Monday, September 23, 2013

Oxy Cover Acne Pimple Medication Review

WHAT IS IT: Oxy Cover Acne Pimple Medication
Oxy Cover Acne Pimple Medication

Oxy Cover Acne Pimple Medication
Oxy Cover Acne Pimple Medication: For more stubborn cases that do not respond to mild acne treatment. Contains 10% Benzoyl Peroxide to kill acne bacteria on the skin and in the pores. Hide pimples. Enhance with skin tone color, it covers as it treat. Helps dry excessive oil & unclog pores and prevent new pimples from forming.

Oxy Cover Acne Pimple Medication
The product itself looks close to flesh color, although it looked a little too dark for my pale and ghostly looking skin tone :O

Oxy Cover Acne Pimple Medication
The product seemingly looks as if it matches my own skin tone, but less than 2 hours later, I saw the product turning a shade of orange on my pale skin :(

VERDICT: The product itself is practically odorless, according to my "over-abused" nose. I just can't seem to sniff out any scent at all, and despite continuous and interval sniffing sessions, I still don't get any scent out of it. Although I can say this must be a blessing in disguise, as scents might irritate our already sensitive breakouts that occurs on our face and skin. Who knows if the scent itself might make an existing acne/pimple condition go from bad to worse all because of a scent?

Immediately upon patting it onto problematic areas on my face, I saw slight differences. For areas that have newer, lighter and fainter looking acne/pimple, it literally covers pretty well and impressive. But for areas that already have an obvious looking pimple, it's rather hard to cover it well enough. The only tell-tale sign is a raised bump on the surface of your skin that signifies that a pimple is in-progress of ripening and is just patiently waiting to erupt without a moment's notice.

But just less than a few hours later, I notice something more drastic instead. The areas where I've applied this product literally made my skin tone looks a little more orange-y than usual, definitely a big contrast to my usual pale-ish looking skin tone. This just simply screams obviously that I've applied something for my breakouts, instead of making it look like there's supposed to be nothing. In short, instead of looking like my skin tone looks even as I've applied something to cover the acne and pimples, my skin tone looks uneven due to the color tone differences on my skin. Both on the applied and non-appplied areas.

However, if I were to cover it up with makeup, the color differences just sort of goes way and my entire face looks pretty much even-tone at any angle. But if I were to just apply this product alone, it pretty much doesn't help, especially since people like me who have pale-looking skin tones will just end up looking 2 different shades weird no matter how we try. I'd say this product it best use at home, where nobody can see the color differences. If I have to wear this outside the house, I definitely would have to use it with makeup to even up the differences in skin tone.

But despite the misgivings, I found that it actually did help with my breakouts as it healed pretty nicely. And currently, majority of my blemishes and acne/pimple scars look pretty much faded than compared to before using this product. I just wished this product worked on pale skin tones like mine, where I need not have to apply on makeup to avoid looking orange-y on different parts of my face. Kinda made my feel like Two-Face from Batman. The only difference being that I have orange and pale looking skin tones all right smack on my face D:


WHERE TO REDEEM SAMPLE: So far, I've never encountered sample tubes for Oxy products, partly because old Oxy products are actually colorless and won't show no matter what color your skin tone is. But with this, it's a little tricky and may work well on folks who have medium skin tone. If you have see open sample tubes, I really urge you to test them out on your skin as if you are testing foundation powder and/or BB cream, which is right on your jawline. You will be able to see the color differences and decide whether it's a hit or miss for you instead :)

Why not like my Facebook page at to be informed of latest samples I found, which is duly updated? Also includes updates to health, beauty & lifestyle tips at least once a day. It will definitely save you the trouble of having to hunt them down :)

Friday, September 20, 2013

Erabelle Long Lasting Brow Color Review

WHAT IS IT: Erabelle Long Lasting Brow Color
Erabelle Long Lasting Brow Color

Erabelle Long Lasting Brow Color
Erabelle Long Lasting Brow Color: Say goodbye to messy, sparse or overtweezed brows. A precise brow pencil defines brows for natural-looking results. With its solid lead, this pencil’s highly pigmented formula promises long-lasting results. It also helps to achieve a perfect arch as it strokes through each strand with a soft-focus, while the spiral brush subtly blends the lines. This fabulous investment comes in three colours, perfect for any hair colour and skin tone.

Erabelle Long Lasting Brow Color
This eye brow color pencil has 2 sides, one is the pencil itself while the other is eyebrow brush.

Erabelle Long Lasting Brow Color
I've drawn only 1 brow as you can see in the photo above, but you can see how natural and fuller-looking my right brow is, as compared to the left brow :D

VERDICT: As it is a eyebrow pencil, it will be absolutely mortifying and absurd to encounter scented brow pencils. So, I'm going to be skipping the scent/smell part for this review.

