Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Clarins White Plus Total Luminescent Intensive Brightening Serum Review

WHAT IS IT: Clarins White Plus Total Luminescent Intensive Brightening Serum
Clarins White Plus Total Luminescent Intensive Brightening Serum

Clarins White Plus Total Luminescent Intensive Brightening Serum
Clarins White Plus Total Luminescent Intensive Brightening Serum: The most advanced care for a clearer, more even skin with the pink glow of good health and total luminescence.

Clarins White Plus Total Luminescent Intensive Brightening Serum
The product has a really light yellowish-tone to it, and absorbs quite decently into the skin.

VERDICT: I personally find that the scent for this serum is scented, but thankfully, it's not overly scented to cause nauseousness. Although on another side note, I'm also glad that my skin isn't that overly sensitive that I cannot apply mildly and lightly scented products. Even after some time, I didn't catch a whiff of the product despite hours after application. Although I really cannot figure out what the scent exactly is, despite reading the ingredient list.

As I have redeemed 3 sample sachets of this product, I found that it can last me for up to a month if I only used it on specific areas on my skin. Therefore, I've started using this serum diligently for close to 2 weeks already and I am sad to say that I didn't see much of a difference before and after usage. My skin pretty much look like nothing has changed, and despite the product claiming that "even skin with the pink glow of good health and luminescence", I just didn't see any pink glow of good health showing up anywhere on my skin at all.

The only pink thing I did noticed is that my existing and almost fading pimples, acne and blemishes suddenly seemed a little more "alive" if the product meant "pink glow" by any chance. Existing and fading pimples seemed to looked a little more reddish than usual and my blemishes and scars just seemed a tad darker than usual. And I was definitely having a hard time trying to cover all these up with my usual concealer. It was an almost fanatical attempt, I dare say.

But stili, I have to give credit to the product itself. It actually sinks into the skin without much effort needed, and all I had to do was just gently massaged the product into my skin gently. And voila! It gets absorbed so fast without me having to keep having to massage it in repeatedly, unlike other products that look so lightweight, only to give me so much grief trying to get my skin to absorb it by constant and repeated patting and massaging.

And hours after application, I also noticed that my skin didn't look too oily at all. Let's just say, I've tried and tested serums and moisturizers before, and majority of them typically always without fail, make my face look like an oil-field. But not with this Clarins White Plus Total Luminescent Intensive Brightening Serum at all. It actually behaves like a serum and gets absorbed really fast, doesn't make my skin looks oily. Just a shame that it didn't do as promised for my skin though.


WHAT I THINK: I can definitely say this product works, but the opposite on my skin. Instead of giving my skin the overall pink glow it claimed, it gave my acne, pimples and blemishes the "pink glow" of health treatment. That was just plain weird and awkward..

WHERE TO REDEEM SAMPLE: I redeemed this sample sometime in March 2013 and this sample giveaway wasn't like the usual "share on Facebook" types like brand such as Estée Lauder are known for. Instead, Clarins promoted their sampling activity through the Sponsored Ad section, so it's actually worthwhile to keep your eyes on the Sponsored Ad section on Facebook for future Clarins sampling activity.

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