Thursday, September 25, 2014

Ace Liposome Neogence Ace Renewal and Repairing Mask Review

WHAT IS IT: Ace Liposome Neogence Ace Renewal and Repairing Mask
Ace Liposome Neogence Ace Renewal and Repairing Mask

Ace Liposome Neogence Ace Renewal and Repairing Mask
Ace Liposome Neogence Ace Renewal and Repairing Mask: ROVISOME® ACE PLUS - revitalizing, anti-aging and whitening. Enhancing skin elasticity and repairing, reducing fine lines & anti-aging. Special micro introducing mask material plus micro emulsion formula.

Multiple vitamin ACE formula penetrates deep into the skin to block melanin formation and restore the skin back to its even and bright tone at the same time. ACE RENEWAL & REPAIRING MASK contains MATRIXYLTM 3000, a powerful peptide complex has anti-wrinkling and lifting effects. The intensive microemulsion essence can be absorbed quickly and refine skin texture to appear softer, smoother, noticeably brighter.

Ace Liposome Neogence Ace Renewal and Repairing Mask
Detailed instructions on the proper usage of this mask.

Ace Liposome Neogence Ace Renewal and Repairing Mask
The mask comes with an extra blue layer of plastic, which is supposed to make it easier to align on your face. But I just find that it's cumbersome and troublesome. Not to mention I had A LOT of difficulty in trying to adjust and align the mask properly onto my face with that extra blue layer of plastic obscuring and obstructing. And the mask kept slipping off my face as I desperately tried to peel off that darn blue layer of plastic.

Ace Liposome Neogence Ace Renewal and Repairing Mask
Finally got the mask onto my face by actually removing the entire mask off my face, peeling the blue layer off and re-applying and re-adjusting the mask without the blue layer. Argh!!

Ace Liposome Neogence Ace Renewal and Repairing Mask
As you can see in the last image just above, it has an extra flap/layer around the eye area, in the event if you are like my mother, who likes to catch a short cat-nap while waiting for that 15-20 minutes to pass LOL

VERDICT: Basically, I'm someone who goes ridiculously mad when it comes to facial/paper masks such as this one. On a monthly basis, I can spend up to $100 just solely on masks and I don't buy 3 - 4 boxes of the same type, mind you. I buy a different box for each skin troubles and woes I am facing. Such as one box meant for tightening of pores, one box meant for moisturizing and calming purposes, another box for brightening and renewal. Hence, a few boxes ended up costing close to $100. And I hadn't even mention that extra few hundred on collagen drinks, pills and jellies yet :( Anyways, I'm game enough to try new masks I see as long as it's actually meant for my skin-type.

The scent of this mask isn't so bad, although I can't really put my finger on what the scent itself reminds me of. So unfortunately, I'll have to give the scent/sniff test a miss this time round. The mask itself is really thin, comparable to a 2-ply tissue when thoroughly wet. But the good thing is that, it doesn't tear so easily if you were to just tug it a little gently while trying to adjust the mask on your face properly. I find that it covers my nose entirely without leaving any gaps in between.

The only downside is that because it's so thin, it has to seemingly be secured properly with this blue plastic layer which I personally find annoying throughout using this mask. First, I did what the instructions stated, to align and adjust the mask on my face properly. But the blue plastic layer was practically aiding the eye flap area in obscuring my poor vision that I ended up pulling the mask off my face, peel off the blue plastic layer before re-adjusting the mask back onto my face. Did I mentioned that this is the first time I was spewing so much profanities (very softly, of course) while trying to apply a face mask?

After around 20 minutes, I removed the mask and could see clearly that the red areas on my face looked so much calmer than before. And there's no sticky residue or sensation on my face, something that most masks always seemingly somehow does. My face also looked smoother and clearer, although I can't really tell much about the whitening effect as I personally have a pale-like-a-ghost skin-tone. The only difference is the blemish marks and acne scars that I already have on my skin, which frankly speaking, does look a little lighter prior to using this mask.

And the most visible thing I did observed after using this mask? The pores on my nose somehow looks a little more tightened. I normally use a pore pack on my face before using a mask. Why would I want to moisturize black heads and whiteheads, right? So, the most visible difference are the pores on my nose that went from enlarged after using a pore pack to tightened after using this mask. The only pet peeve I have is still that extra blue plastic layer. Grr...


WHAT I THINK: Overall, I really do like and enjoy using this product as it reduces the redness on my face. But, that blue plastic layer is putting me off from permanently buying this product in the long run.

WHERE TO REDEEM SAMPLE: I redeemed this sample from The Sample Store.

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