Saturday, April 13, 2013

Samples Received/Redeemed: 8 Apr - 12 Apr 2013

This is definitely a crazy and happy week so far, so many goodies to collect and redeem and so many that I am waiting for to arrive as well. Yes, it's absolutely mind-boggling for a moment here that I wonder if every week would be the same as well. And along the way, I got some masks from a good friend I have the honor of knowing recently on Facebook and I am ever always thankful for her advice and her encouragement. A little pat on the shoulder definitely helps you go even further than you realized you could, that I can definitely assure you. It's just a friendly push to keep going on when everything might seemed dire and hopeless.

And speaking of "push", I decided to wait almost until Thursday to receive this prize I won from EzyHealth. It was supposedly near Kent Ridge MRT, and actually just right beside NUH a.k.a National University Hospital and absolutely very accessible via direct bus as well. However, Kent Ridge MRT is somewhat a new train station for me, so I took a train from Harbourfront MRT via the Circle Line and down to Kent Ridge MRT, and traverse this very big Science Park area. Ack! The sun wasn't so shiny that day at around 12+ in the afternoon, but there wasn't any breeze either. And I think EzyHealth assumed that all their prize winners would automatically have their own transport or come in taxis. As the reeptionist who allowed me to redeemed my prize looked like she wanted to QQ because I came in roughly 30 minutes later than the first collection timeslot.

And kindly allow me to assure you, just ignore the time slot given. They should regulate collection times as "8:30am to 12 noon" and "2:30pm to 5:30pm". If they are going to let people redeem what they won, collection time should be "8:30am to 5:30pm". If the person-in-charge went out to lunch, have a tea break, have a loooong cigarette break or decide to pass out somewhere, someone else should be delegated to help. Not like what the typical Singaporean liked to say, "Die die must only be 1 person in-charge". Needless to say, I ignore the retarded time-frame, collected my prize and waddled away without a backwards glance. Only to realize that I could have walked to Exit A inside Kent Ridge MRT and in front of NUH where I can hopped onto my direct bus and went home. (I took the train back to HarbourFront and took my bus home, until I saw it passed by Kent Ridge MRT Exit A....)

She started by asking if I trusted SingPost, and I thought it was just a casual question whether I trust SingPost on delivering my prizes safe and sound. We all are aware of how SingPost in Singapore works, they can actually tear a hole in our package, which thus ensures that whatever we are to received would end up getting lost in the mail. I only found out recently how bad it was when another Facebook friend lost a sample she won. Bad SingPost!

And when the package came with the postman, I was like "Oh no, she shouldn't have :( " But nonetheless, I was really happy and surprised to find out that there were more than 1 mask in there. That's so sweet :) The items includes:

  • b.seen i'm eye dryness conqueror mask
  • My Beauty Diary Dark Circles Intensive Care Eye Mask
  • SexyLook Firming Double Lifting Mask Red Wine with Platinum Essence
  • SexyLook Radiance Double Lifting Mask Bird Nest + Salmon Gold Caviar
  • Life Worth Living by Joseph Prince

Thank you once again, for the masks, the book and the message inside. I really love them ❤❤❤

WHERE TO REDEEM SAMPLE: None. But most of them can be redeemed for a small fee a.k.a delivery postage fee from The Sample Store. If you do not have an account, you can sign up via my referral link at the top of the page, just directly below the banner, it's under the "Referral" link. Just be aware that they have revised their delivery amount. 1-2 items will be charged S$2.99, while 3-4 items will be charged S$3.99, instead of the usual 1-4 items at S$2.99.

Previously, Brand's Singapore didn't have their own actual Facebook page yet, but they were going to move to a brand new page and hence decided to reward fans before the official move. What fans need to do is to like their page and take a screenshot of their page with the "Liked" button to prove you are a fan. Next,email the screenshot with our particulars and they will send back an email with collection details after verification.

Brand's somewhat expensive, to my own personal standard. So, I definitely would want to go collect it and further more, I know it's impossible they would give a box of 4 or 6 bottles at one time, too generous. But they cannot just possibly give 1 bottle either, or fans will be upset and QQ. So, imagine my surprise when I found out that I got:

  • Bird's Nest Sugar-Free x 1
  • Essence of Chicken x 3

I think this Brand's Gift Pack is actually perfect if you have never tried Brand's before, and this gift pack would be a good start.

WHERE TO REDEEM SAMPLE: I collected mine on Thursday and I had to sign beside my name to indicate that I had received and redeemed my gift pack. And the last I am aware of, the list only went until 500+ names, so you might still get a chance if you hurry and email them now.

