm proud to say that this product... doesn't seem to work for me at all. In fact, cheaper off-course alternatives such as the Nexcare Acne Patch seems to be working better instead of this product that actually supposedly helps directly. You see, I have a feeling that this product makes my pimple(s) behave indecisively after application. Sometimes, my pimples really decide to have a life of it's own and decide to make me suffer by slapping concealer like a maniac just for the sake of covering up the redness that shows on my skin.

The possible only saving grace is that it actually helps "cool" the burning sensation I get when a pimple is starting to get red and angry. But other than that. I don't even know how it's "peeling" properties is supposed to help when a pimple is fast approaching to "eruption" although I can attest to the fact that the skin around and on my pimple doesn't feel so tight and taut that it hurts.


WHAT I THINK: Helps cool the burning and painful sensation you feel when you have an angry red pimple on your face, but other than that, it doesn't seem to do anything positive at all.

WHERE TO REDEEM SAMPLE: There's no sample sachets to bring home and try. Although on the contrary, you can pop down to the nearest Beauté Spring outlets to try their sample bottle instead.

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