Monday, December 24, 2012

Dermalogica Clean Start Hit the Spot Review

WHAT IS IT: Dermalogica Clean Start Hit the Spot


Dermalogica Clean Start Hit the Spot: Dermalogica Clean Start Hit The Spot is a concentrated spot acne treatment that minimizes and controls breakouts. This great product is an acne remover.

Dermalogica Clean Start Hit The Spot goes on smoothly and absorbs quickly without a trace. This product uses powerful ingredients to help keep get rid of breakouts and keep your skin acne-free. It calms irritated skin.

This pimple cream looks light yellowish and comes in a thick gel-based form. The scent hinted slightly at something minty/menthol, but doesn't give a cooling nor tingling sensation when applied directly on the pimple itself.

VERDICT: First of all, this pimple cream looks really thick and heavy despite being gel-based at the same time. But yet, it actually absorbs rather easily into the skin without much fuss nor effort, which I am personally glad of. The color is actually a really light yellowish in color, it somehow reminds me of the gooey and slimy stuff that drips out of your nose unceremoniously without warning when you have a cold. Yeah, and I always wonder why pimple creams are always in this particular shade, it really puts us off to have to use something that resembles muscus most times. However, despite the color choice, the product actually hinted at something minty/menthol.

But, when I applied on my mostly angsty pimple, I did not feel any type of cooling nor tingly sensation at all. The ingredient list didn't stated that any type of mint nor menthol related stuffs are used, so I am guessing it might have been the licorice. But then, I might be wrong with the licorice scent somehow. As this pimple cream looks really similar to the other Dr. Jart+ one I had previously reviewed, I used this the same way as I had used the Dr. Jart+ one. Which is to apply it once every 4 hours or so, instead of the 6-8 hours recommended for this particular pimple cream.

And despite using this for close to a week already, the newly appeared pimple on my chin area didn't really quite subsided at all. In fact, what I found weird and surprising at the same time is that, this new pimple of mine didn't hurt even though it is just starting to look pinkish-red. Maybe it decided that it isn't ripe enough to make me scream in agony. And at the same time, the pimple didn't ripen fast enough, so despite close to a week has passed, the pimple look as if it has just barely "sprouted". Which I personally think is rather creepy, stalker pimple maybe?

Even though this pimple cream doesn't seem to be working for me as of yet, I am personally happy that it didn't dry out the surrounding skin around this naughty little pimple of mine. This has Benzoyl peroxide which is an important ingredient needed for most pimple creams, which actually helps to eliminate breakouts. And I still remember my Oxy-5 and Oxy-10 days when my entire face looks so red, as if I was crying 24/7 without a break. So I am thankful this pimple cream didn't dry out any part of my skin, like what Oxy-5 and Oxy-10 did to me years ago. (It's rather embarrassing when a friend asks if I was scratching my face like babies do.)

And get this straight! Despite hours after applying this pimple cream, the skin surrounding my pimple didn't turn oily nor greasy at all. And there is absolutely no sticky sensation as well, I am thinking that maybe my pimples are more of the stubborn variety, hence it's been close to one week with no visible results. And I have to admit that the redness of my pimple didn't turn out so bad nor gotten anymore red and angry as it normally does. So, I am going to carry on using this at every 3 hours interval instead and hope it goes down fast.


WHAT I THINK: Redness is lessen, but I wish the size of the pimple lessen as well too, to the point of becoming non-existent.

WHERE TO REDEEM SAMPLE: If you are keen or interested to try this bubble mask, you can request for a sample over at The Sample Store.

However, take note that checking out 1-2 items costs you S$2.99 in delivery charges, while checking out 3-4 items costs you S$3.99 in delivery charges. You might want to check out 4 items, in which 3 of them are "substantially heavy" so you don't feel the S$3.99 pinch.

Why not like my Facebook page at to be informed of latest samples I found, which is duly updated? Also includes updates to contests that I've sourced out for you to join. It will definitely save you the trouble of having to hunt them down :)

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