Thursday, September 12, 2013

Nuxe Huile Prodigieuse [Sponsored] Review

This review is proudly sponsored and brought to you by Nuxe Singapore. Any external images, if used, solely belong to their respective owners and not to me. I only re-link and use them as part of this review.

Note that all views presented here are of my own and whether the product is sponsored or not, it's honest throughout. Only that effects will vary on the individual when applied.

WHAT IS IT: Nuxe Huile Prodigieuse Multi-Purpose Dry Oil
Nuxe Huile Prodigieuse Multi-Purpose Dry Oil

Nuxe Huile Prodigieuse Multi-Purpose Dry Oil
Nuxe Huile Prodigieuse Multi-Purpose Dry Oil: With its unprecedented concentration of 6 Precious Plant Oils and Vitamin E. this fast-absorbed, comprehensive formula leaves skin feeling satiny-soft and adds gloss and suppleness to hair in a single step.

Nuxe Huile Prodigieuse Multi-Purpose Dry Oil
I absolutely adore how this dry oil comes in a spray nozzle version. This practically means that there is unnecessarily spills, especially when I lug a bag around and my bag is so full of my daily vanity stuffs.

Nuxe Huile Prodigieuse Multi-Purpose Dry Oil
Take a look at the Nuxe Huile Prodigieuse Multi-Purpose Dry Oil, despite it being a oil, it doesn't look oily nor greasy after pumping it onto my hand. I love oils such as this that isn't oily nor greasy. And the best part? I didn't even need to wash my hands with soap nor water. It was instantly absorbed into my skin before I even realize it :D

Nuxe Huile Prodigieuse Multi-Purpose Dry Oil
Nuxe actually has a range of other products, but currently, I am just aiming for the Multi-Purpose Care items. So many to try, not enough money to buy. The woes of a single female D:

Nuxe Huile Prodigieuse Multi-Purpose Dry Oil
I think I found myself staring at this particular page for way too long, according to my mother. It just made me salivate, knowing that this multi-purpose oil can do so much wonders for my skin *o*

VERDICT: First of all, the scent. It is an all important process of testing, trying and reviewing a product. I personally tend to sniff it a few dozen million times to get my inspiration right. *pauses for effect* I just absolutely adore this scent, it is definitely divine and many times, I almost cave in to my basic temptation and attempt to lick it off my skin. Yes! I have this uncontrollable urge to lick yummy smelling products if they smell so heavenly. And the best part of it all is that, despite after application, I still catch myself sniffing my skin on and off until I cannot smell it anymore.

The scent smells like a cross between flowery and sweet, but thankfully, it isn't the nauseous type of sweet. I've encountered various products that have this wonderful sweet smell, but over time, it just escalates to the point where I feel like I need to empty out my guts cos the sweetness of it is just too overpowering. However, in the case of this Nuxe Huile Prodigieuse Multi-Purpose Dry Oil, it is different. I simply just cannot get enough of the scent at all, and some nights, I just really want to spritz a few drops onto my pillow just to have a better night's sleep with this heavenly scent. But then, I would probably use it way faster than a normal typical person, so I'm just going to avoid the temptation to do so.

What I love about the overall product is that, the spray nozzle does't drizzle at all. There are products out there that comes in spray nozzle versions, but most times, the product drizzles and oozes out and onto the bottle and practically almost everywhere after you dispense a few drops. But not in this case, I am pleasantly and surprisingly happy to find out that this doesn't drizzle unnecessarily after a few precious sprays. Oh yes, the spray nozzle is an important function in oil-based products. Nobody want unnecessarily spills, whether the product is expensive or cheap, well-known or not. Another reason why I am falling in love with this product.

The areas of my body which I use this wonderful product is mainly on my limbs, oh man, I have such dry limbs. And I am surprised that I haven't even seen my cracks on my skin due to the dryness of it. After diligently applying it onto my arms and legs after each shower for a good 2 weeks, I realized that my skin felt so much more supple and smoother to the touch. I dare say it's almost equivalent to touching a baby's skin LOL And also recently, I've shunned hair products meant for split and dry ends, and instead started using this on the ends of my hair. And am I impressed with it too.

Despite being an oil product, it is in fact a dry oil. Hence it doesn't make my hair feel heavy, oily nor greasy at all. We all know that hair is a woman's crowning glory and even if you take good care of our skin and body, inside and out, sometimes, we actually neglect out hair as well. Let's just say I've recently received lots of compliments on my hair on how healthy and thick it looked, as compared to several years back, when my hair looked so frumpy and limp. This is definitely a big improvement overall, as I also found out. And the scent on my hair, people were actually asking if I had my hair professionally treated or whatsoever, but my secret is simply Nuxe Huile Prodigieuse Multi-Purpose Dry Oil

And also because my heels are overly dry and cracked to the point of being painful when I sleep at night. Imagine sleeping on your side and being awoken abruptly in the middle of the night, partly because your cracked heel slid across your legs and it felt so uncomfortable. But after using this for close to 2 weeks on my heels before bed at night, my heels look so much better. It's as if my heels were never dry and cracked in the first place. Heck! I even received compliments on my feet too, since I tend to change out of my work shoes into flip flops after work.

Let's just say there is so many ways to use this product, but I am only listing a few on problem areas of my skin and body that I am sharing. In short, instead of lugging so many items or even buying so much beauty products, you just only need the ultimate one. And this Nuxe Huile Prodigieuse Multi-Purpose Dry Oil is the one to get. Notice that this bottle can last me until December 2018, that is so much money saved on beauty products for so many years. And I think I am on the verge of urging everyone I know to just get this one miracle bottle of dry oil, instead of spending so much money on so many different products.


WHAT I THINK: You can use it on your hair, your face, with your make-up, your body, even in your bath water. The usages are just endless with this one small bottle, in fact, I think the price is justified too.

WHERE TO REDEEM SAMPLE: Nuxe Singapore is constantly giving out trial samples and trial kits. So, I would urge you to be a fan of Nuxe Singapore Facebook page at Just go get the samples and try it, you will not be disappointed in giving this a try. And if you don't, all I can say is that, you are missing out so much from this miracle bottle.

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