Monday, May 4, 2015

Samples Received & Redeemed: April 2015

Well, I seemed to be a pro at getting ill recently. Right after my health wasn't going well just 2 weeks ago, now I'm down with a bad sore throat. My voice sounds too impossibly girl for my own taste if I really attempt to talk, in my humblest opinion. Other than that, it's gravitating between voice-less and way too low and way too huskier. Oh well, never mind that. Took a few days to also figure out that it's almost impossible to upload images from my phone to my laptop, have to literally sync everything to Facebook. It's a big roundabout way as mentioned in last month's Samples Received & Redeemed.

SaSa was previously having a massive island-wide and store-wide discount. Was a little tempted to look-see around, at least I now know I can still get My Scheming masks from SaSa although I have no idea why I cannot get it from Watsons anymore :( Anyway, despite having so much "massive" discounts, I personally felt that most of the items didn't seem to look discounted, in terms of price-wise. What made it even worse is that, considering that Singaporeans tend to be dumb, stupid, goondu and blind when you flash the word "Sale" and "Discount" in their eyes, it wouldn't kill to inform every paying customer that membership only costs a maximum spending of S$80 to sign up, instead of the usual S$200. (FYI, there's a dumb, stupid, goondu and blind girl writing this blog post too..)

Bottom line is that, despite you have a slightly longer cashiering process with each customer due to them actually spending that actual $80 just for the sake of getting a cheaper membership, you still ultimately get them to spend additional just for the sake of the membership, am I right? But it seems they can't be bothered with this little deduction. Their main concern, priority and focus for that "Sale" and "Discount" period is to ensure that each and every customer that walked into their store and started browsing around should have a small empty basket thrusted into their hands just so they can have a tiny-as-hell basket to place their purchases in before bringing everything to the counter to pay.

And worse of all? The staff is so bloody bochup, that instead of having a single-transaction receipt to qualify, they should allow maximum 2 same day receipt, or 2 same week receipts to qualify for the membership. This is one of the single reasons why I seldom shop at SaSa, much less consider spending S$200 inside their shop for a membership. It's like, in the end run, you're just a SaSa instead of a Watsons or a Guardian Pharmacy. What the hell type of crap do you actually have in there that justifies me spending at least S$200 each visit? If you're asking me to spend close to S$200 at Watsons and Guardian Pharmacy, it's not that hard since it's like a personal life and toiletries shop. But spending S$200 on purely makeup-related purchases at SaSa?

Which brings to the question of: Just how many mascaras, eyeliners, blushers, foundation/loose powder, lipsticks and makeup removers each person has to buy just to hit that S$200 cap, if said person is only intent and hell-bent on not getting the expensive and well-known brands, just don't mind cheaper alternatives? And considering the fact that makeup has a very short shelf-life life-span, just how fast do you expect a woman to use up her makeup so nothing would go to waste?

Anyways, here's a look at what I bagged for S$40++ before I had that realization stated above.

  • Foot Peeling Mask 10 Days Miracle x 3 @ 40ml each
  • Baby Smooth Purifying Cleansing Oil (Peach Extract and Sunflower Oil) @ 145ml

I actually bought 3 of the foot peeling mask since they had a "Buy 2 Get 1 Free" promo although I think I was charged the full price for each one individually. I used one on the same night I got home and was expecting to see the dead skin peeling off my foot in less than a week. It took a little more than 2 weeks to see a small sign of peeling. And get this, it's not like there were signs of peeling anywhere. It's a small spot here, then the peeling seemed to subsided and then another spot peeling, subsided. Then on to the next spot, so on and so forth. I doubt it's the product being ineffective, more like I scrubbed and cleansed my feet quite decently. Which probably contributed to the lack of skin peeling I was passionately anticipating for xD Another reason why I do not buy foot peeling jelly of any sort, unless it works on the lower part of my legs as well.

  • Mirror-Powder Puff-Powder Compartment thingy
  • Gliders Soft-Ties x 5 colors

I recently changed to a loose powder type instead of the regular foundation powder, so I thought I should get this for easy application of powder on my face. My poor makeup brush (a.k.a the one and only I am using as of now) has been overly abused, overly used and overly washed, it's a miracle that none of the bristles are falling off. Yet. As for the Gliders Soft-Ties, do you noticed that if you used the other type of rubber band that is encased in thread/ribbon/whatever it's called to gather up your hair in a pony-tail. It actually leave some sort of a line or crease on the back of your head, just right on top of your hair. Rather unsightly if you have natural straight hair that looks healthy and full and the thread-encased rubber band isn't really gentle on your hair and scalp either.

