Wednesday, March 1, 2017

Important: Blog Update

I will consolidate and merge this blog with my main blog as it takes too much time and effort to maintain 2 separate blogs while trying to look like I am adopting 2 different personas. It will take some time to transfer blog posts from this blog over to my main blog but rest assured that this blog will still stay with its old blog posts still intact so that followers will still be able to look for old post easily. But at the same time, these same posts will also be available over at my main blog as well. So yeah, rest assured.

Meanwhile, I need some time to mourn the death of my mother in 2016. Hence, there won't be any blog postings for a few months or at least until the end of the year depending on the situation I have at hand.

But, just to clarify, my mother didn't die of old age and with natural causes. Her supervisor at her part-time workplace refused to let my mother take leave to rest properly at home despite that heartless supervisor being fully aware that my mother is tired from work. Let's just say, her supervisor caused her death. And the best part is this murderer (I called him a murderer since he directly/indirectly caused my mother's death at the unfortunate age of 64-years-old) didn't once showed his face at my mother's funeral and since I was still working at the same shopping mall as my mother, he actually had the audacity to live his life as if he didn't do anything wrong at all.

Therefore, you can imagine the pain and sorrow I am going through while trying to pick up pieces of my life. It is hard to go on, knowing that the person who caused my mother's death is just living his life as usual while I am trying to move on. Therefore, please do accept my humble apologies as I am on hiatus mode for now. I will come back to blogging, slowly and gradually. But right now, I need the time to heal and to move on. It is a difficult time in my journey from now to the future but I am trying my hardest too. So, thank you for being understanding and see you all within the year after my heart has healed a little.

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