Monday, July 21, 2014

Elizabeth Arden Visible Difference Skin Balancing Exfoliating Cleanser Review

WHAT IS IT: Elizabeth Arden Visible Difference Skin Balancing Exfoliating Cleanser
Elizabeth Arden Visible Difference Skin Balancing Exfoliating Cleanser

Elizabeth Arden Visible Difference Skin Balancing Exfoliating Cleanser
Elizabeth Arden Visible Difference Skin Balancing Exfoliating Cleanser: Cleaning combination skin is a balancing act: oilier areas need to be well-cleansed without depleting vital moisture. Our foam’s micro-beads gently cleanse and exfoliate while leaving skin with the perfect balance of hydration.

Elizabeth Arden Visible Difference Skin Balancing Exfoliating Cleanser
This product is gentle enough for my sometimes angsty skin issues, however, I think it doesn't have enough "grit" to be called an exfoliator though.

Elizabeth Arden Visible Difference Skin Balancing Exfoliating Cleanser
It suds up pretty well, even with a little and I don't find much trouble trying to wash it off my face.

VERDICT: Personally, I found that this product has this mild scent that doesn't make you nauseous nor gag a little in your throat at all. I can probably liken the scent to being "spa-like", if there ever was such a word in existence. What I like is that, the cleanser itself exfoliates gently without being too harsh on the skin, something that sensitive skin users might find pleasing to use. Although I wished it had a little more "grit" to it, expecially when using on the nose area.

The consistency and texture isn't too runny and neither is it too thick to spread. As soon as I applied it to my wet face, it starts to lathers up pretty decently and without too much effort nor hassle too. And it spreads easily all over my face too. Previous facial exfoliators I've used before tend to be a little thick and when it's time to spread the product around my face, little globs of it will travel from one point of my face to another point. All the while still staying as a small little glob of product. But not with this product at all.

As I'm somewhat a "force-ful" type of person when it comes to using exfoliating products on my skin, I sometimes tend to rub a little harder on problematic areas, such as my nose. If my nose is left untouched for at least a week, there will be a layer of dried flaky skin on my nose, which will somehow prevent products from being able to work their magic. The only way I know this layer of skin exists is when I try using a blackhead extractor and the blackheads comes out in a struggle from the pores of my nose. Hence, I tend to use a little more force on the skin on my nose for maximum effect and result(s). Which thankfully didn't make my nose look red like Rudolph the reindeer after my facial cleansing regime.

And when it's time to wash the product off my face, I also noticed that I need not have to rinse my face repeatedly to get the product off my skin at all. Unlike some previous facial exfoliators that I used before, which resulted in my excessively rubbing and washing the product off my face, this doesn't happen with this product. And after rinsing this off my face, my skin doesn't feel overly tight nor taut at all. Instead, the skin on my face actually felt softer, smoother and cleaner to the touch. Kinda hard to resist touching my face repeatedly after washing, if I may say so.


WHAT I THINK: Is gentle enough to be used on a daily basis, although I have to be a little "forceful" when it comes to exfoliating the skin on my nose. The scent is mild with a nice after-feel and my face feels so smooth, gentle and clean. I think I'm sold already~

WHERE TO REDEEM SAMPLE: Kinda forgot where or how I got this sample, but then, you can try asking over any Elizabeth Arden counter if they have samples for their Visible Difference product line.

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