Friday, April 5, 2013

Brooks Cantafe Matcha Cappuccino Review

WHAT IS IT: Brooks Cantafe Matcha Cappuccino


Brooks Cantafe Matcha Cappuccino: Experience the unique taste of sweetness and Matcha bitterness. Frothy creamy milk and Matcha make a great combination. Try Japan’s favorite taste!

The scent is quite nice, but I find that if you use a really big mug, the taste actually gets really diluted. So, a smaller mug is really recommended, however, if you have already or is more used to using big mugs, may I gently recommended adding a splash of milk so the taste won't be too diluted and weak.

VERDICT: The scent is actually nice, with that reassuring smell of green tea. It isn't too strong, so non green tea drinkers won't find that scent and taste too put-off at all. And I like that the beverage itself looks so creamy, but here's where the problem lies. Use a small mug at first, if it looks and tastes too thick, you can always transfer to a bigger much to even out the taste. I made the mistake of using a big mug in the first place, so I cannot re-transfer to a smaller mug in the hopes that the taste would be better. However, I counter that by adding a splash of milk so it won't taste too weak and bland.

Basically, more than 10 years ago, I've already tried a similar type of beverage before. It was supposedly a Hong Kong brand and the drink is called "Yuan Yang" (鸳鸯). Apparently, Hong Kong people came up with this "Yuan Yang" concoction, where it's actually a beverage that is Coffee added together with tea. The actual preparation is three parts of coffee and seven parts of Hong Kong-style milk tea, and since I am Cantonese, I took to this concoction like a duck to water and instantly loved it. So, I was a little surprised when I found out that this Matcha Cappuccino is a mixture of Green Tea (the "Matcha" part) and Coffee (the "Cappuccino" part).

First things first, green tea + coffee is definitely a new combination which is new on the market somehow. So, I find that the scent of Green Tea is strong despite it being a Matcha & Cappuccino combination. But the scent of Green Tea doesn't seem to be overbearing as I personally like green tea too, almost to a fanatical level sometimes, especially if it involves pastries in it. So, while I already made the mistake of having this beverage in a too big mug, but what I can attest is that the scent of green tea is definitely stronger than the coffee a.k.a cappuccino scent or taste. And also, once hot water has been added, the beverage actually looks more like a green tea + milk concoction instead.

Yet on the other hand, if you were to literally add green and regular coffee brown color together, I doubt the end result of the color would actually look nice. So, maybe that's the reason why the color of this beverage is a creamy milky green, instead of something weird. And let's face it, some of us are going to be wary of drinking something that doesn't look like what it should. I know I'm one of the abovementioned, so don't feel guilty if you think the same.

What I like is that ultimately, this Matcha Cappuccino combination isn't too sweet at all, so if you are afraid of green tea being too sweet, rest assured. Most green tea products aren't really that sweet to put you off, it's probably the pastries and ice-blended version that will since vanilla powder is definitely included in your ice-blend version(s) while sugar is in the pastries version. All in all, this is something that I would recommend sipping to on a lazy afternoon, curled up in your favorite seat with a favorite book. The caffeine level doesn't actually affect me too much, so I didn't do my "walk as a zombie in the night" routine.


WHAT I THINK: As I've tried the Hong Kong equivalent, so I can definitely assure you that this Brooks version will taste just as splendid. Just remember, smaller mug first!!

WHERE TO REDEEM SAMPLE: Go over to Brook's Café Facebook page at, Like their page as a fan. Next, look for the link that says Trial Sample E&J. It's that easy :)

Note that back in February (2013), they had a free sampling exercise where the first 3,000 people who signed up will get their Brooks Cafe samples mailed to them free-of-charge. But I think it's over, so you now have to have a postage fee of JPY 150. But I think it's worth the try and postage fee, if you really want to give this beverage a chance but do not want to buy a big box only to end up not liking the taste.

Why not like my Facebook page at to be informed of latest samples I found, which is duly updated? Also includes updates to contests that I've sourced out for you to join. It will definitely save you the trouble of having to hunt them down :)

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