1. Like them at

2. Take a screenshot of BRAND'S Facebook page with the Liked button (to prove that you've liked it as a fan) and send it with your name, contact number, email address and NRIC to!

3. They will send you an email with collection details after they've verified that you are still a fan after sending in the screenshot via email. And it's a first come first served basis, so basically, if you are the first to receive the email redemption and you are the 1001 person to collect it, sorry, nothing for you anymore. As it's only for the first 1000, if I do remembered correctly. So, please hurry if you want it!!

So, Clarks emailed me sometime last month and stated that I had won in their Clarks Memory Game and is a winner. There were a number of prizes and I think I didn't read it properly that prizes allocated are random, but I tried my luck and asked for a bag organizer instead as the other prizes just don't do any justice if I really did win it without even knowing how.

And along the way, the prize came with a Clarks S$25 voucher, redeemable only at Marina Bay Sands Clarks outlet.

Here's the voucher, in all it's glory.

And the bag organizer is lovingly encased in another felt bag to protect it.

It's actually a soft pink-ish color, and the leather feels so soft and plush.

And the inside of the bag organizer looks so "Burberry". *scratches head* I still don't understand how my epicly low score equates me as the winner somehow...

WHERE TO REDEEM SAMPLE: The Clarks Memory game is over, but you can still be a fan of Clarks Singapore Facebook page at, and Like their page as a fan to be updated and notified of upcoming contests and giveaways.

I got to know about Song Brothers giving away cartoon charcter Magic Mobile Screen Cleaner and duly joined. And was happy to be picked as a winner. Until I received the prize and they claimed they ran out of stock for the cartoon designs and gave something else that wasn't quite as promised. It was really disappointing to say the least, if you wanted to give something, you should keep the stocks available for the giveaway. Not transfer your stocks to your respective outlets or put them up for sale.

And like what my friend Irene mentioned in her blog post at, my first reaction was also a "WTF!?". And it is a very, very disappointing win, Song Brothers. If there's no stocks, I'm sure most of us wouldn't mind waiting for the stocks to arrive. Basically, we won, but we still didn't receive our actual prizes as these pseudo prizes are not the actual prizes. So, Fail Brothers, where's my prize again?

WHERE TO REDEEM SAMPLE: This contest is over, but if you are still game enough to give them a chance, you can go over to Song Brothers Marketing Facebook page at If you don't want to be a fan, I can understand that as this recent incident just betrayed the trust I have in them as a fan personally. So, their future contests, I think I am going to exercise bigger precaution. If the prize looks worth it, I'll still join. But if it's something as cheapskate as a magic mobile screen cleaner, steer clear in case they "ran out of stock" and send something else entirely different.

EzyHealthy & Beauty magazine had a EzyPromo in March and naturally, I joined and choose this prize, out of 3 which I got to win. It was a nerve-wrecking moment to get to the location on time, which I mentioned at the start of this post. So basically, as a friendly advice from a friend, "ignore the timeframe/time collection time". Even if you had to wait for the prize, you won't need to wait past 30 minutes, this I can assure you. The prize I won and worth S$17.70, includes (from L to R):

  • Desderman Pure Gel @ 60ml
  • Octenisept Wound Gel @ 20ml
  • Esemtan Wash Lotion @ 150ml

WHERE TO REDEEM SAMPLE: The current ones that most of us won is over. But there's 2 new prizes to be won once more, go over to Choose the prize you most want to win, and scroll down, fill in your details and wait for the good news. I choose the "Accurate and Handy" prize for this new one, and if I find myself lucky once more, I can give it to my Ma for her to measure her high-blood pressure on-the-go lol *If* I am lucky~

So, ilovepeppersung previously had a collaboration with Cellilux where they will choose 10 lucky winners (I hope I got the amount of winners correct). And lucky me was picked as one of the winners too. Can't wait to use it!! It's a Cellulix Dead Sea Secret Glacial Mineral Gel, good for 2 x usage, so I'm going to grab my mother and use it at one go. Gel and Clay masks are tricky, you cannot leave them alone, especially if they are in a sachet as they are just like little children, prone to anguish and drying up without warning lol

WHERE TO REDEEM SAMPLE: This Cellulix contest/giveaway is over. However, I still urge and recommend you to go over to ilovepeppersung Facebook page at, Like the page as a fan to join the contests available. Each and every contest and giveaway is from the heart, from ilovepeppersung to the fans and for the fans, with no strings attached. And everyone is a sure winner, so go join!!

Why not like my Facebook page at to be informed of latest samples I found, which is duly updated? Also includes updates to contests that I've sourced out for you to join. It will definitely save you the trouble of having to hunt them down :)

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