Thursday, April 4, 2013

Brand's InnerShine Marine Collagen Essence Strip Review

WHAT IS IT: Brand's Innershine Marine Collagen Essence Strip


Brand's InnerShine Marine Collagen Essence Strip: A delicious, low calorie beauty supplement in jelly format that supplies skin with collagen, Niacinamide (a form of Vitamin B3), and Vitamin E to maintain its suppleness and elasticity.

It taste almost exactly like actual jelly, so if you were fed this blindfolded, you wouldn't even know. The slight sourish and sweetness of the Collagen Essence strip actually complements, but best recommended taken when cold/chilled in the fridge first.

VERDICT: First of all, the scent of the Marine Collagen Essence strip isn't that strong, so for those of us who doesn't like their collagen products too "strongly scented", we're in luck. As we all are aware, most powder Collagen products tend to smell towards fishy, since it's "marine"-based. But luckily, the scent for this "marine" collagen product is more grape than fishy as it contains Kyoho grapes as part of it's ingredient list. The taste of it is actually quite close to grape, just a little wee bit sour but with a decently good amount of sweetness involved to complement it. This is one marine collagen essence product I can enjoy eating on, without having to be put off by the scent.

Like most ladies, I love collagen products but I prefer it if it doesn't taste too strongly or too much trouble to consume. I mean, why go through all that trouble of maintaining the collagen levels in our skin and body when consuming collagen products ended up being more of a chore than a luxury, right? So, I personally would pegged this to be suitable right after meal time, when you crave for an after-meal dessert but yet do not want to pile on the weight just because of a daily meal obsession.

Personally, I've tried mostly powdered forms of collagen products. And most of the time, it is pretty much the same, either it can be consumed on it's own, which ultimately brings it to the "fishy" taste we mostly do not like. Or we can mix it into our drinks or food, which also bring forth a slight "fishy" taste as well. Seems like powdered collagen products is also mostly about the fishy smell, no matter how much we try to disguise it with food or drinks, huh? Yeah, it does feel troublesome to consume something that is meant to benefit us, but yet, we try to put it off because of the scent and taste that comes along. This is something I personally can relate to.

I love how the taste ensure that I will keep taking this collagen supplement happily each time. It's fuss-free, taste heavenly and at the same time, easy to consume without having to go through so much fuss. This means I can bring 1-2 strips out with me so I can easily "replenish" my body and skin with collagen supplements without feeling like it's a chore to do so. You wouldn't want to lug around a tub/container full of collagen powder, would you? I know I wouldn't, even if I wanted to transfer some to another bottle, it's the amount needed that could be a little worrying. Just how much equates to a scoop, right?

Although unlike actual Botox injections, you won't see results in just 1 week. But as I've personally tried other Brand's InnerShine products before, I can accurately and confidently know that I will see results in the long-run as long as I continue taking this Marine Collagen Essence Strip on a permanent basis. Yum!


WHERE TO REDEEM SAMPLE: Brand's InnerShine Singapore was previously giving out 2 strips sample per Facebook user, some time around last year. Fortunately, you need to share/invite X amount of friends in order to redeem it. Unfortunately for me, I shared/invite more than the requisite amount, but couldn't get the page to save my info. So, no free samples for me and I had to go to Watsons and buy it just to see what the "hype" is about :(

Why not like my Facebook page at to be informed of latest samples I found, which is duly updated? Also includes updates to contests that I've sourced out for you to join. It will definitely save you the trouble of having to hunt them down :)

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