I got this from Erabelle at Vivo City last year, and initially I wanted the black color as eyebrows ultimately have to follow the color of your own hair. In short, if you have the tendency to color your hair blonde or in bright colors, it makes sense to get the brown or grey color pencil. On the contrary, if you have really natural dark and/or black hair, that it makes sense to get the black pencil instead. Luckily, the lady attending to me persuaded me to get the brown one since she noticed that my hair isn't natural black.

And note that when I redeemed this brow pencil, I didn't color my hair at all. In fact, it's been quite a few years since I last colored my hair. So I naturally assumed that getting the black one would be the right choice. I'm just glad the lady attending to me persuade me on another color choice instead, as I've recently colored my hair a little (brown actually). And if I had insisted on my previous selection, my head/face is just going to look rather weird. What with the brown hair but black harsh brows.

Despite the brow pencil being brown, I found that when applied, the color isn't that dark at all. This means I can keep filling in the color until I get the desired effect without having to fear that I've overdone anything at all. And yet at the same time, the color isn't so faint that I have to keep drawing, and I'm sure everyone knows how overdone brows will get if the pencil color is too light and you keep filling and coloring repeatedly.

I love how my natural my eyebrows look after using this brow pencil and the color actually stays all day, until I washed it off at night after work when I reached home. And trust me, I am not a pro at using eye-related products and yet I do not find myself fumbling to try and use this brow pencil. And despite this pencil costing S$34.24, I found myself liking this brow pencil. Even though this is the very first brow pencil I have used and tried, I don't think I will actually look for another alternative at all.


WHERE TO REDEEM SAMPLE: I previously redeemed this brow pencil as Erabelle was hosting a Welcome Giveaway event last year. Don't really remembered what the event was actually about, but I was glad I was one of the lucky ones to be picked to win this. Let's just say, I am glad I was chosen as one of the winners as I am definitely loving this brow pencil.

You can be a fan of Erabelle Singapore Facebook page at, Like their page as a fan to be updated and notified of any events and such :D

Why not like my Facebook page at to be informed of latest samples I found, which is duly updated? Also includes updates to health, beauty & lifestyle tips at least once a day. It will definitely save you the trouble of having to hunt them down :)

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Dr. G Super Aquasis Moisture Seed Ample Review

WHAT IS IT: Dr. G Super Aquasis Moisture Seed Ample
Dr. G Super Aquasis Moisture Seed Ample

Dr. G Super Aquasis Moisture Seed Ample
Dr. G Super Aquasis Moisture Seed Ample: Dr.G, GOWOONSESAN Super Aquasis Moisture Seed Ample contain "Crystal seed" the exclusive research and development. Its nature of the ingredients is very similar to the human skin, forming a protective layer on the skins; surface. Soothing and moisturizing the skin, leaving loads of moisture transparent essence.

Dr. G Super Aquasis Moisture Seed Ample
I noticed that there's some glittering stuff in this Moisture Seed Ample, and besides, I don't think this is working for me at all :O

VERDICT: The scent is the same as the previous 2 Dr. G products I've already tried, tested and review. Therefore, I won't go much into details regarding the scent. Although still, I have to mention that I am grateful the scent isn't bordering on nauseousness for me. Many times, I think that a product(s) scent is a huge factor in whether we will continue using a product or not. It can be really effective upon immediate usage, but we won't want to use something that smells weird and awkward, right? And on the other hand, something that smells impressive might not actually be that good upon usage as well.

Before using this, I already noticed that the product itself contains something glitter-ish inside. Don't mind me for saying this, but I am a little put off with products that promises endless glimmer and shimmer to the person using it. And I am definitely not a big fan of anything that glimmers and shimmers, let's just leave the glim-and-shim part to fairies, mermaids and the likes, yeah?

Upon application, the product despite looking so watery ends up feeling a little close to the texture and consistency of runny glue. It did took me a while to ensure the amount I squeezed out actually gets absorbed into my skin via endless cycle of massaging, which made me feel like I'm doing some sort of hand-to-face exercise/massage regime. Not that I am complaining, but I also felt that there's a layer of something sticky on the surface of my skin, immediately after application and hours after application.

As there were 4 amples available, each 1 can last up to 2 or 3 uses, depending on how much you intend to squeeze out. This makes is close to almost 2 week's worth of usage, and honestly, I didn't really see much of an improvement on my skin at all. Despite using it nightly on a regular basis, I just didn't feel nor see much of a difference. Although the gel cream works slightly better than the Moisture Seed Ample does.


