Sunday, March 1, 2015

Samples Received & Redeemed: January & February 2015

My humble apologies for taking so long with the January Samples post, unfortunately, I have been falling ill too much recently. Hence, I have to postpone the January post and squeezed it together with the February post instead. Also, partly because January entries are too little, and thus the decision to do so. Without much further ado, let's proceed along with the post and freebies collected and goodies bought :D

Gold Kili
Gold Kili was previously hosting a sampling giveaway for their latest released product, Matcha Latte. Well.. I'm a sucker for anything Matcha. If you don't try, you won't know if it is good or not, right?

WHERE TO REDEEM SAMPLE: I'm not sure if anymore samples are still available, however, the website is still up on the Internet. So you can still fill in the form and try your luck. Go over to

The Sample Store
The Sample Store previously had a copy of December 2014 Reader's Digest Asia copy for free under the "Free Samples" link. I like having free material to read and pass the time away, and it's been years since I had a copy of Reader's Digest to read, so yeah, I requested for my copy :D


Sangobion - The Sample Store
Well, no gals like having periods, be they heavy, painful, or just downright irritating to show up when you are at the peak of your best moments. I know it sucks, it's even worse when commercials claimed that happy periods exist. I'm definitely sure and positive that it's men who are in charge of the "Happy Periods" commercials. Anyway, if it helps with periods, I'm definitely sold :D

WHERE TO REDEEM SAMPLE: Last I checked, samples are still available under the "Free Samples" tab over at The Sample Store.

Vichy Laboratories
L'Oreal's Vichy was having a sampling activity for their "Most Loved Sleeping Masks", and to be honest, I do forgot just how many links I've tried or how many times I've actually redeemed it. No no, I don't mean I didn't get the samples. On the contrary, I have a decent enough stash to try and review it for at least a solid 2.5 weeks, depending on how much or how little I apply LOL

Anyways, the samples are:

  • Vichy Aqualia Thermal Dynamic Hydration Serum x 2 sachets @ 1.5ml each
  • Vichy Aqualia Thermal Night Spa x 2 sachets @ 2ml each

WHERE TO REDEEM SAMPLE: As the website for sampling is still up and running, go over to and click on the GET YOUR SAMPLES HERE linknear the top right of the page and just follow the prompts.

Follow Me Aqua White
The Sample Store was giving away sample sachets of Follow Me UV Aqua White CC Cream. I got mine too, it's a 3ml (each) sample sachet :D


Mentholatum Lip Ice
It's been so long since there were free samples from Mentholatum Lip Ice, of course, I couldn't pass up such a sample giveaway. I love their lip balms, but an actual retail stick takes too long for me to finish using. And their samples are just small and dainty enough for you to try it out without making the commitment :D I got my Fruit Burst Lip Ice sample in Strawberry flavour!!

WHERE TO REDEEM SAMPLE: The sample link is still up and running on Facebook. Go over to LIpIce Singapore Facebook page at, click on the LipIce FREE Sample link and fill in your details/follow the prompts.

Waddled over to Watsons the other day and couldn't resist picking up some DHC products to try out. Unfortunately, I couldn't find anymore AFC Collagen caplets, all the ones I managed to find were the powder form and I don't really like powder collagen products, I prefer them in caplets version instead. Hopefully, they are just temporarily out of stock, in the mean time, I decided to check out and grab some DHC collagen-related products instead.

I got the DHC 32138 Cleacnea and the DHC 2293 Adlay Extract. I am already a current user of DHC 32138 Cleacnea and thought it was decent enough, hence another packet. Anyway, I have absolute faith in Japanese products, so I grabbed 2 packs of DHC 2293 Adlay Extract despite never trying them before.

DHC 32138 Cleacnea is a supplement specifically for acne care. Let's just say that during the time I was taking DHC 32138 Cleacnea, my breakouts were a lot more tamer and "well-behaved" as compared to when I didn't take it. As for DHC 2293 Adlay Extract, effects includes beautiful skin, diuretic and anti-inflammatory effects while enhancing skin metabolism and whitening/acne treatment are expected after consumption.

I saw this one and only Tsaio Mask lingering alone on the shelves, and because it's in a metal case, I *MUST* have it LOL I know, lame logic I have there, but I love collecting cute tin boxes too, on the side..

I think it's only 1 type of masks, but then, I need whitening solely for my acne scars and blemish. Other than that, I tend to steer clear of whitening products in general LOL

The image states that it's a "Limited Edition" collector's box, hence the I *MUST* have it weird logic and the mask packaging are cutesy and adorable. So yeah, the weird reasons I have for buying beauty products. Haha xD


Why not like my Facebook page at to be informed of latest samples I found, which is duly updated? Also includes updates to health, beauty & lifestyle tips at least once a day. It will definitely save you the trouble of having to hunt them down :)

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