Because we get the misconception that even though it is a rubber band, but technically, the actual rubber band itself is encased inside a spool of thread. Therefore, we subconsciously think that if the rubber band itself is loose, we just need to tighten it a little more so that pony-tail won't drop off. Again that subconsciousness, even if 'I' were to tighten up the rubber band on my ponytail, my hair won't "hurt" because there's a spool of thread encasing the actual rubber band. And that my dearies, is how you get to mistreat, manhandle and abuse your hair over-time.

Hence, the weird decision on my part to try and use these Gliders Soft-Ties instead to better take care of my hair and scalp. If I am not wrong, you probably can make a similar one if you hav a stash of embroidery stuffs lying around. Just get those elastic bands that you need for the waistband of your pants or skirts, wrap and sewn-up strip of cloth around the elastic band. On-the-spot Gliders Soft-Ties, and you can have your own individuality because it's hand-made by you :D

WHERE TO REDEEM SAMPLE: No samples for redemption.

Was browsing around JEM and WestGate area recently, when I recalled that overly-hyped Tokyu Hands is already opened at WestGate and hence decided to pop in for a visit and see if anyone catches my eye and fancy. It's the same as every girl, on the outside we scoff but on the inside, it's all "OMIGOSH!! I MUST HAVE THAT J*SYCF*TS*C!!!!" Although I do have to admit, Tokyu Hands is just too way over-hyped. In actuality, it's a rather well conceptualized, organized, neat and tidy shop. It seemed so large from other beauty bloggers photos, but it isn't. So, no worries about browsing around until your legs give out. But on the contrary, if you are someone who likes to take his or her time browsing through every single item they have there, I sure bet you would need at least a solid 4 to 6 hours in there just to carefully browse each and every item.

I took multiple u-turns back to the makeup remover shelf because I wanted and at the same time, wasn't so sure if I wanted this makeup remover. Same thing happened with the hand cream shelves in there too. And the same happened with the bags, purses, pouches shelves too. In the end, I only walked away with 2 items as I needed those the most.

Tokyu Hands
  • Tsururi Pore Peeling Ghassoul Powder @ 55g
  • Panna Pompa Cleansing Water Blood Orange @ 300ml

Like I keep mentioning, pore peeling jelly, creams and the likes are stuffs I wouldn't buy partly because my face is decently well-cleansed. So using pore peeling products is practically wasted on my face. However, pore peeling products aren't just limited to the face only. Anyway on your body that has a layer of skin, you can use it on as well. Let's see, arm-pits are a good place. We think that regular showering and gently scrubbing with a shower puff is enough to cleanse the arm-pits. But in actuality, it isn't.

Another example I can visualize: Imagine that 2 to 3 months later, you started noticing a faint smell coming from your armpits. Despite using deodorants on a daily basis, as much as twice a day. Showering every day without fail, also as much as twice a day too. It still gets a little sweat-smelling after a while. This is where pore peeling products come into play in an effective manner. Before using a pore peeling product on the armpit, smelly right? In the midst of using a pore peeling product on your armpit, you will be amazed to see so much dead skin cells are being rubbed off, it's almost magical but on a wrong perception though. After using a pore peeling product, the smell on your armpit is noticeable gone and your armpit feels so much cleaner and the pores there don't feel so clogged up. And best of all? Your armpit don't look so "darK' as compared to prior using a pore peeling product.

There you have it, the perfect reason for using a pore peeling product on your armpit too!

As for the makeup remover, the panda face on the product convinced me I should buy it. I'm a sucka for panda faces :D

WHERE TO REDEEM SAMPLE: No samples for redemption. But previously, the old uncle cashier wanted me to like Tokyu Hands facebook page so I can get a free pen. I couldn't say No to free pens, could I? xD

Bifesta was hosting a sampling activity previously. I got the Bifesta Cleansing Lotion SEBUM (Cotton Type) x 2 cotton pads @ 11.8ml

Actually, it's not the first time I gotten free samples from Bifesta. They are always hosting sampling activities every now and then. If you missed the current one, just wait out for the next one.

WHERE TO REDEEM SAMPLE: Samples should be available as the online sample request form is still working. Go over to and fill in your details. Wait for the sample to arrive in your mailbox.

