Monday, May 27, 2013

Japanese Cherry Blossom Eau De Toilette: New Winner

Japanese Cherry Blossom Eau De Toilette

The previous winner, Janice Lee did not respond back to me on Sunday before midnight, therefore a new winner for my Japanese Cherry Blossom Eau De Toilette blog contest/giveaway has been chosen instead.

Note that participants who joined the contest/giveaway, but never Like my facebook page will have their entries disqualified. But then, I'm just going to skip the participation list instead and go straight to the lucky winner instead :)

And the lucky winner is...

Japanese Cherry Blossom Eau De Toilette Winner

Eleen Cheong (

Dear Eleen Cheong, do kindly PM me your mailing address by Tuesday before midnight so I can arrange to mail out your prize :)

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