WHERE TO REDEEM SAMPLE: I won this DR.G Super Aquasis set from one of SaSa Singapore Facebook contest in September last year (2012). If you would like to try your chance at their various Facebook page contest, it's not that hard to do so. Go over to SaSa Singapore Facebook page at, Like their page in order to be notified to giveaways and contests. Most of their contest isn't really hard, so it's available to anyone who is interested.

Why not like my Facebook page at to be informed of latest samples I found, which is duly updated? Also includes updates to health, beauty & lifestyle tips at least once a day. It will definitely save you the trouble of having to hunt them down :)

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Dr. G Super Aquasis Moisture Gel Cream Review

WHAT IS IT: Dr. G Super Aquasis Moisture Gel Cream
Dr. G Super Aquasis Moisture Gel Cream

Dr. G Super Aquasis Moisture Gel Cream
Dr. G Super Aquasis Moisture Gel Cream: Dr.G GOWOONSESAN Super Aquasis Moist Gel Crèam is a transparent gel texture. Feeling fresh and cold, easy to be absorbed. After frozen, It can be the aid soothing mask or can be the sleeping mask. Gel Cream is rich in mineral and resurrects plants like cactus extract, deep ocean water, and glycerin helps the skin to quench their thirst, and support a moisturizing as well as cleaning to the natural skin. . Gel Crème has also created a moisture-proof protection layer to protect the skin from external stimuli, the skin healthy and elastic.

Dr. G Super Aquasis Moisture Gel Cream
Despite looking like a cross between gel and cream, I find that it's watery enough so it spreads easily for better absorption :D

VERDICT: The scent is actually quite chemical-like and yet at the same time, it smells aqua-y too. But fortunately, the weird scent combination doesn't quite make me feel nauseous at all, especially during application. As mine comes as a sample kit part, it's actually small enough to bring out of the house when I feel the need to apply a facial moisturizer prior to applying on makeup. It's also small enough to bring overseas, so airport security shouldn't make a boo boo out of it, I think :P

Despite this product being a gel cream, I find that the texture and consistency is close to watery gel when applied. It spreads so easily without fuss. This makes it easier and faster for the gel cream to be absorbed into the skin. Normally, I would have to massage facial moisturizers repeatedly to get the product to spread and get absorbed. But because this is a lightweight gel cream, I find that there's no fuss in doing so. It also didn't make my skin feel as if there's a layer of something sitting on it while waiting for the gel cream to be absorbed.

Upon application onto my skin, I feel this slight cooling sensation. And despite the description stating that it can be chilled/frozen and applied as a sleeping mask of some sort, I actually wasn't brave enough to do it though. Why fix something that isn't broken? It works just fine the way it is, considering that having this extremely cold sensation on your skin might actually make you feel more awake when you are supposed to be preparing for bed ^^;

And after close to a week of using this gel cream, I see a slight improvement to my skin. Acne and pimples doesn't seem to flare up that much while existing acne and pimple scars looks lighter and much more faded than before. Normally, I find korean facial products not really working as it is for my skin, considering that despite it's asian-based, you still have to factor in that hot, sunny and humid Singapore never have autumn and/or winter-like weather. So, I sometimes find that it may or may not work for me. For surprisingly, this works just fine.


WHERE TO REDEEM SAMPLE: I won this DR.G Super Aquasis set from one of SaSa Singapore Facebook contest in September last year (2012). If you would like to try your chance at their various Facebook page contest, it's not that hard to do so. Go over to SaSa Singapore Facebook page at, Like their page in order to be notified to giveaways and contests. Most of their contest isn't really hard, so it's available to anyone who is interested.

Why not like my Facebook page at to be informed of latest samples I found, which is duly updated? Also includes updates to health, beauty & lifestyle tips at least once a day. It will definitely save you the trouble of having to hunt them down :)

Monday, September 16, 2013

Dr. G Super Aquasis Moisture Toner Review

WHAT IS IT: Dr. G Super Aquasis Moisture Toner
Dr. G  Super Aquasis Moisture Toner

Dr. G  Super Aquasis Moisture Toner
Dr. G Super Aquasis Moisture Toner: Dr.G, GOWOONSESAN Super Aquasis Moisture Toner contains rich minerals, gentle moisturizing skin and enables it to absorb the continuation of goods. Toner contains ginseng root extract; resurrect grass extract, glycoprotein, and yeast extract ingredients: mild but effective exfoliation. Preventing water evaporation and providing elasticity and moisture to the skin.

Dr. G  Super Aquasis Moisture Toner
I personally find that the opening is too small to pour out a decent amount onto my cleansing cotton wool pad :(

Dr. G  Super Aquasis Moisture Toner
And I managed to pour out a sizeable drop to show what it's like, noticed that it stays on the back of my hand like a blob of liquid instead of spreading out.

