Monday, January 6, 2014

Bifesta Sebum Cleansing Lotion Review

WHAT IS IT: Bifesta Sebum Cleansing Lotion
Bifesta Sebum Cleansing Lotion

THE PRODUCT(S): Bifesta Sebum Cleansing Lotion
Bifesta Sebum Cleansing Lotion: For oily Skin. Gentle but powerful water-based lotion that thoroughly removes makeup and dirt. Thoroughly soak cotton with lotion (about 3 pumps per cotton) and wipe makeup away gently. Change cotton & repeat until cotton remains on eye area for a while before wiping off. When removing eye makeup, gently hold cotton on eye area for a while before wiping off. Take care not to let product get into your eyes. Double cleansing with facial foam is not required.

VERDICT: Honestly, I don't even put on makeup on most days as my skin sometimes get allergic to god-knows-what and I get big red spots on parts of my face. If it's on my cheeks, I could live with it as I can calmly claim that it's a new type of blusher I am using. But let's face it, my skin sometimes acts up without me knowing and by the time I realized something is wrong, it's a little too late to do any preventive measures, or in other words, cue the epic redness from all the scratching and/or pimples!

This is one of the big reasons why I constantly include a makeup cleansing lotion into my facial cleansing regime is the simple reason that sometimes using a normal facial cleanser, or in this case, your favorite facial cleanser may not necessarily clean your skin from dust and grime effectively. There could be a little dirt and grime stuck in your pores and you won't even notice it as it cannot be seen by the naked eye. That's where a makeup cleansing item is beneficial for your skin.

To put it another way: You cleansed your face with only a facial cleanser at night and a few moments later proceed to apply your favorite night-time beauty products, you know the expensive one that promises fresh, smoother and more supple skin from the first use and gives you smaller pores and refined looking skin, less wrinkles from repeated usage? But here's the bad thing, you've been using that expensive night-time range product for almost a week now and you just don't seem to see nor feel the effects that the product has promised. It's not that you're using it wrong, it's just that you might be missing an extra step in your cleansing routine.

If you know you have really dirty skin or in other words, skin that gets rather greasy and dirty after a days work especially if you work in the F&B industry, all the more you will need to get a makeup removal item in your cleansing ritual. It might seem like an extra hassle or burden to include that one more item to cleanse your skin, but believe me in this, your skin will actually thank you for taking that extra precaution in cleansing. For starters, I've never stepped into a beauty salon to do a single facial before in my life, not that I'm going to one soon but I don't see myself doing so (unless I'm being sponsored for a weight-loss programme, that's another different story though). Even when I use pore peeling packs, there's another to peel because my skin is almost that clean. It's just that sometimes when I accidentally get something on my face and didn't realize it until pimples start showing up to inform me.

Scent-wise, it'sd supposed to be odor-less but I did catch a strong whiff of something that I cannot put my finger to. But then the scent really dissipates so it's not much of a big deal to me anyway. As it comes with a pump dispenser, its's relatively easy to control how much you need to pump out. For example, I mostly use foundation powder, concealer, blusher and bronzer/highlighter powder, I only need at most 2-3 pumps to get everything off my face. But because I am the overly zealous type, I tend to use 1 pump to 1 cotton pad for one part of the face: 1 pump per cotton pad for the eyes, another the cheeks and the third one to overall wipe my face once again to make sure I didn't miss any spot. Or if I am really lazy, I'll just get 2 pumps out and rubbed it gently on my face as this product can be used with cotton pads and literally be used right on your skin like how you would use a facial cleanser, but without the water involved.

It's a clear watery product, so becareful not to spill any. And because it's a multi-tasking product, meaning it serves as a makeup remover, cleanser and toner. But knowing me, I will still cleanse my skin with a facial cleanser and still use my own toner as well to ensure my skin is well taken care of. I'm not so sure about you ladies, but I sometimes feel this slick and slight oily/sticky sensation if I only use the cleansing lotion, so I almost always cleanse with another facial cleanser as well to get rid of that oily/sticky sensation just for the feeling of a freshly cleansed face. And my night-care products are actually working better than before, just exactly what the product claims it will do.


WHAT I THINK: Before I even put on any makeup during my 20s, I didn't even invest in any type of skincare products at all and my skin was always at it's lousiest, to be brutally honest. It's only roughly a month before I start this blog that I started paying attention to all these stuffs, such as a makeup cleansing lotion for example that I realized how beneficial it is for keeping and maintaining out face and skin at it's best and top condition. In other words, never be stingy when it comes to cleansing your face. This product cleanses pretty well and leaves my skin feeling fresh and breathable after all that makeup and gunk I've accumulated throughout the day.

WHERE TO REDEEM SAMPLE: No sample for redemption.

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