Monday, January 14, 2013

Kinohimitsu J’pan JointFlex Drink Review

WHAT IS IT: Kinohimitsu J’pan JointFlex Drink


Kinohimitsu J’pan JointFlex Drink: A uniquely formulated with Fermented Corn Extract and Shark Cartilage to provide a dynamic blend of these two natural, powerful key active ingredients to promote joint health. Each 50ml is equivalent to 1,500mg of plant-derived Glucosamine and 200mg of Chondroitin. One bottle a day gives your joints great mobility!

A dark brownish liquid, which actually tastes a little "yuck", to be honest. I got this bottle free from CozyCot's "Connect with Facebook - Receive a Welcome Gift".

VERDICT: This product has a dark brown color tinge to it, the smell doesn't give anything away as to whether it would be a tasty drink or not. There is definitely a faint scent to it, but it wasn't that overly strong, which I personally think is a good thing when health-related drinks such as this are concerned. However, the taste is a little yuck according to my own personal opinion.

Apparently, this J'pan JointFlex Drink promotes joint health with 2 natural ingredients that consists of Fermented Corn Extract and Shark Catilage. Which probably explains why this drink tastes a little yucky in my opinion. Although luckily, this small bottle can be stored in the refrigerator for up to a week, since I wanted to drink a small portion for a few good days in order to gauge/judge how effective it is. And it doesn't over-chilled to the point where it becomes a jelly-like drink due to sitting in the chilly confines of the refrigerator.

Since prior to drinking this, I've occasionally encountered ankle joint issues where sitting in front of my laptop for prolonged hours leads to joint pain in my ankle. So, I figured this product might be good to test and reviewed and deemed whether it may be a worthwhile buy in future. And after trying this for a few days, I did actually feel the effects of it seemingly working. My ankle joint area doesn't hurt so bad lately. In fact, I didn't even realized any pain nor discomfort in my joints at all.

And honestly, as this is my first time trying a Kinohimitsu product meant for joints, I wasn't really counting on it to work at all. So, I was definitely amazed and surprised that from the very first bottle, I am already seeing results. Although to top it off, I still don't like the taste at all. And besides, I am not really a big fan of nomming on shark parts just for the sake of health and/or beauty, so I am pretty confident that I won't buy this product on a regular basis. Maybe once every couple of months just to keep joint pain at bay so it doesn't affect my daily life at all.


WHAT I THINK: Impressive that I see significant results from the first bottle, but I am definitely not a big fan of the taste nor the fact that there's shark-related stuffs in it.

WHERE TO REDEEM SAMPLE: If you have a membership from CozyCot and have yet to redeem your Welcome Gift from them, do so soon. As I am rather sure they rotate out the items in the Welcome Gift pack. The first one I've gotten was just mostly beauty samples, while the second one consists of slightly better items which includes this Kinohimitsu J’pan JointFlex Drink.

You will need to print out a copy of the email if it gets delivered to your email inbox for redemption. Alternatively, if you did not receive any type of email confirmation, you just need to show up at CozyCot's retail outlet at Orchard Central where they will need you to log into your Facebook account within their retail shop for verification purposes.

Why not like my Facebook page at to be informed of latest samples I found, which is duly updated? Also includes updates to contests that I've sourced out for you to join. It will definitely save you the trouble of having to hunt them down :)

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