Was lingering around 7-Eleven, wondering if I should get in on the Mickey Mouse keychain faze or not. I always never participate in these type of shady stuffs, because the #1 reason is: "Sorry, cannot choose keychain hor~~" And I was right -_- I got the Dumbo one when in reality, I wanted the original Mickey Mouse or the black-and-white Mickey with a top hat. But well, life sucks, and it always turns out better in the end anyway.

Singapore Press Holdings
  • Cosmopolitan - Not pictured
  • Women's Weekly - Downy Unstoppables In-wash Scent Booster x 1 @ 30g
  • Style: - Laura Mercier Foundation Primer X 1 @ 30ml

I bought the Cosmopolitan because the #1 thing that strike my fancy was the small heading that said "Tips To Stop Feeling So Damn Tired". Yep, blow S$5 on a small article in a magazine that may or not may help with my tiredness..

I love my clothes and laundry smelling like it didn't come out of the washing machine, but instead from something more magical. In short, I never like the smell of detergent on my clothes all these years. If possible, the smell of air and sunshine is the best. But I don't live in a field full of meadow or whatever, so the next best thing is to get a Scent Booster such as this.

Laura Mercier = Expensive product. Since there's a sample being given away, no doubt I would get it and have a try and see if it's good to invest in on a long-term basis.

WHERE TO REDEEM SAMPLE: Stocks recalled. You have to call up Singapore Press Holding and ask if they have any more stocks left.

Let's just say I already knew in advance, around 1.5 to 2 weeks early, that TBS is coming out with a Fuji range. So, I was naturally excited when the range was finally "released" for the general public to purchase. My only question is that, it claimed to have been harvested around the hills of Mt. Fuji, but... do TBS know that there's a small patch of area at the base of Mt. Fuji which is commonly known as the Suicide Forest? :O So, which base of Mt. Fuji were this product range harvested from? D;

The Body Shop
  • Fuji Green Tea Body Wash @ 250ml
  • Fuji Green Tea Body Sorbet @ 200ml
  • Fuji Green Tea Eau De Cologne @ 100ml

Just FYI, I don't get the entire full range for every range released. The body butters are too rich for my skin. I once slid across the floor, after forgetting that I was sitting on the floor earlier. Dangerous times.. I normally get the shower, body lotion or sorbet and the EDT or EDP instead. These are like my 3 essentials from any range at TBS. Unless my skin is really peeling and flaky to the point I looked like I am shedding skin, then I would consider getting the body butter. If not, the body lotion despite being lighter is more than enough to get skin moisturized thoroughly without the thick, cloying and oily feeling.

The Body Shop
  • Forbidden Flower Shower Gel @ 250ml
  • Forbidden Flower Eau De Toilette @ 30ml
  • Winding Key - For hand creams

WHERE TO REDEEM SAMPLE: No samples for redemption. But then, everyone is going mad for the Fuji Green Tea range, so this is one of the released range that shouldn't be ignore if you want a little Zen in your life.

Dr Young
I received an email mailer which stated that Dr Young was giving out samples. So, I signed up for it :D The samples I received were:
  • Triple Action B.B SPF 33 PA+++ x 1 sachet
  • Anti Dryness Camellia Deep Cleansing Foam x 1 sachet
  • Timeless Forever Young Bamboo Blooming Booster x 1 sahcet

WHERE TO REDEEM SAMPLE: Link doesn't seem to be working now :(

The Sample Store
Carina Lau Sea Lily Whitening Mask x 1 @ 26ml

The only free sample available from TSS after all this time, was a little disappointed. But at the same time, if there's more of other samples, it'll probably be something I've already tried before though. I always get mixed feelings whenever I go over to TSS to check out which free samples are available for grabs.

WHERE TO REDEEM SAMPLE: Fully redeemed. I don't see this product anywhere on the "Free Samples" page now :(

Saw this on the shelves for a couple of years now, but as I was using another hair removal product, I had to give this a miss. Now that my other hair removal cream is almost finishing, it's high time I get a new one to try. I have mostly in-grown hair, which is a pain in the butt most of the time :(

WHERE TO REDEEM SAMPLE: No samples for redemption.

Why not like my Facebook page at to be informed of latest samples I found, which is duly updated? Also includes updates to health, beauty & lifestyle tips at least once a day. It will definitely save you the trouble of having to hunt them down :)

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