Friday, January 23, 2015

Brand's Innershine Marine Collagen Essence Strip Natural Acai Berry Flavour Review

WHAT IS IT: Brand's Innershine Marine Collagen Essence Strip Natural Acai Berry Flavour

Brand's Innershine Marine Collagen Essence Strip Natural Acai Berry Flavour

Brand's Innershine Marine Collagen Essence Strip Natural Acai Berry Flavour
Brand's Innershine Marine Collagen Essence Strip Natural Acai Berry Flavour: InnerShine® Marine Collagen Essence Strip is specially formulated and designed to complement your active, urban lifestyle. It contains micro-collagen for better absorption, and Vitamin E for added anti-oxidation benefits! Only 12K Kcal per strip and zero fats, each yummilicious jelly strip is compact and light, perfect for snacking your way to beauty!

Brand's Innershine Marine Collagen Essence Strip Natural Acai Berry Flavour
Despite it being a berry flavour, specifically, Acai Berry flavour, it wasn't sour and neither was it too sweet to take in. Instead, it's a fruity berry sort of flavour that doesn't leave a sour aftertaste too.

THE VERDICT: Because I got a trial/sample box of 3 different flavours, 1 flavour each, I'm just gonna focus on the Natural Acai Berry Flavour one instead in this review.

Firstly, let's talk about the design of this product. Right on the packaging, there's a OPEN wording with the usual dotted line that is meant to be torn at the exact place specified for easy opening. Sounds confusing? Okay, I'll elaborate a little on products with and without the word OPEN and the dotted (a.k.a tear here) line. Most products I've come across that may or may not have the word OPEN, but will definitely have that usual dotted line that meant "Tear Me Open Right Here!". Most times, I've come across products that seemingly looks like it's easy peasy when it comes to the opening or tearing open part. And most times, I ended up having to use a scissors to cut the package open to get to the food inside.

And the best part is that, just because it says OPEN doesn't necessarily mean it can be torn open the usual way, half the time, it's more like a "guideline" on where to tear or cut open to avoid unnecessary spillage and wastage. So, imagine my surprise when I actually managed to tear the packaging open to get to the collagen jelly. I think it'll just promote us consumers into hunting down for that product that doesn't take too much effort to open up and enjoy it. And at the same time, it can be confusing sometimes as OPEN not only meant "Tear open here", it can also mean "Cut open here". So, the OPEN can be quite ambiguous sometimes LOL

Getting the collagen jelly out of the little packaging doesn't take too much effort too. Just press gently at the bottom of the strip and at the opened part, the collagen jelly will slowly "ooze" out, ready to meet the world (and you of course!). And you can simply just suck on and ease out of the packaging without even breaking the jelly into half. Unless you're a little baby, then it's just chunks of jelly sporadically getting squeezed out for who knows how long it will take. And because unlike regular jelly we're used to, there's no excess liquid inside the packaging alongside the collagen jelly, hence zero mess and leakage and absolutely no dirtying of our hands too.

The jelly itself doesn't taste too sour despite being a "acai berry" flavour. Sometimes, life sucks and we get sour jellies whether we want to or not. But thankfully, this acai berry flavour collagen jelly isn't even sour in the first place and neither is it too sweet too. *Those little perks and pleasures in life* The collagen jelly itself is smooth from the first suck, I dare say too!

And because it is really small, lightweight and doesn't take up much space, and easy to bring out, it's really more than just convenient for someone who is always on the go. Imagine if you're the type of girl who need to have her daily intake of collagen pills, powder, to name a few. And yikes, you're too tired to follow up on the collagen nomming regime after getting home from work, this collagen strip sort of lets you "cheat" every now and then. I normally take 1 before leaving my house to go to work, so it works out fine for me. Collagen essence strip in the daytime, collagen pills or powder when I reached home at night.

And because I wanted to know if it is effective in jelly form, I went out to grab at least a month's worth of Brand's Innershine Marine Collagen Essence Strip that I will take everyday before leaving the house for work, I did noticed my skin feeling more radiant, especially my dark eyebags aren't that dark, as compared to the days I haven't tried any collagen jellies yet. Skin became smoother in a sense that my facial products gets absorbed much more easily too. And best of all? My skin felt so bouncy to the touch and no breakouts at all. None, I'm telling you. My skin only reverted back to it's original sickly, sallow and pimply condition right when my collagen strips ran out D:


WHAT I THINK: One little strip of jelly does so much wonders for a full month. And I can practically compare the results from before, during and after consumption.

WHERE TO REDEEM SAMPLE: No samples for redemption at the moment.

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