This review is proudly sponsored and brought to you by The Skin Shop Singapore. All external images, if used, solely belong to their respective owners and not to me. I only re-link and used them as part of this review .
Note that all views presented here are of my own and whether the product is sponsored or not, it's honest throughout. Only that effects will vary on the individual when applied.
WHAT IS IT: The Skin Shop IRIS Color Control CC Cream SPF37 PA+++


The Skin Shop IRIS Color Control CC Cream: CC cream was developed to retain all the skincare benefits of BB cream with added nourishing ingredients and the additional aim to provide more effective skin coverage. CC cream is the newest miracle beauty product available and was formulated with technology originating in industry-leader Japan and further developed in Korea.
BB Cream containing porous powder that keeps clean oil-less and silky skin with controlling sebum effectively and hyaluronic acid that presents soft and smooth skin tone with enhanced moisture. Realization of quick and easy make-up thanks to its multi-functions(Whitening + Anti-wrinkle + UV protection) and key ingredients includes Portulacae herba extract, Ecucalyptus extract, Papaya extract, Hoeny extract, Wheat extract.

This Iris CC Cream actually comes in a tube with a dispenser pump, which ensures hygienic usage time after time. And it also comes with a clear lid too, to further discourage bacteria and encourage hygiene.

Here's a look at how the Iris CC Cream looks like.

This is my face BEFORE applying the Iris CC Cream, note my skin issues at the moment. Red spots, old blemish and acne scars. Just perfect to put the Iris CC Cream to test and review.

This is my face WHILE APPLYING the Iris CC Cream. The correct method for applying CC (and BB) Cream is to apply a dot of the CC (or BB) Cream on the forehead, a dot on the nose, a dot each on the cheeks and a dot on the chin. Just a small dot will do as the dots of CC Cream on the above-mentioned areas actually ensure total and maximum coverage on the skin.

This is my face AFTER applying the Iris CC Cream. Note that my old blemish and acne scars are totally gone, and the red spot on my chin is effectively covered with efficiency. This is truly a remarkable CC Cream I have come across.
VERDICT: The scent of this Iris CC Cream actually smells something of a cross between flowery and powdery, a scent that I actually can relate to when as a child. And we all know the best moments of our life are preferably during our childhood as we need not worry about exams, life, career etc during that time. Don't worry, it's just plain old me that manages to reminisce childhood with beauty scents every now and then. I find that the scent of this Iris CC Cream is actually light and doesn't put you off, and the scent doesn't even bother nor linger on unnecessarily on the face after applying the CC Cream.
The texture and consistency is actually soft and smooth, and is easily spreadable without too much fuss needed. Although I use more BB Creams than CC Creams, I am pleasantly surprised to find that the texture and consistency of CC Creams are very much similar to BB Creams. A lot. As we all know, BB means Blemish Balm while CC means Color Control. And most times, the BB Creams I have tried and used tend to blend well onto my skin, but still leave my acne and blemish scars still slightly visible. Or that it does provide really good coverage, but only if I apply a few layers of it. So, imagine my surprise when I apply a decent layer of this Iris CC Cream by The Skin Shop and instantly saw that my acne and blemish scars just practically went almost invisible.
And mind you, I do not enjoy having to apply on a few layers of the same BB or CC Cream just for the sake of having to effectively cover up my old blemish and acne scars. Any good BB and CC Cream worth their brand name should be able to do that in just one layer, not many layers. And The Skin Shop's CC Cream really does that, all in a single layer of application. And despite the instructions on the packaging that urges you to "pour a generous amount", all you really need is a decently thin layer to see if it can cover up unwanted scars adequately before deciding whether you have to apply on a second layer to do the trick.
And along the way, I am literally a sucker for products that speaks of classiness, in this case The Skin Shop's Iris CC Cream. The bottle itself comes in a white box with blue silhouettes of the Eiffel Tower on it, and the box at first glance might convince you it's a lotion of some type. Until you picked it up and read it carefully. Yep, that's the classiness I look for when buying products. I don't want a product that looks so generic that I feel it a chore to have to use it constantly. I want a product that speaks of class, of good taste which makes you appreciate using the product due to the benefits it can give and offer to you. (In short, I so love the packaging of this Iris CC Cream through and through. Haha~)
And with the usage of BB and CC Creams, the little issue about it is that sometimes, we tend to apply on a hurry before having to rush out of the house. This meant that the BB/CC Cream will not have enough time to be absorbed into our skin and/or merging with our actual skin-tone. Hence, you sometimes see girls and women on the streets with a too pasty and pale face color while from the neck down, they looked perfectly healthy tone. The thing about this Iris CC Cream is that, you can actually apply it first thing after washing your face, brushing your teeth, chowing down breakfast, you know the usual morning routine most of us are used to. Apply this Iris CC Cream first, and while it's getting absorbed and merging into our actual skin color, get dressed, style your hair, whatever. By the time you're done with the clothes, you can proceed to apply on your usual make-up. And at this time, you will notice that this Iris CC Cream have blended really well into your skin and is actually a perfect match with your natural skin tone. Mind you, I look like a ghost in the dead of the night with my hair down, so I am amazed that this Iris CC Cream goes well with my skin color for a change.
And I personally adored what this Iris CC Cream is about. It's a color control/color corrector cream, and even hours after application, I still find my old blemish and acne scars well-covered without being too obvious. And the redness on my chin? Still 100% covered, and when people asked, I just casually mentioned that I walked into a wall. (I'm horribly short-sighted, so the "walk into the wall" part always works) And not forgetting, this Iris CC Cream has a coverage of SPF37 PA+++, and as mentioned, I can be a little too pale for comfort, and this meant that I can get sunburnt too easily, so this Iris CC Cream actually protects my face from harmful UVA and UVB rays while giving maximum coverage on areas I need them to.
And this works wonders on my oily T-zone too! My T-zone tend to get a little too "shiny" with the excess sebum after a full work day, so the last thing I expect is my face to glow back at me uncannily from a dark reflective surface. Not good in my case. I love how this Iris CC Cream actually kept my T-zone semi-matte and natural looking despite my oily T-zone. And.. *gasp* more ring of sebum around my nose, this little info can let me die happy knowing it. It's creepy to see a halo of sebum looking back at you in the mirror sometimes, I'm positively sure some of you ladies can attest to that.
WHAT I THINK: Of all the BB and CC Creams I've tried, this is by far the best I've got to used. Seems like The Skin Shop's Iris CC Cream is going to be my new CC Cream BFF from now on :D
WHERE TO REDEEM SAMPLE: You can try The Skin Shop outlets in Singapore and ask if they have sample sachets for you to try. But other than that, this is a sponsored review, meaning the tube of CC Cream is sponsored and not a sample tube :) I would definitely urge you to give this Iris CC Cream a try if you have tried so many BB and CC Creams and cannot find the one that works well for you.
Alternatively, you can purchase this Iris CC Cream for the price of S$44.90 in a 60g nozzle tube via The Skin Shop Singapore's website at
And do remember to be a fan of The Skin Shop Singapore Facebook page at
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