Saturday, March 30, 2013

Samples Received/Redeemed: 24 Mar - 29 Mar 2013

I have to admit I have been a little lazy this week in going out of the house to redeem free samples. And at last count, I skipped 2 free samples. They're namely:

  • DailyVanity's Biotherm Blue Therapy 7 Day Trial Kit

For the KOSÉ one, I got to know about the sampling activity because I am a fan of Ju Ann's Page on Facebook. Let's just say I was a little too lazy and lethargic to go down to Orchard for 1 sample, as I personally feel that it doesn't feel the sample is worth the journey despite the sample costing more than the journey which actually does make the sample collection worthwhile. I just happened to be a sample collector who prefers to be able to grab a few samples in one day to make the trip really worthwhile.

As for the DailyVanity one where I got picked as a winner, the 2 collection dates given were today (Saturday, 30 March) and next Saturday (06 April). And let's face it, I am too much of a lazy bum if it involves going down to Orchard on a weekend afternoon for just 1 sample. Hope DailyVanity will give my sample away to the next person since I didn't go down to collect it. Although on a side note, what I personally can't understand is that, the collection details is from 2 person waiting at Starbucks. This meant either they have an office where the location is not easily accessible or something, in which case, I feel they should offer to mail the samples via normal postage instead.

Nope. Weekend Afternoon + Orchard = Very hectic for me, no matter how "hardcore" a sample/freebie collector I am.

I saw the April edition of Singapore's Women's Weekly at the newstand near my area, was a little interested. And the newspaper vendor promptly try to convinced me to get the magazine for 3 days straight. I finally caved in and bought it. The samples are:
  • Dove Damage Therapy Intense Repair Shampoo @ 30ml
  • Dove Damage Therapy Intense Repair Conditioner @ 30ml

The size is actually good for bringing it with you if you are going overseas for a short holiday.

WHERE TO REDEEM SAMPLE: At any newstand for S$4.20 a copy. If you can't find it at any big bookstores, such as Books Kinokuniya, Popular for example, try the newstand at the nearest MaMa shop near you. The one that is always near the wet market/open air kopitiam or newstands at Bus/MRT Interchange.

Previously, PepperSung had a giveaway where there was a picture of 2 kitties (one black and one purplish-pink) and participants are invited to guess where the 2 kitties can be found. And a random winner will be chosen. I got lucky :D

And so I waited and waited for the postman to finally deliver my much anticipated prize in my mailbox. And SingPost are notorious for "damaging" parcels somehow, either a tear in the envelope that meant your stuff is "lost in the mail" or something similar. And when I finally saw this in my mailbox, I really breathed a sigh of relief. Phew~

*o* Oh noes, I'm being fattened up xD (And Joy Sung has really pretty handwriting, mine can't even make it believable as a doctor's handwriting -_- )

WHERE TO REDEEM SAMPLE: Here's how to be a lucky winner. Go over to PepperSung Facebook page at, Like as a fan in order to be eligible as a participant for constant giveaways. And note that all giveaways are actually to reward fans by giving back to the fans, no cute and fluffy animals were harmed, especially kitties :D

I think I vaguely filled in my particulars again and try to see what sample mask I will be getting this time round. And I got the Pulped Pomegranate Passion Peel Off mask. It deep cleanses, purify and protects!!

WHERE TO REDEEM SAMPLE: Go over to Montagne Jeunesse Singapore Facebook page at, Like the page as a fan. Next, look for the link that says Free Sample, click on it and fill in your details. This is like the 3rd sample I've requested already and also because unlike other Facebook Free Sample App page, Montagne Jeunesse Singapore doesn't store your details, you can actually request for more samples. Just request once a week or every 2 weeks in between, or you might get banned lol

Why not like my Facebook page at to be informed of latest samples I found, which is duly updated? Also includes updates to contests that I've sourced out for you to join. It will definitely save you the trouble of having to hunt them down :)

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