Saturday, January 12, 2013

Samples Received/Redeemed: 07 Jan - 12 Jan 2013

It is definitely a crappy week, not much goodies that I've received nor redeemed. But still, at least 1 is better than none, no matter how I look at it.

And when I eyed this plastic-y envelope, I instantly knew. The 4th and final Humming Tote Bag is finally here. They were delivered in different colored plastic envelopes.

Here's the front of the Tote Bag, with a big flower on it. Can't really figure out exactly what type of flower it is, but it's a big flower :D

And here's the back of the bag, with Humming's website address. And the last Tote Bag is really slightly bigger than the 3rd one I've received.

Here's a shot at all 4 of the Tote bags from Humming. From the left is the 1st and smallest one, while the on the right is the last and the biggest. Notice how the size gets bigger and bigger.

Luckily, it's only 4 they are giving out. If Humming is going to continue giving them out, the size is definitely going to get bigger and we all will probably attempt to fit ourselves inside the bag while taking pictures :P

WHERE TO REDEEM SAMPLE: If you haven't gotten your very 1st Mini Tote bag from Humming Flowers & Gifts yet, here's how:
  • Go over to Humming Flowers & Gifts Facebook page at, Like their page.
  • Next, click on the button that states Message beside the Like/Liked button near the top right of the page, that is the PM a.k.a Private Message function.
  • Once a standalone pop-up box appears, type in your name and mailing address in order to get your very first Mini Tote bag from Humming Flowers & Gifts.
  • As soon as you get the very first Mini Tote bag, snap a photo of it and then post, upload and share it on your own profile wall.
  • Next, let them know you have received, taken a photo, upload, posted and shared by commenting on Humming Flowers & Gifts Facebook page.
  • Now, you send them a PM for the 2nd Mini Tote bag and repeat the above steps to get the 3rd and 4th bag.

I've collected all 4 designs, have you collected yours yet? :D

So, I received this mailer from FreshKon in my mailbox. Was a little excited, maybe there's a mailer inside for free contact lenses sampling. Since the last time I wear contact lenses, it was unfortunately because my glasses decided to "snap and break" in a very unexpected place. Which is that specific area that links the lenses to the two sticks that hooks around your ear (My apologies for the horrendous explanation, but I am simply not too familiar with Spectacle anatomy. I simply knwo them as "Spectacles" or "Glasses".)

If it's just the screw that has gotten loose, it can easily be replaced free-of-charge at the nearest spectacle shop near you. But alas, it was actually separated from the spectacle frame area that holds the lenses. Even scotch-tape can't save me, so I sent a staff to the nearest spectacle shop to purchase contact lenses on my behalf and luckily, she knew what to ask before running off the buy them.

And needless to say, Bausch & Lomb has been the only brand I've tried without side effects. So, I was thinking maybe I could get a free trial for the same brand or something. Only to be sorely disappointed somehow..

First, it came in a booklet form. Which somehow upped the "excited" factor a little.

And that's when I realized, it's just many pieces of printed rubbish crap advertising the different functions of FreshKon contact lenses. Which brings to mind, can't they just do this via Email as they have my email address? There isn't enough trees and rainforest on this planet anymore, and excessive and useless advertising garbage like these isn't really helping our home planet.

Thanks, FreshKon for helping me make up my mind in not supporting you by buying your products anymore. I do not like wastage of paper via useless and stupid method like these type of advertising. Oh why, all those samples I've received in my mailbox before, I've always kept the envelopes so I can re-use them. And that is only so much I can do as a consumer.

Whereas you FreshKon as a big company, can't even take the first step in preventing trees being cut down for nonsensical wastages like this. In fact, you are probably happy that you are sending out so many of these crap in the hopes that I would buy your products after being visually attacked with so many colors. You're wrong!

And the pamphlet at the last is more of a "Buy 1 Get 1 Free" exercise. Let's face it, why would I purchase something I've never tried before? I don't want anything bad to happen to my eyes and already bad eyesight.

WHERE TO REDEEM SAMPLE: This paper wastage was mailed to me since I have a membership account on FreshKon website. And I stronly urge my readers not to sign up for any membership nor newsletter so we can actually prevent FreshKon from wasting even more papers and cutting even more trees just so they can print these nonsense to mail it out -_-

Why not like my Facebook page at to be informed of latest samples I found, which is duly updated? Also includes updates to contests that I've sourced out for you to join. It will definitely save you the trouble of having to hunt them down :)

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