Friday, July 18, 2014

The Face Shop Rice Water Bright Cleansing Milk Review

WHAT IS IT: The Face Shop Rice Water Bright Cleansing Milk
The Face Shop Rice Water Bright Cleansing Milk

The Face Shop Rice Water Bright Cleansing Milk
The Face Shop Rice Water Bright Cleansing Milk: Milky lotion texture gently lifts away makeup and toxic surface residues without drying the skin

The Face Shop Rice Water Bright Cleansing Milk
Looks exactly like a lightweight facial moisturizer, but easily cleans off light makeup without too much effort.

The Face Shop Rice Water Bright Cleansing Milk
I need between 3 to 4 cotton pads to clean off makeup from my face entirely.

VERDICT: The first time I was recommended to this product, I was in the market looking for a makeup remover that doesn't involves too much facial cleansing. And by that, I meant rinse off dissolved makeup with tap/tepid water and re-wash the skin again for close to maximum cleanliness. As the sales assistant (she's a sweet Malay girl by the way ^^) gave me an instant test-try on the spot, I was surprised to find out that it's a really creamy-based makeup remover. And since it was my first time using/trying a cream-based makeup remover, I bought a bottle to give it a more thorough test and review, and I'm glad to say I wasn't disappointed.

The best recommended method to using this, as suggested by the SA is to use tissue or cotton pad instead of using my hands. And I realized that I just need about half a pump on 1 cotton pad/tissue to clean off half the makeup on my face. And take note of this, I don't go for the heavy makeup since I tend to have oily/combination skin and all that sweating process will probably make heavy makeup look kinda disastrous. So, I can attest that this works extremely well for light makeup removal without too much hassle and fuss at all.

The scent is really light and not cloying, and it's not those typical annoying makeup remover scent that I always encounter. And after using this product to remove makeup from my skin, it doesn't make my skin feels way too squeaky clean at all, as our skin still need to retain a little facial sebum so it doesn't get too dry. And as the story goes, if the skin is too dry, it will try to overcompensate by producing more sebum. Which in turn will lead to more pimples. And the cycle goes on and on. And in order to compensate for the loss of facial sebum to keep our skin moist, we will tend to apply more moisturizer, which in turn makes our skin way too moisturized. Blah Blah..

What I didn't like is that, as soon as I apply tap water to my skin immediately after using this, I got this slick sensation on my skin. Maybe it's just my personal opinion, but I'm not used to it at all. Ultimately, this product is a cleansing milk that comes in cream-based form, so it's actually expected to make your skin feel a little slick as soon as you try to use tap water immediately after using it.

For the whitening part, I didn't really see much difference since my skin tone naturally gravitate towards pale/fair. Although I do have to say that it doesn't irritate my skin a few months after using it. In fact, I think that slick sensation is because this makeup removal supposedly has a moisturizing effect and after-feel to it. So, I didn't see my skin getting worse after using it.


WHAT I THINK: Uses between 3 to 4 cotton pad/tissue, depending on the amount of makeup you have to remove from your face. It didn't make my skin feel overly tight nor taught but neither does it make my skin feel under-cleansed at all. I just didn't like that slick sensation I encounter when I tried to splash tap water on my skin immediately after using this.

WHERE TO REDEEM SAMPLE: No sample to bring home and try. But the concept is like TBS, L'Occitane outlets where there are opened retail bottles that customers can test out the products on the spot. Plus the fact that the SA that always attend to me is actually knowledgeable about the products despite her young age really helps, and I never encountered any pushy SA from The Face Shop. Not even once :D

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