VERDICT: The scent of this Moisture Toner actually smells clean and it reminds me a little of fresh flowers in a field. It doesn't smell overly chemical at any point, and because of the scent, it feels like it will do a good and/or decent job that toners are supposed to do. The best part is that it comes with a stopper, so it prevents unnecessary spills if you have to bring this out with you, whether it's for a short oversea stay or if you simply just want to bring along a toner out with you around to quickly cleanse your skin from facial sebum or if you want your skin to be refreshed instantly.

Despite it being a toner and the contents seemingly looking all liquid and watery, I found out that the consistency is more towards runny glue. As the opening is too small, I had trouble dispensing a decent amount onto my cleansing cotton wool pad. I actually had to pry open the stopper and everything and literally pour out the toner onto the cotton wool pad instead of usual toners where the liquid comes out easily. And it did take a while for the toner to spread onto the cotton wool pad too, I had to squeeze it a little to spread the toner around the cotton wool pad. And to top it off, I had to pour quite a huge amount of it, feels kinda waste to pour out that much.

And as soon as I applied it onto my skin, it made my skin feel clean and refreshed instantly. As it's supposedly mild, it definitely does feel different from my usual variety of tea tree oil toners that I've previously used. I actually felt I was using really special water to refresh my skin, although I can't say much about the exfoliation part. As usually, toners are supposed to either help to shrink/minimize the size of your pores and/or refresh your skin on the go, not exfoliating while doing the above.

After a few days of using this Moisture Toner, I did see a slight improvement on my skin as opposed to using it before. My skin feels and look less irritated and my pimples did clear out a little, especially the acne/pimple scars that used to slightly red and angry, it looks so much more calmer now. I can't really say my face looks brighter upon using, but somehow, it did managed to make my acne/pimple scars look much less visible than before. Let's just say I find this really surprising as it seemed to work rather fast on my skin :O


WHERE TO REDEEM SAMPLE: I won this DR.G Super Aquasis set from one of SaSa Singapore Facebook contest in September last year (2012). If you would like to try your chance at their various Facebook page contest, it's not that hard to do so. Go over to SaSa Singapore Facebook page at, Like their page in order to be notified to giveaways and contests. Most of their contest isn't really hard, so it's available to anyone who is interested.

Why not like my Facebook page at to be informed of latest samples I found, which is duly updated? Also includes updates to health, beauty & lifestyle tips at least once a day. It will definitely save you the trouble of having to hunt them down :)

Saturday, September 14, 2013

Samples Received/Redeemed: 09 September - 13 September 2013

Oh well, I thought this weekend is another goner like last Saturday. It was kinda the lowest when I had no samples to show and tell D: But luckily, I remembered I received 2 (really small) samples when I purchased some cosmetics from Sephora recently.

I previously bought some cosmetics from Sephora and as a token of gesture, received some Caudalie samples along the way. Can't really imagine Caudalie using such small tubes as sample holders, it makes their samples look stingy actually. It's a Caudalie Vinoperfect Radiance Serum Complexion Correcting, suitable for all skin types and is worth 2ml.

WHERE TO REDEEM SAMPLE: I'm not sure if Sephora changed the samples around, but this is the only samples I've received when I purchased cosmetics from them previously. Didn't remember getting anything from their Vivo City outlet, but got this from the Jems outlet instead :D

The Body Shop
Had my eye on this Rapsberry EDT from The Body Shop and received some cash vouchers along the way. Raspberry EDT retails at S$29.90 in Singapore and is worth 30ml.

The Body Shop
Closer look at the cash vouchers made me realized I won't be spending anything on The Body Shop anytime soon. The vouchers are only valid within 2 weeks of issue.. -________-"

WHERE TO REDEEM SAMPLE: No samples to be given out, however, you can pop by at the nearest The Body Shop outlet near you for a few sprays and sniffs xD

Why not like my Facebook page at to be informed of latest samples I found, which is duly updated? Also includes updates to health, beauty & lifestyle tips at least once a day. It will definitely save you the trouble of having to hunt them down :)

Friday, September 13, 2013

Bliss Fabulips Treatment Kit Contest/Giveaway

Hi all, and welcome to the 5th giveaway on my blog xD

As we all know, our face is part of our own personal and unique brand. And most times, I found myself thinking that while I am focusing on my face and skin, I sometimes neglect the lips as well. Sure, that's where we talk, eat and share our favorite stuffs, but our lips complete the overall look on our face. And that is what makes each individual unique too. Hence, a giveaway that focuses on the caring of lips seems legit and in order too.

Bliss Fabulips Treatment Kit
Here's a peak at what you can win for yourself to get those beautiful lips.

