Sunday, December 23, 2012

Samples Received/Redeemed: 17 Dec - 22 Dec 2012

And my humble apologies for not having a blog post yesterday, as I am currently testing out this Dermalogica sample and I would like to be able to use it on my newly-sprouted pimple for a few days before I write up a review on it.

So, here's a list of samples and goodies I've redeemed for the past week. The Sulwhasoo ones are actually kinda nice, but the attitude is practically pathetic, to be honest. I specifically showed up on a weekday to avoid the rush crowds that are prevalent during weekend, thinking that the staff(s) who are manning the Sulwhasoo counter at Tangs Orchard wouldn't be too rushed nor hurried to have to serve walk-in customers while having to attend to prize winners who show up to collect their prizes.

When I walked up to the Sulwhasoo counter, the counter manager (who I believed is called jenny or "Jen-" something) was somewhat all smiles. But as soon as I told her I am there to redeem some stuffs and proceed to show her all 4 of my email print-outs, her attitude took a 360 degree turn. She went from somewhat cordial to really upset and grouchy. And without even looking at all 4 of my email print-outs, she promptly proceeded to inform me that each person is only allowed 1 redemption each. And nary an apologetic smile at all.

Which I duly retorted with "All these emails are under my name, you know? Maybe you want to double check all of them properly??" Which she did, but unwillingly. Next, she told me to "hold on a moment" while she quickly and hurriedly reached for the phone nearest to her and proceeded to make some phone call, god knows for what purpose? Maybe to double check if anyone managed to hack their Facebook app and got 4 items and above when previous prize redeemers only got 1-2 items. And allow me to tell you all that from the "phone call" action onward, whatever this counter manager did is to try and humiliate/embarrass me. Which she unfortunately failed, I've got thick skin towards rude counter managers like her. Ha!

And once she put down the phone, I tried to "play nice" when she need me to fill up some forms for my redemption. I asked her nicely if I just need to fill in my particulars once or 4 times, as I was redeeming 4 items. She never even bothered to reply me at all. And while I was filling up the first long-ass form, she went to grab the samples which I had won honestly and truthfully. And once I filled up all 4 different crappy forms reluctantly, she just gave me all 4 of my samples without even having the slightest ounce of courtesy to explain to me how on earth am I supposed to use them? Or how are the items supposed to be used? She just gave them to me, all stacked up, face facing down, ignoring me completely.

And when I thanked her, she didn't even thank me for my time spent in filling up my info 4 freaking times. And not even once acknowledged my thanks too, just simply ignored me through and through. Which I promptly went back home and feedback to Sulwahsoo's facebook page. And if you think that's the end, wait till you hear this.

A representative from Sulwhasoo Singapore decided to call my cellphone, without even bothering to check with me if I am okay with it. I would very much prefer them to resolve this unhappy episode via their facebook page where everyone can see them. Instead of calling and nobody knowing how they solved it. And my friends who had the good fortune to win stuffs from them more or less encountered their rude staffs as well. Like wow? Is that how Sulwhasoo Singapore try to convert casual window shoppers into staunch believers and dedicated consumers of their product? I don't think so!

And anyways, enough talk from me and to the photos of my goodies I've received and redeemed with rather "thick skin".

So, I got picked to win a Deluxe Sampling Kit from Sulwhasoo Singapore. This is how the packaging looks like.

The items consists of:
  • Gentle Cleansing Foam x 2 sachets
  • First Care Activating Serum x 1 sachet
  • Essential Balancing Water x 1 bottle @ 5ml
  • Essential Balancing Emulsion x 1 bottle @ 5ml

A booklet within the Deluxe Sampling Kit.

Detailed instructions within the booklet letting users know what the samples are exactly for.

WHERE TO REDEEM SAMPLE: Go over to Sulwhasoo Singapore Facebook page at and Like their page. Next, click on the link that says Sulwhasoo Giveaway and fill in your details. If you've won, you will receive an email from them, stating that you have to print out the email for redemption. Just beware of the rude staffs!

