Saturday, March 9, 2013

Samples Received/Redeemed: 4 Mar - 8 Mar 2013

I would say it's actually been an awesome week, since I have gotten my hands on so much freebies and prizes along the way. And as such, I don't want to lag down the entire post today, hence I will be breaking them up into 2 separate week post(s) instead. All the more to have for "Show and Tell", my dearies.

But enough talk from me already, here's the list of items I have received for this week. And more for next Saturday as well :)

Got to know about this sampling exercise on the right panel side of Facebook, where the sponsored ads are. And I wasted no time in spamming, I mean telling, everyone I know to quickly get them.

WHERE TO REDEEM SAMPLE: First, go over to Estee Lauder Singapore Facebook page at, Like their page to be a fan first. I mean, that's the only way to know when's the next sampling exercise for their new products, right?

Next, go over to Estee Lauder's website at Once the page loads, scroll all the way down and fill in your details/particulars and indicate which counter you preferred to pick up your samples from.

If you are accessing via mobile phone, go over to the mobile-based site at and fill in your details/particulars and follow the instructions.

For this sampling exercise, I only managed to found out about it roughly 1-2 hours before the deadline creeps up. So, it's rather unfortunate that only those on my friend list also got to know about it just as late as I did :( The deal is that, you have to change the cover photo of your profile page to one of the Hypnose Star Betty Boop cover with quite a few of your own profile photos in it. And then leave a comment on LancĂ´me's page to let them know you have done so.

But if you are curious how it looks like, you can go over to my profile page at to check it out :)

Here's what's included in the freebie for changing my cover photo. The items are:
  • 3 x Bag pin
  • Hypnose Star Waterproof Mascara (2ml tube) x 1
  • GĂ©nifique Yeux - Youth Activating Eye Concentrate (5ml pot) x 1

WHERE TO REDEEM SAMPLE: Sampling exercise over. It's a shame that I only got to know about this 1-2 hours before it's over. And I really don't recall LancĂ´me broadcasting about it either, or it probably got swamped by other updates on my wall. And most of my friends aren't even aware either, until I found out due to being a curious kitty. So yea, I am guessing that LancĂ´me didn't really broadcast it at all.

The collection point is actually Winsland House, just behind Orchard Central. If you are eligible to collect your mascara sample, note that you can safely leave your Identity Card with the security guards in exchange for a elevator pass that you need in order to use the lift to go up to their office to collect. And trust me, the receptionist can't even be bothered to ask for my IC to check or anything. She just simply slapped a piece of A4 paper on the counter and asked me to fill in my name, IC number and telephone number. So maybe, if you send in your cover photo comment too late, you can actually just "bedek bedek" go and redeem it since the receptionist cannot be bothered to check for anything at all.

Venus Beauty had a Facebook Mystery Random Fan Giveaway ( and I was one of the lucky 30 people to be picked. And apparently, only 10 people went forth and collected, wonder what happened to the other 20? Check your email everywhere!!

WHERE TO REDEEM SAMPLE: You only get it if you received an email from Venus Beauty. The freebie is a retail-sized tube at 120ml, don't ask me about the price as I am clueless. However, a check with the staff at Venus Beauty assured me that they have been selling this Cleansing Foam for quite a while now. Maybe not much shoppers realized the benefits of this cleansing form, so there's a giveaway for selected fans :)

Got to know about this sampling exercise the same way I had with the previous Estee Lauder samples too. And I wasted no time in sharing as much as I possible can. Yes, I am over-zealous in sharing freebies, must ensure everyone I know get it too. Mufufufu~

WHERE TO REDEEM SAMPLE: Go over to Clarins Singapore Facebook page at, Like their page to be a fan. Next, look for a link/app that says New White Plus and click on it.

But in the event you missed it, go over to this link at and look for this link that says GET A FREE TRIAL. Click on it, fill in your details/particulars and choose your preferred Clarins counter for collection.

Well, I don't really remember much about this contest. But still, I am glad to be one of the lucky 5 winners for But Becky's Lunar New Year Giveaway Round 1 contest ( It's actually the Radiance & Luminous Pearl Mask. I'v heard about them, but then, I am not really a big fan of whitening masks since I am already pale enough to pass off as a random spook in the middle of the night ^^;

But then, I'll try and see how it fares and post up a review for it then :D

WHERE TO REDEEM SAMPLE: Go over to But Becky Singapore Facebook page at and Like their page as a fan to be notified and updated on latest promotions, contests, giveaways, etc. And frankly speaking, I still cannot recall exactly what I did for the contest. Hmm...

Why not like my Facebook page at to be informed of latest samples I found, which is duly updated? Also includes updates to contests that I've sourced out for you to join. It will definitely save you the trouble of having to hunt them down :)


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2. Got blindsided by free candy (where did that came from?)

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