Saturday, April 20, 2013

Samples Received/Redeemed: 15 Apr - 19 Apr 2013

Personally, I think this is also another good week as there were some unexpected freebies that I wasn't expecting. Case in question, the bag of marshmallows. It stemmed from a funny comment to a page status update which resulted in me getting a bag of marshmallows to make my own marshmallow funny topics with. Just read on to find out what happened exactly ^^

So once again, I saw this Sponsored Ad on Facebook and I recalled doing a similar survey last Christmas season from roughly the same website. And as soon as I found out, I went ahead and go through the online survey.

Reward is a S$5.00 CapitaLand voucher that will be sent to your mailbox once the survey is over. And unluckily this time round, I think the survey quota was reached pretty soon. As I went to check the link roughly less than 2 weeks later and saw that. So, if you managed to do the survey, congratulations. But if you missed out, I doubt it will be the last as I've personally done their survey twice already.

WHERE TO REDEEM SAMPLE: Survey's over. But if you still like to visit the website and try your luck, here's the link:

So, one fine day, Lion City Distributions posted a status update on 5 April, and a photo featuring marshmallow faces. And I cheekily responded with "Mother: Stop playing with your food!!" and in return got asked for my mailing address for a packet of marshmallows to be sent to me. I thought it was just a joke, but nonetheless, I still PM them my address.

Less than a week later, Ta-Dah! A bag of marshmallows in the mailbox LOL Now I'm getting confused already, what faces should I draw. But then, I haven't tried making my very own Smores before. Everything is so tempting :D

WHERE TO REDEEM SAMPLE: No redemption link for it. This came out of being spontaneous and I wasn't even expecting a big bag of marshmallows either xD

So, I was the #1 Fan on What's in the bag? Top Friends list for April. And I got these 2 goodies in return. Everything was so nicely wrapped up in bubble wrap and the snack was wrapped in a layer of bubble wrap, which was also placed inside a plastic container to ensure it didn't get smooshed in the mail. SingPost mostly manhandle our stuffs in the mail on a regular basis, so kudos to Lyann for ensuring that their manhandling behavior doesn't affect the quality of the items she sent out being compromised :D

For the extra prize, I chose the Card Holder that features a cat with really rosy cheeks. Kinda eyeing this one for a while now lol Now, it's my beloved kitty cat and I'm going to adore it lovingly, without all the drool :O

As for the snack, let's just say, it's yummy since it's direct from Japan. And Japanese snacks to me are the bomb. Nothing can beat it!! *thumbs up*

WHERE TO REDEEM SAMPLE: I greatly recommend being a fan of What's in the bag? at as Lyann is constantly having contests and giveaways on her page. As well as all her hard-worked crafts that are just so beautiful and inspiring to look at. You do not know what is hardwork and patience until you see all her crafts, it really inspires you to go do something similar as well.

So, my good friend Irene recently won 2 philosophy gift set, in which she keep one for herself and the other set, she can give it to whoever she wants to. And Irene purposely redeemed her prizes at least 2 weeks after redemption and the staff who attend to her, I don't know, if the staff is being just plain dumb or downright ridiculous. Cos first of all, the staff had no idea what was going on and brought out some sample sachets and deemed it as the prize. And Irene of course balked at that audcaity.

And when the staff finally got everything right and under control, guess what the same staff did? She explained that since Irene won 2 sets of the same prize, it meant that the winner get to keep 1 set while she as the staff kept the other set as proof of collection. And my instant reaction when Irene told me that was a quiet and loud-in-my-mind "WTF!!??" So, if there are 20 winners, that means the staff will be keeping 20 sets for herself to use, right?

Don't misunderstand me, I personally think and feel that philosophy is a good brand. Hell, even Oprah heap praises on this brand. But what I personally feel is that the staffs over at Singapore lack a lot of communication between office and outlets and even their own outlet staffs are not even aware of what's going on in their company or online at all. Doesn't this makes you want to say, "I can do their jobs better than them"? You bet I felt the same way. And their office representative in charge of their Facebook page isn't any better, instead of just humbly apologizing, they actually had the gall to just pretend everything's well and nothing's wrong....

Anyway, Irene recently had a new hobby and I end up being honored to receive her works. Cute huh? I think I'll probably end up making something that's so out of the blue even I myself will have no idea what it's supposed to be LOL

The philosophy items are (from left to right, top to bottom):

  • miracle worker dark spot corrector @ 3ml
  • eye hope @ 2ml
  • be your best skin perfecting bb ream spf 30 pa+++ @ 2ml
  • purity made simple foaming 3-in-1 cleansing gel @ 6ml
  • take shelter uva/uvb spf 30 pa+++ sunscreen @ 2ml
  • take shelter uva/uvb spf 50 pa+++ sunscreen @ 2ml

And the next goodies she packed for me are (from left to right):

  • Chupa Chups X Kiss Me Cherry Lip Gloss
  • Super Hyaluronic Acid Moisturizing Makeup Remover
  • Super Hyaluronic Acid Moisturizing Lotion
  • Super Hyaluronic Acid Moisturizing Face Wash

WHERE TO REDEEM SAMPLE: Nah, it was a goodie-exchange from a good friend :D

So, I previously saw this Kotex advertisement on my NuffNang ad and being the ever curious feline, I decided to click and check it out. No NuffNang, I didn't mass clicked nor spam clicked, I only clicked 2 or 3 times cos I was a little confused after going to the landing page.

Turns out, the ad actually brought me to a sample page. And since I've never used Kotex before, I thought I might as well get one and try it out to gauge how good it is.

WHERE TO REDEEM SAMPLE: Anyway, if you want a free Kotex Liners (4x), go over to this link at and follow the instructions. You get 4 x Kotex liners in your mailbox.

Why not like my Facebook page at to be informed of latest samples I found, which is duly updated? Also includes updates to health, beauty & lifestyle tips at least once a day. It will definitely save you the trouble of having to hunt them down :)

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