Friday, May 3, 2013

Tsaio Grapefruit Seed Extract Peeling Gel Review

WHAT IS IT: Tsaio Grapefruit Seed Extract Peeling Gel


Tsaio Grapefruit Seed Extract Peeling Gel: Tsaio Grapefruit Seed Extract Peeling Gel is of light and tender texture that moderately exfoliates dead skin, leaving skin velvety smooth.

Has a light fruity scent, and the texture and consistency is definitely jelly like.

Is gentle on the skin, and you do not need to use too much force to rub it into your skin at all.

VERDICT: Firstly, the scent! Despite the description being labelled as Grapefruit Seed, there's no sourness to the scent at all. Instead, what you get is this wonderful fruity scent that really makes you want to use it on a daily basis. And even after using this, your skin has this lingering fruity scent that doesn't make you nauseous at all, which I think is really great. Most products with fruity scent tend to make you gag a little in your throat after a few more sniffs, but not this Tsaio Grapefruit Seed Extract Peeling Gel.

And despite the texture and consistency that feels like fruit jelly, this peeling gel actually packs quite a punch, I'd dare say. The peeling gel itself doesn't irritate nor aggravate existing skin problems, such as acne and pimple issues, for example. Normally, when I feel that a new pimple is going to show, I would use this once every 2 days to get rid of excess dead skin cells. As I want the skin around the pimple itself be cleaned of excess unwanted stuffs, in this way, moisturizers are able to deeply penetrate my skin and giving the necessary hydration and moisturization. And I personally felt that it does help the pimple itself go away slightly faster than compared to when I just simply wash my face as per normal.

And don't think peeling gels can only be used on the face only. I've tried it on the patch of skin behind my ear lobes, at the back of my neck and underarms too. And kindly allow me to review how I find it works pleasantly well. As I personally have quite a few ear piercings, and I am too skirmish to go for body piercings so kudos to those who can handle the pain on body piercings, I find that the area of skin behind my earlobes tend to suffer from skin peeling issues. And despite taking really great care of that particular area of skin, I still sometimes find it peeling away. And although it isn't too painful, but from another stranger's point-of-view or view point, it does feel a little embarrassing and people would comment and ask if it's a bad reaction from the ear piercings. So, I use this on the area of skin behind my earlobes at least once a week and I am definitely seeing less skin peeling issues there.

And as for the back of the neck, I find that it is quite an awkward spot. And even if I shower twice a day, I still find the back of my neck another tough problem to tackle. Despite cleaning and scrubbing this particular area, sometimes, I still get this red and angry like boil popping up, and I have absolutely no clue why on earth it's happening. I am guessing it could be the collar area of my clothes not being thoroughly washed clean, so it could be a contributing factor. And showering 2 or 3 times a day isn't really going to help. Hence, the back of my neck is the 2nd area I am targeting with this Tsaio Grapefruit Seed Extract Peeling Gel.

I diligently used this Tsaio Grapefruit Seed Extract Peeling Gel on the back of my neck at least once a week, and I am personally seeing less of that boil-like thing showing up. In fact, it only shows up and made me uncomfortable only once in a blue moon if my clothes are not washed thoroughly clean at all. And as for the underarms, I can assure you peeling gels such as this is perfect for underarms usage. As despite showering 2 or even 3 times a day, I find that regular showering doesn't seem to resolve the issue of dead skin cells, dirt and grime making it's mark on our underarms.

And since this Tsaio Grapefruit Seed Extract Peeling Gel can supposedly remove dead skin cells, I thought there's no harm in trying on my underarms as well. I diligently use this on my underarms at least once a week as well. And it actually does a good job and here's how. First of all, underarms tend to accumulate dead skin cells, dirt and grime, like I've already mentioned and before long, you will notice your underarms smelling a little too "funky" to ignore. Daily scrubbing doesn't seem to work, since we tend to sweat a little, if not a lot, on a daily basis. And via sweating, the stench will come back without a doubt. And the first issue, would be to clean the underarms thoroughly of the dead skin cells and yucky things that is contributing to the underarm stench.

By using this Tsaio Grapefruit Seed Extract Peeling Gel on my underarm, it not only gets rid of the underarm stench. I also realized that if your underarm is looking a little discolored cos of the sweating and undue "stress" on the patch of skin on your underarm, it actually clears and removes dead skin cells, and at the same time, lightens up the color of your underarm. Doesn't help when gossip tabloids show celebrities with underarms the same color as their arms, while those of us over at hot and humid climates tend to have our underarms a slightly darker shade than our arms. I know, it sucks big time. And I end up not using a haversack anymore cos I do not want to contribute more "darkness" to my already not so light underarms.

And if you have the tendency to pluck your own armpit hairs, take note too! After using this Tsaio Grapefruit Seed Extract Peeling Gel on your underarm, you will somehow notice all these particles resembling lint, and it can also be removed easily as long as you "exfoliate" your underarm. And no, the places where I used this peeling gel doesn't irritate nor aggravate the skin at all. And as for the underarm stench, I can safely assure you that the "funky" smell stayed away at least until you decided to use it after more than a few weeks. Hence, I recommend once-a-week usage to keep dead skin cells, skin problems and weird "funky" smells at bay.


WHAT I THINK: A cheaper alternative to going to an underarm salon to get rid of dark underarms or the stench alike. And if you are thinking of going for underarm hair removal and is afraid of showing your dark or stinky underarm , use this first. It does help a lot!!

WHERE TO REDEEM SAMPLE: So far, there is no Tsaio Facebook page for Singapore as of yet, hence it's virtually impossible to get Tsaio samples to try out. However, I do recommend being a fan of Tsaio Taiwan Facebook page at機植之丘/276998475653575 to be notified of any new Tsaio products they can come up with.

And you can buy limited Tsaio products in Singapore from all Beauté Spring outlets in Singapore. For other Tsaio products not available in Singapore, you might have to go through SaSa instead.

Why not like my Facebook page at to be informed of latest samples I found, which is duly updated? Also includes updates to health, beauty & lifestyle tips at least once a day. It will definitely save you the trouble of having to hunt them down :)

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