Bliss Fabulips Treatment Kit
This Bliss Fabulips Treatment Kit consists of:

  • Foaming Lip Cleanser
  • Sugar Lip Scrub
  • Instant Lip Plumper
  • Softening Lip Balm

Bliss Fabulips Treatment Kit
And here's another peek at the order you should use this Bliss Fabulips Treatment Kit in.

Bliss Fabulips Treatment Kit
Despite the amount/weight of the items looking kinda small and/or little, I realized that it's the same amount as individual à la carte items.

Bliss Fabulips Treatment Kit
And another closeup of the Bliss Fabulips Treatment Kit that 1 lucky winner will get to win for himself or herself :D

To read the review for the Foaming Lip Cleanser, head on over to bliss-fabulips-foaming-lip-cleanser.html :D

Rules of the Giveaway

Note: This giveaway ends on 30 September 2013 at 11:59pm. Entries later than this stipulated date and time will be ignored. Although I might extend the deadline by another week, depending. This giveaway is open to anyone residing in Singapore or have a valid mail address in Singapore. All steps are compulsory to be qualified for this blog contest/giveaway :)

  • Like my Facebook page at
  • Like, Share and Tag a friend who is not a fan of my page at PuNiaosProductReviews/posts/349491521852547
  • Any entries not fulfilling the above rules will not be honored
  • There will be 1 winner for this giveaway
  • Winner will be announced on the very next day after contest ends, which is on 01 October or whichever the deadline is if there are changes, and will be contacted via PM on Facebook. If there is no reply within 1 week, new winner(s) will be picked once again
  • In the event the winner has un-Like my FB page before the contest is over, it will be auto-disqualification. Hence, I will need at least a day or 2 to ensure all participants follow the rules stated, so as to be fair to everyone who joined. Note that the winner will have to submit a screenshot showing that they have Liked my page
  • This is not a sponsored giveaway by Bliss, I am doing this to reward readers and fans of my blog and Facebook page
  • Once winner have been contacted, the earliest mailing date will be within the first 2 weeks of October, presuming the previous winner is un-contactable and a new winner is picked instead. If not, once winner's mailing address has been received, item(s) will be mailed out within the week

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Nuxe Huile Prodigieuse [Sponsored] Review

This review is proudly sponsored and brought to you by Nuxe Singapore. Any external images, if used, solely belong to their respective owners and not to me. I only re-link and use them as part of this review.

Note that all views presented here are of my own and whether the product is sponsored or not, it's honest throughout. Only that effects will vary on the individual when applied.

WHAT IS IT: Nuxe Huile Prodigieuse Multi-Purpose Dry Oil
Nuxe Huile Prodigieuse Multi-Purpose Dry Oil

Nuxe Huile Prodigieuse Multi-Purpose Dry Oil
Nuxe Huile Prodigieuse Multi-Purpose Dry Oil: With its unprecedented concentration of 6 Precious Plant Oils and Vitamin E. this fast-absorbed, comprehensive formula leaves skin feeling satiny-soft and adds gloss and suppleness to hair in a single step.

Nuxe Huile Prodigieuse Multi-Purpose Dry Oil
I absolutely adore how this dry oil comes in a spray nozzle version. This practically means that there is unnecessarily spills, especially when I lug a bag around and my bag is so full of my daily vanity stuffs.

Nuxe Huile Prodigieuse Multi-Purpose Dry Oil
Take a look at the Nuxe Huile Prodigieuse Multi-Purpose Dry Oil, despite it being a oil, it doesn't look oily nor greasy after pumping it onto my hand. I love oils such as this that isn't oily nor greasy. And the best part? I didn't even need to wash my hands with soap nor water. It was instantly absorbed into my skin before I even realize it :D

Nuxe Huile Prodigieuse Multi-Purpose Dry Oil
Nuxe actually has a range of other products, but currently, I am just aiming for the Multi-Purpose Care items. So many to try, not enough money to buy. The woes of a single female D:

Nuxe Huile Prodigieuse Multi-Purpose Dry Oil
I think I found myself staring at this particular page for way too long, according to my mother. It just made me salivate, knowing that this multi-purpose oil can do so much wonders for my skin *o*

VERDICT: First of all, the scent. It is an all important process of testing, trying and reviewing a product. I personally tend to sniff it a few dozen million times to get my inspiration right. *pauses for effect* I just absolutely adore this scent, it is definitely divine and many times, I almost cave in to my basic temptation and attempt to lick it off my skin. Yes! I have this uncontrollable urge to lick yummy smelling products if they smell so heavenly. And the best part of it all is that, despite after application, I still catch myself sniffing my skin on and off until I cannot smell it anymore.

