Thursday, January 2, 2014

Xndo Japanese Chicken Rice Review

WHAT IS IT: Xndo Japanese Chicken Rice
Xndo Japanese Chicken Rice

Xndo Japanese Chicken Rice
Xndo Japanese Chicken Rice: Xndo Japanese Chicken Rice is a calorie controlled nutritious meal brimming with premium quality natural ingredients - succulent pieces of boneless chicken, potato cubes and juicy mushroom. This complete meal brings you exquisite flavour and taste to satisfy your palate.

It contains optimal amount of complex carbohydrates, protein and fat that results in a complete meal that keeps you full longer, reduces sweet cravings and nurtures from within. Xndo meals are made from selected natural ingredients to ensure they are calorie and portion controlled. Specially designed for you to simply heat, eat and enjoy.

Xndo Rice is made from premium quality Thai long-grain white rice with freshly ground Konjac root. It is manufactured using latest food technology which enables Xndo Rice to stay fresh and ready to eat at anytime! Xndo Rice has 67% less calories and 79% less carbohydrates than ordinary rice. It also contains 8 times more soluble fibre that will help to slow down the digestion and prolong the sensation of fullness. Xndo Rice will also increase your daily fibre consumption and keeps your digestive system healthy.

Xndo Japanese Chicken Rice
The Xndo Japanese Chicken and Xndo rice comes in individual vacuum pouch. In a way, the sauce and rice is separate, preventing the rice from getting soggy.

Xndo Japanese Chicken Rice
The rice is actually ready to eat straight from the pack, in the event you are rushing to quickly eat something before rushing. In short, if you really have no time to heat the pouch, much less microwave the contents, you can simply pour and eat it without heating too.

Xndo Japanese Chicken Rice
A closer "inspection" at the Xndo Rice in it's glory~

Xndo Japanese Chicken Rice
This is how the Xndo Japanese Chicken looks like inside the pouch. It really looks delicious and tempting :D

Xndo Japanese Chicken Rice
I ate it without heating it up since I was really rushing for time ^^;

VERDICT: I'll be honest here. The only time I was actually ever slim enough was during the time before I reached Primary 3, where I still remembered my weight then was under 30kg. And during that time, I was still staying at Tiong Bahru, an old town hence the "addiction" to fast food didn't really grow on me much then. It was only after I moved that fast food and junk food became readily available than before. And it didn't help that my mother tend to push more food towards me when she couldn't finish her own share.

All these little factors ended up making me gained weight at an alarming rate. And during Secondary School, I took up a part-time job at a fast food restaurant which ended up making me gain even more weight than before. And the next thing I know, I was the heaviest in class despite not looking like a real heavy-weight. It really affected my self-esteem and since we all constantly need to have our weight and height taken on a yearly basis, the boys in my class were actually mean bastards to keep wanting to see my weight when it's my turn on the class rollcall.

It really took me a lot of years to convince myself that there's no need to worry so much about it after all. If I do ever lose weight, I will have the chance to eventually do so. If it's hopeless to even remotely lose weight, it's not like it's the end of the world anyways. The only issue from then on is to enjoy life to the fullest while trying to eat and be healthy. So, I was a little skeptical about Xndo's meals that claims to prevent additional weight gain, and I finally got a chance to give it a try after being one of the winners for the Xndo Japanese Chicken Rice giveaway.

Despite the portion looking regularly normal and small, I found that it actually does keep me full until I get off from work. And after work, it's just a matter of chewing on something healthy or plain junk food. But still, I wasn't that hungry to gorge on junk food anyway since I didn't feel like I was having hunger pangs without warning. The meal itself was really taste and delicious and it really would make you want more as the taste and quality was on par with the regular ones you can buy anywhere.

I wouldn't want to claim that just eating only Xndo's ready-to-eat food will definitely help you to lose weight or maintain your current weight. We all are ultimately just human, and there will be times when we want to "cheat" and eat something unhealthy once in a while to make up for some "lost times". No doubt, but the good thing about Xndo meals is that, because the portion is actually a healthy and regular sized one, it actually helps in a sense that you do not overeat anything and everything in one mealtime. And frankly speaking, we tend to overeat on a regular basis while making empty promises to ourselves that we will exercise to lose the extra weight we might gained from eating that sinfully unhealthy dessert.

Xndo meals are definitely something I would recommend if you are someone like me, who will occasionally overeat due to long working hours. In short, longer working hours means that you will tend to think towards the direction that if you eat more now, you won't feel hungry later. And because you won't feel hungry later, you won't eat again. Which in fact isn't true. Food turns into energy for our bodies, in a way it charges us up so we can carry on with what we are doing. But because this "energy" has been used up, we will feel hungry once again and again eat even more to make up for that "lost energy". Which ultimately leads to overweight and obesity.

It's not like you literally can lose weight just by eating only Xndo-based meals, but in another point of view, it's actually more like being strict to yourself by only eating the actual healthy, regular and moderate amount and not to overeat. And I believe Xndo's meals are actually like this for a reason, to remind us the actual healthy and moderate amount of food we are supposed to eat at each and every meal time :)

And seriously, I don't need to be skinny at all. All I ask for is just to be moderately healthy slim, yup, that's pretty much enough for me :)


WHAT I THINK: The portion actually makes you feel full in one sitting, preventing you from eating on and on.

WHERE TO REDEEM SAMPLE: No samples for redemption as I won this via Xndo's Facebook giveaway previously. Currently, Xndo Facebook page seems to be continuing their giveaway, so I would recommend going over to their facebook page at and Like their page as a fan to be notified/informed of giveaways and join them :D

Why not like my Facebook page at to be informed of latest samples I found, which is duly updated? Also includes updates to health, beauty & lifestyle tips at least once a day. It will definitely save you the trouble of having to hunt them down :)

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