Thursday, January 9, 2014

Oilum Hydro-Rebalance Collagen Rejuvenating Body Cleanser Review

WHAT IS IT: Oilum Hydro-Rebalance Collagen Rejuvenating Body Cleanser
Oilum Hydro-Rebalance Collagen Rejuvenating Body Cleanser

Oilum Hydro-Rebalance Collagen Rejuvenating Body Cleanser
Oilum Hydro-Rebalance Collagen Rejuvenating Body Cleanser: Containing collagen which restores youthfulness and reduces the appearance of wrinkles. These wonderful skin and body products also help maintain moisture balance, suppleness and a healthy texture.

Natural ingredients from USA and Australia; Collagen to give youthful and wrinkle free appearance, Olive Oil which has natural nourishing and antioxidant benefits containing vitamin E which is a wonderful moisturiser, Lanolin which prevents excessive evaporation of moisture levels and is used as a soothing agent.

Oilum Hydro-Rebalance Collagen Rejuvenating Body Cleanser
The cleanser looks pearl-white and the consistency isn't too watery not overly gel-like.

Oilum Hydro-Rebalance Collagen Rejuvenating Body Cleanser
I love how this cleanser smooths and glides onto my skin easily, it suds up pretty decently and doesn't take much effort to wash it off either.

VERDICT: I somehow detected a light fruit-based scent to it and after sniffing various fruit-related items around the house, I somehow decided it should be a banana-ish scent. Although I personally do not like bananas at all, due to this one incident where I place a banana in my school bag and promptly forgotten all about it until a week later. Needless to say, a person can get scarred by a fruit for life when such an incident happened ^^; The scent itself isn't obnoxious to my standards when it comes to fruit-based scented cleansers and lotions. It's actually pleasantly mild without being too overly perfumed, or in other words, too heavily banana-scented.

I personally love how the cleanser glides smoothly onto my skin during shower and the fact that it lathers and suds up easily without too much effort at all. As the skin on my body is sometimes sensitive, I'm actually glad and happy that this cleanser doesn't irritate my skin at all, even hours after using this in the shower. On the contrary, it actually does help to moisturize my sensitive skin and a few days after usage, I realized that my skin isn't that dry too. In fact, it felt so soft and supple that I found myself constantly touching my skin just to confirm that it's still soft xD

And also, I found myself scratching my skin less often as compared to before. Prior to using this, I'm always constantly scratching here and there like a monkey since my skin's sensitive and sometimes, it can get overly dry which leads to skin irritation which in turn leads to endless scratching. But after using this, let's just say, there's no more "monkey business" going on as of now and I am definitely grateful. You don't know how embarrassing it is to be constantly scratching here and there due to skin sensitivity and irritations and the fact that people might misunderstood and thought that I didn't shower for ages ^^;

For the "collagen" part, I can't really say much since this is only a sample size tube I redeemed from Oilum via Facebook. Although I personally have to agree that this product scored quite a lot of points from my point-of-view that the "collagen" part should also work pretty well and decently.


WHAT I THINK: One of those rare body cleansers that not only doesn't irritate my skin, but actually helps moisturizes it as well.

WHERE TO REDEEM SAMPLE: I previously redeemed this Oilum sample from Oilum Facebook page at sometime in November last year (2012). Despite the sampling activity being over, I think you can try any Guardian pharmacy outlets throughout Singapore and see if they still sell the travel-sized kit that Oilum released after their sampling activity :)

Why not like my Facebook page at to be informed of latest samples I found, which is duly updated? Also includes updates to health, beauty & lifestyle tips at least once a day. It will definitely save you the trouble of having to hunt them down :)

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