The scent smells like a cross between flowery and sweet, but thankfully, it isn't the nauseous type of sweet. I've encountered various products that have this wonderful sweet smell, but over time, it just escalates to the point where I feel like I need to empty out my guts cos the sweetness of it is just too overpowering. However, in the case of this Nuxe Huile Prodigieuse Multi-Purpose Dry Oil, it is different. I simply just cannot get enough of the scent at all, and some nights, I just really want to spritz a few drops onto my pillow just to have a better night's sleep with this heavenly scent. But then, I would probably use it way faster than a normal typical person, so I'm just going to avoid the temptation to do so.

What I love about the overall product is that, the spray nozzle does't drizzle at all. There are products out there that comes in spray nozzle versions, but most times, the product drizzles and oozes out and onto the bottle and practically almost everywhere after you dispense a few drops. But not in this case, I am pleasantly and surprisingly happy to find out that this doesn't drizzle unnecessarily after a few precious sprays. Oh yes, the spray nozzle is an important function in oil-based products. Nobody want unnecessarily spills, whether the product is expensive or cheap, well-known or not. Another reason why I am falling in love with this product.

The areas of my body which I use this wonderful product is mainly on my limbs, oh man, I have such dry limbs. And I am surprised that I haven't even seen my cracks on my skin due to the dryness of it. After diligently applying it onto my arms and legs after each shower for a good 2 weeks, I realized that my skin felt so much more supple and smoother to the touch. I dare say it's almost equivalent to touching a baby's skin LOL And also recently, I've shunned hair products meant for split and dry ends, and instead started using this on the ends of my hair. And am I impressed with it too.

Despite being an oil product, it is in fact a dry oil. Hence it doesn't make my hair feel heavy, oily nor greasy at all. We all know that hair is a woman's crowning glory and even if you take good care of our skin and body, inside and out, sometimes, we actually neglect out hair as well. Let's just say I've recently received lots of compliments on my hair on how healthy and thick it looked, as compared to several years back, when my hair looked so frumpy and limp. This is definitely a big improvement overall, as I also found out. And the scent on my hair, people were actually asking if I had my hair professionally treated or whatsoever, but my secret is simply Nuxe Huile Prodigieuse Multi-Purpose Dry Oil

And also because my heels are overly dry and cracked to the point of being painful when I sleep at night. Imagine sleeping on your side and being awoken abruptly in the middle of the night, partly because your cracked heel slid across your legs and it felt so uncomfortable. But after using this for close to 2 weeks on my heels before bed at night, my heels look so much better. It's as if my heels were never dry and cracked in the first place. Heck! I even received compliments on my feet too, since I tend to change out of my work shoes into flip flops after work.

Let's just say there is so many ways to use this product, but I am only listing a few on problem areas of my skin and body that I am sharing. In short, instead of lugging so many items or even buying so much beauty products, you just only need the ultimate one. And this Nuxe Huile Prodigieuse Multi-Purpose Dry Oil is the one to get. Notice that this bottle can last me until December 2018, that is so much money saved on beauty products for so many years. And I think I am on the verge of urging everyone I know to just get this one miracle bottle of dry oil, instead of spending so much money on so many different products.


WHAT I THINK: You can use it on your hair, your face, with your make-up, your body, even in your bath water. The usages are just endless with this one small bottle, in fact, I think the price is justified too.

WHERE TO REDEEM SAMPLE: Nuxe Singapore is constantly giving out trial samples and trial kits. So, I would urge you to be a fan of Nuxe Singapore Facebook page at Just go get the samples and try it, you will not be disappointed in giving this a try. And if you don't, all I can say is that, you are missing out so much from this miracle bottle.

Sunday, September 8, 2013

Monthly Topic #12: Who's the real you?

Ok, here's the public face you present to the world, but are you showing your true colors? Take this quiz and discover your secret side.

When we're younger, it's all about being accepted by the “in” crowd. It's tempting to do or say just about anything to enjoy the approval of our peers. Luckily, the older we get, the less “fitting in” seems to matter. That's because we learn to trust our own feelings and opinions a little better, and feel more comfortable in our own skin. Understanding your own character and the motivation that drive you is also the key to true happiness, because you learn to live within the limits and capabilities of your in-born nature.

You probably think you know yourself pretty well, but are you sure you've got yourself totally sussed out? Here are 20 penetrating questions that will accurately assess your character type. Of course, there are many variations and individual differences in characters, but psychologists agree that nearly everyone belongs to one of the four basic types. Your answers to this quiz show clearly what you're all about. OK, are you ready to discover the real you?

1. You have a couple of hours free to do exactly as you please. You:
a. Go for a walk, or an outing somwhere.
b. Visit a friend.
c. Settle down with a book or magazine.
d. Catch up on some odd jobs.