Sulwhasoo 2pc Renewing Kit that I won fair and sqaure from Sulwhasoo's latest app.

Items consists of:
  • First Care Activating Serum x 1 bottle @ 4ml
  • Essential Firming Cream x 1 pot @ 5ml

WHERE TO REDEEM SAMPLE: Go over to Sulwhasoo Singapore Facebook page at and Like their page. Next, go over to the link that says Catch the Sulwha bloom and hope you will get it. Just beware of the rude staffs!

Another Sulwhasoo 4pc Basic Kit that I won fair and square from Sulwhasoo's latest app.

Items consist of:
  • Essential Balancing Water x 1 bottle @ 15ml
  • Essential Balancing Emulsion x 1 bottle @ 15ml
  • First Care Activating Serum 1 bottle @ 8ml
  • Concentrating Ginseng Renewing Cream x 1 pot @ 5ml

WHERE TO REDEEM SAMPLE: Go over to Sulwhasoo Singapore Facebook page at and Like their page. Next, go over to the link that says Catch the Sulwha bloom and hope you will get it. Just beware of the rude staffs!

And this Sulwhaoo Herbal Soap that I won fair and square from Sulwhasoo's latest app.

The scent of this herbal soap is actually quite nice, but the rude counter manager left a sour taste in my mouth without even bothering to explain what are the benefits of using this crap :)

A booklet within the box of herbal soap with detailed explaining on what are the benefits of using the herbal soap and what goes inside it. These booklets and pamphlets are more "friendly" than the actual human staffs, me thinks.

WHERE TO REDEEM SAMPLE: Go over to Sulwhasoo Singapore Facebook page at and Like their page. Next, go over to the link that says Catch the Sulwha bloom and hope you will get it. Just beware of the rude staffs!

So, I got to know about this free Mini Tote bag giveaway by Humming Flowers & Gifts from a Facebook friend. I shall not name you as I feel you deserve a little privacy instead of being spammed suddenly. But I is eternally grateful to your sweetness. Muacks!

Anyways, we need to send a PM (a.k.a Private Message) via Humming Flowers & Gifts facebook page in order to receive the 1st bag. Once we received it, take a photo, post it on our wall and then informed them on their Facebook page that we've shared the photo on our own profile wall. And next, we PM them our mailing details to get the 2nd bag. Repeat above long-winded instructions to receive the 3rd and 4th Mini Tote Bag. It's so dang cute and pretty and also sweet of them to give this to their fans. I am now waiting for the 2nd bag to arrive in my mailbox in order to get the 3rd one. Muacks you too, Humming Flowers & Gifts!

This is how the front of the Mini Tote Bag (1st) looks like.

And this is how the back of the Mini Tote Bag (1st) looks like.

WHERE TO REDEEM SAMPLE: Go over to Humming Flowers & Gifts Facebook page at, Like their page. Next, click on the box that says Message, fill in your name and mailing address in the pop-up box to receive your 1st Mini Tote Bag from them!!

So yeah, I finally see this in my mailbox (which I sometimes dutifully refer to as "Meowbox"). Yay!!

An 18ml Laundry sample with this silly but cute and hilarious text that says "it's small, but not this small, silly. this is a sample" Haha!! That totally made my day after the unhappy episode with Sulwhasoo Singapore xD And there's a pamphlet with details on the various Method products available as well.

WHERE TO REDEEM SAMPLE: Go over to Method Home Singapore Facebook page at, Like their page. Next, click on the link that says Try our Laundry! and fill in your details to receive your own little 18ml sample with that cute tagline. If you decide to buy Method Home products from their website, just type in this promo code: 8LOADSPROMO at the checkout page to enjoy a S$2.95 discount!!

Why not like my Facebook page at to be informed of latest samples I found, which is duly updated? Also includes updates to contests that I've sourced out for you to join. It will definitely save you the trouble of having to hunt them down :)

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