Monday, April 15, 2013

Osteo Bi-Flex Triple Strength Review

WHAT IS IT: Osteo Bi-Flex Triple Strength


Osteo Bi-Flex Triple Strength: This joint care formula is for people concerned with flexibility, mobility, and comfort, as well as joint flare-ups!* Just two caplets a day delivers full joint matrix care with Glucosamine and our Joint Shield™ proprietary blend which contains Chondroitin, MSM and 5-LOXIN® Advanced. This revolutionary formula helps revitalize your joints to keep them jumping.

The smell or taste isn't that bad at all, although I made a mistake of tilting my head downwards when trying to swallow this.

VERDICT: For once, this supplement doesn't have those typical awkward taste or smell/scent associated with health supplements that are meant for bones and joints. Hence, making myself take this isn't too much of a chore at all. As this supplement is actually unisex, so I personally thought that it's good for both men and women who happened to suffer from bone and/or joint pains. As I am typically a bum when it comes to health-related supplements since there are like a bazillion out in the market, it's actually hard to figure out exactly which are the best and which one is better suited to the individual.

And recently, media has shown that glucosamine is best suited for bone and joint pains. So naturally, I would jump on the "glucosamine" bandwagon if given a chance to. Bone and joints are important, especially if you are like me, always thinking of trying to get 2 to 3 different samples within a day so you need not make wasted trips by collecting 1 sample a day. My personal thought is that, if your bones and joints are going to hurt, you might as well endure the pain for a day's worth, instead of "spreading" the pain over a course of a few days. Why torture yourself for a couple of days in the first place?

And for me, my ankles are always the first place to hurt. So, it's natural for me to want to do something positive to lessen the pain while strengthening my bones at the same time too. And sample collection and redemption doesn't necessarily ensure you can find somewhere to sit to catch your breath or rest your aching bones for a while, especially when collection locations are actually in the middle of nowhere, so as to speak. So, it's important to want to have stronger and healthier bones, even if it's just for walking short distances from bus stop to collection location, isn't it?

I found that after consuming this Osteo Bi-Flex Triple Strength for close to a month, my bones and joints, especially my ankles didn't hurt that much anymore. Unless I got lazy and stopped taking for a few days, which ultimately resulted in my bones and joints not getting the nutrients they need to be strong. But I can safely assure you that this is definitely working for me, so therefore, if you are curious, you can actually get a bottle and share with your family and/or friends to see whether it's effective before being a longterm user for this supplement.


WHAT I THINK: Pain-free ankles, I'm just too happy for words xD

WHERE TO REDEEM SAMPLE: I got this after my letter was featured in Guardian's Feeling magazine in the October issue. So far, I've not seen anywhere to redeem a few tablets to try, but it actually does work for me though. So, I would gladly recommend this if you have bone and/or joint pains.

Why not like my Facebook page at to be informed of latest samples I found, which is duly updated? Also includes updates to contests that I've sourced out for you to join. It will definitely save you the trouble of having to hunt them down :)

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