2. Do you make friends:
a. Quite readily?
b. More on an easy-come-easy-go basis?
c. Only with difficulty?
d. Chiefly when you need them?

3. Sport appeals to you:
a. Mildly?
b. Madly?
c. Hardly at all?
d. Only occasionally?

4. Do you think you handle money:
a. Deftly, capably and usually profitably as well?
b. Not too well?
c. Very carefully?
d. Fairly well, though perhaps extravagantly at times?

5. Do you feel the past is:
a. Something that has little place in your outlook?
b. Over and done with?
c. Something to be studied, perhaps learnt from?
d. Often quite fascinating?

6. You regard the future as:
a. Something you're working for here and now.
b. Exciting – but only a fre days ahead at a time.
c. Something best not thought about too much.
d. Something pleasant to look forward to.

7. Food to you is:
a. One of life's lesser enjoyments.
b. Rather a bore.
c. A real delight.
d. Pleasant, but no more.

8. Do you drink:
a. Because you find it oils the wheels of life?
b. Often just because other people do?
c. With deep enjoyment?
d. Rarely, or not at all?

9. Do you consider astrology:
a. Utter rubish?
b. Probably baseless, but fun?
c. Probably has something in it?
d. Quite outside your view of life?

10. Is religion to you:
a. More superstition than anything else?
b. Probably not as significant as it ought to be?
c. Very meaniningful?
d. A source of strength in times of difficulty?

11. Does weather affect your mood or how you're feeling?
a. Of course not.
b. Not that you've noticed.
c. Nearly always.
d. Sometimes, definitely.

12. Do you worry?
a. Never.
b. Only now and then.
c. Probably a bit more than you really need to.
d. Far too much.

13. Are you a good mixer at parties?
a. As a rule, yes.
b. Invariably.
c. Not as good as some people.
d. About average.

14. Is love to you:
a. Enjoyable, even useful, but only part of life?
b. A bit of a giggle?
c. The tricky mainspring of life?
d. All-important?

15. Do other people ask you for advice?
a. Quite a lot.
b. Only rarely.
c. All the time.
d. Mostly when they are in very real trouble.

16. Does an open show of emotion in other people:
a. Irritate you?
b. Tend to shock you?
c. Seem perfectly natural?
d. Make you feel sympathetic?

17. What are you usually like in a crisis?
a. Generally the best person to have around.
b. Warm-hearted, but often too excitable.
c. Calm, if not very effective.
d. Hopeless.

18. Do you:
a. Live to work?
b. Work to live?
c. Always enjoy work – provided you've chosen the job or task?
d. Try and avoid work whenever you can?

19. Are personal relationships for you:
a. Easy, if you're on top.
b. Generally happy-go-lucky, though they fluctuate?
c. Nearly always difficult?
d. Easy – as long as someone else is on top?

20. Which of these gives you the most enjoyment in life?
a. Your own energy, control of others, working for your family.
b. The fun of being with others and giving them pleasure.
c. Creativity, inner satisfaction, helping or teaching others.
d. Giving and receiving love.

What character type are you? If you answered the questions honestly, you should find you chose one letter a, b, c, or d, more than others. This reveals your character as follows:

Mostly A
Energetic, outgoing and a born organiser, you're the one that others know they can rely upon to get things done. You're good at beating handicaps, or setbacks, too. However, this can-do attitude can be perceived by others as being domineering and bossy, so make sure you take time to listen to the thoughts and feelings of those around you. Worldly wise and a little cynical, your drive and self-confidence can get over-bearing. However, at heart, you're tolerant and kind. You have a strong sense of responsibility, especially towards children and family.

Mostly B
You're the life and soul of the party, good company and a total extrovert. This pleasure-seeking nature can lead you to have no sense of personal responsibility, so be careful to avoid being too selfish. Courageous and confident, you have an immense sense of fun and others can't help being swept up in your spell and they, in turn, will forgive almost all your mistakes. A tendency to drink unwisely leads you to boast and exaggerate a little. You have a pioneering spirit and enjoy change, as long as there are other participants along for the ride – you hate being alone. You're not one for intellectual interests, but if music does appeal it's usually a great passion.

Mostly C
You're a real individual, highly creative, artistic and sensitive.This can lead you to be secretive and hard to understand and you run the very real risk of alienating those close to you because of the “masks” you wear. When you know you can trust someone, you're a faithful friend, but only to a favored few. However, when people come to you with problem, you're sympathetic, charitable and tolerant. The lone wolf type, you're also a born rebel, but only if you're the ones making the rules – you're averse to changes imposed by others. A bit of a homebody, you like to have roots in one place and travel soon makes you homesick.

