Thursday, November 21, 2013

Kracie Ichikami Hair Treatment Review

WHAT IS IT: Kracie Ichikami Hair Treatment
Kracie Ichikami Hair Treatment

Kracie Ichikami Hair Treatment
Kracie Ichikami Hair Treatment: Kanebo ICHIKAMI Treatment uses hair care ingredients which are well known since ancient Japan, combining pure Japanese herbal essences with rice bran for a hair care line that repairs and moisturizes damaged hair! It uses different natural oils to increase elasticity and strengthen hair, resisting damage caused by excessive brushing, to make hair extra smooth and keep hair soft and moisturized. The product gives untamable hair a smooth and manageable feel. It comes with a gentle wild cherry blossom aroma and is a perfect solution to dry and damaged hair!

Kracie Ichikami Hair Treatment
The scent is just splendid and my hair felt so soft and smooth for an entire week, despite only using it once a week.

Kracie Ichikami Hair Treatment
This hair treatment is easily rinsed off without leaving any residue behind on my hair or scalp.

VERDICT: Firstly, the scent is just pure heavenly. One whiff of it and you're hooked onto it for life, figuratively at least LOL All my life, I've used products with a variety of scents and while some have seemingly lovely scent in the beginning, it slowly turned to regular hair products scent without me noticing it. Thus turning a good product to a somewhat ordinary product. But fast forward from the 90s until now, and we all cannot deny that hair products are gradually not only getting more, but also smelling nicer than before.

Despite the product looking thick, it actually spreads easily onto my hair without too much effort needed at all. And while I left the product to work it's magic on my hair, I just go forth and do my remaining shower regime. Examples would be facial cleansing, body exfoliating, so on and so forth. I've had friends who commented that they're a little too lazy to wait for that X amount of minutes needed to leave hair treatment products on their head. And frankly speaking, I sometimes feel the same way too. Hence, I would greatly recommend starting your shower regime by washing your hair first, followed by applying your hair conditioner and/or hair treatment product before moving on to other areas of your shower regime. This gives you enough time to leave the product in your hair to do it's magic.

To sum it all, I approached the time-frame needed to leave this product on my hair while focusing on my other shower regime activities. And the result? Smooth, soft and silky tresses that lasts an entire week. Nope, I'm not kidding here. Despite my hair getting tangled up rather easily since I tend to be really lazy and bun up my hair. I used hair conditioner and hair treatment products a total of once a week only. And that 2 times per week actually lets my hair stay soft, smooth and tangle-free for up to a whole week.

And the after-shower scent of my hair, ohmygawd, the faint subtle scent of cherry blossoms are just a perk-me-up for my personal senses. And in actuality, I am a huge fan of anything and everything Japanese, hence, the cherry blossom scent already had me sold to this Ichikami Kracie products even before trying it out for the very first time. Although the main issue here is that I have flaky scalp, which makes using the shampoo itself out of the question. But when my scalp is back to it's almost original state, that's when I go mad and keep using the shampoo as much as I possibly can xD

I mean, who can resist having soft, smooth, silky, tangle-free and manageable hair without having to fork out so much money by going to a hair salon. I'll take this affordable and sweet scent hair products from Ichikami Kracie anytime.


WHERE TO REDEEM SAMPLE: I redeemed this Kracie Ichikami Hair Treatment sample from The Sample Store when delivery charges were still somewhat decent. Now, I only redeemed free products from The Sample Store, provided it's free-delivery a.k.a Sponsored Samples. I'm just glad I actually redeemed this sample as the scent is pleasant, the product smoothed out my always tangled-up straight hair while at the same time making my hair so much more manageable than before.

If you intend to sign up for a free account from The Sample Store just to get Free-Delivery samples a.k.a Sponsored Samples, just sign up for an account via my referral link stated in the Referral tab in the header bar above :D

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