Mostly D
Cheerful, home-loving and affectionate, you enjoy the simple pleasures in life and are adept at creating a happy atmosphere around you. Perceptive (almost psychic!) when it comes to the feelings of others, you often don't give enough thought to your own desires. While you appear carefree, you're prone to anxiety, indecision and moodiness. This can lead you to be stubborn and a little conservative in your opinions. You're an affectionate and loyal friend who'll do anything to keep the peace. An artistic, creative day-dreamer, you are good with your hands, but not overly fond of work.

Friday, September 6, 2013

Bliss Fabulips Foaming Lip Cleanser Review

WHAT IS IT: Bliss Fabulips Foaming Lip Cleanser
Bliss Fabulips Foaming Lip Cleanser

Bliss Fabulips Foaming Lip Cleanser
Bliss Fabulips Foaming Lip Cleanser: The effervescent bubbling formula with cocoa butter, shea butter and rice bran extract gently cleanses lips, lifting away impurities like food residue and makeup. The first-ever cleanser for your pout, it leaves lips clean, healthy, incredibly refreshed and perfectly prepped for the rest of your lip care regimen.

Bliss Fabulips Foaming Lip Cleanser
The product itself is a happy bubbly pink color, despite me not being a big fan of the color pink, I can't help but be drawn to this happy shade of pink :D

Bliss Fabulips Foaming Lip Cleanser
This product comes in a pump nozzle version, with a cap too. So, you can literally bring this small little tube out with you as it isn't that heavy at all. It's only a mere 7ml, but it works just fine too and nothing spills out because it comes with it's own awesome cap!!

Bliss Fabulips Foaming Lip Cleanser
Here's the lipsticks color I am using at the moment. Note that I tend to blot the excess color away so my lips won't look so "red", however in this post, I am not blotting anything away so you can see for yourself that this product works.

Bliss Fabulips Foaming Lip Cleanser
Here's the foaming lip cleanser going to work on my lips.

Bliss Fabulips Foaming Lip Cleanser
In case you were wondering if I actually smeared foam onto my lips, I would like to state that I used my finger to spread the product around so it covers most of my lipsticked lips.

Bliss Fabulips Foaming Lip Cleanser
And a splash of water and a wipe of tissue, and the lipstick comes right off. As my lips are quite dry on a regular basis, so don't mind the flaky condition of my lips. It has nothing to do with the product xD

VERDICT: First of all, I would like to say the scent is part of the deal breaker here. It smells so fruity and berry-ish that I am really almost tempted to lick my lips as soon as the foaming process starts. I initially bought this product on a whim while browsing through Sephora and I recalled that I had to wipe and re-wipe my lips repeatedly to get the lipstick off. And along the way, I had to deal with dry, flaky and peeling lips due to the over-wiping part. Yea, it hurts in a sense to see your lips going all flaky and peeling cos you had to wipe and wipe and wipe. I'm sure most ladies (and girls) who had to or love to wear lipstick would agree with me on this one.

Sure, we can use the easy way out whereby we use our makeup remover on our lips just for the sole purpose of removing all traces of lipstick on our lips. But let's face it, makeup remover is meant for makeup and although lipstick(s) are counted as makeup, it's not literally makeup on your face or skin. It's for the lips. And when it comes to our lips, we find ourselves constantly trying to find that one elusive item that actually promises and literally cleanses our lips without having to deal with the aftermath of it a.k.a dry, flaky and peeling lips.

I have to admit that the price seems a little steep for something so small, and that it's only 7ml worth inside. But in the long run, I realized that I do not need to pump out a lot. Just a small dot-size amount that is enough to cover almost the entire lips is just fine. And when it's time to clean it off, I simply splash a little tap water and gently wipe it off with a tissue. And voilà! It comes right off.

And allow me to explain this a little more. I do not need to apply this product alongside with water and neither did I need to wet my lips with tap water prior to using this. I just simply apply it as it is, let it sit and foam up and wipe off. And the color of my lipstick comes right off, just like that, no fuss, no frills at all. Of course, if you are using lipbalms or happen to be a lipbalm person, this product would have seem like overkill just for the sake of getting it. However, if you are someone who have to constantly re-apply your lipstick or if you happened to be wearing lipsticks that really promises long-lasting wear, then this is definitely a must-have to protect your lips in the long run.


WHERE TO REDEEM SAMPLE: I bought this from Sephora Vivo City for S$28 for a 7ml tube, and since it came in only 7ml tube versions, I initially thought this would be an over-hyped product. But after using it, I just fell in love with it instantly :D You can try their sample tube at any Sephora outlets in Singapore. It works even on if you pump out a little on your finger lol

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