Thursday, February 28, 2013

Sunstar Tonic Shampoo with Conditioner 2 in 1 Review

WHAT IS IT: Sunstar Tonic Shampoo with Conditioner 2 in 1


Sunstar Tonic Shampoo with Conditioner 2 in 1: This series of hair-care products for men, which includes shampoo, body wash and deodorant, was developed based on the idea of creating a cool, invigorating sensation and scent that refreshes both the body and the mind, creating a positive, energized attitude toward yourself and life. It was developed through Sunstar's own unique technology and is highly evaluated by professionals in the hair-care field.

It's actually a clear shampoo, the scent of mint/menthol isn't that strong, but it's there. Gives scalp a cooling and refreshing feeling. Suds easily and easy to wash off without having to take too much effort.

VERDICT: The shampoo itself has this wonderful minty/menthol scent as soon as I cut open the sample sachet. Although the scent wasn't as strong as the Sunstar Tonic Shampoo Energy Menthol I have previously reviewed, but the scent is still there. It just sort of takes a little longer for the scent to slowly waft out. Shampoo has a clear consistency and the texture is semi-watery, but doesn't spill that easily. It lathers and suds up pretty decently and gives the scalp a minty, cooling and refreshing sensation to it. It feels as if your scalp is thoroughly cleansed in one wash.

As I have oily scalp, I find that this shampoo works wonder for my hair-type, despite the Japanese description has the word 男性, which meant it's for male users. I find that it works just as equally well on my scalp and hair. As I have long hair, I just simply rubbed the shampoo in between my hands until I see suds and run my hands over my hair/scalp repeatedly until my hair is totally covered in shampoo suds in which I slowly massaged the shampoo deeply onto my scalp. And because this shampoo sample comes with Conditioner already, I find that I don't really need to use a conditioner or hair treatment product as well. It also helps that I already used conditioner the previous day, so my hair didn't get all that tangled up.

After applying the suds to my hair/scalp, I left it on while going on with my usual shower activities which includes facial cleansing, a bit of loofah-loving here and there. And along the way, the shampoo slowly starts to give my scalp this wonderful minty cool and refreshing sensation. And even immediately after washing off the shampoo suds, the feeling of minty cool and refreshing stayed on, making it feel like my scalp is still being cleansed and refreshed. And in the midst of washing off the shampoo suds, I did noticed that hairfall was less, as compared to using other shampoo.

And once out of the shower, the minty fresh and cooling sensation in my scalp lingered on comfortably until my hair dried out, whereby my hair still didn't look nor feel tangled at all. And my hair actually looks cleaner and much more healthier too. Not to mention that tingly sensation from using the shampoo was a welcome change, as most shampoos that promises with ingredients of menthol and anything menthol related ended up not giving that tingly feeling at all.

What I personally loved? Since I have a ceiling fan, I tend to sit underneath the ceiling fan directly to let my hair air dry naturally, instead of using a hairdryer. And allow me to tell you that the tingly and cooling sensation actually intensified so insanely, I was instantly happy and wishing my hair never dried up at all. Yes, I wished my hair kept staying wet even though I am sitting underneath a ceiling fan on full blast. I love that tingly and cooling sensation on my scalp, especially when in contact with ceiling fan, as it feels like my scalp is being cleansed really thoroughly. And my scalp didn't feel itchy at all, even though I have itchy scalp with dandruff issues on and off.


WHAT I THINK: My mind is so blown away with this shampoo that comes with a conditioner already in it. And I was expecting this one to not work as intensively as the other one without a hint of conditioner.

WHERE TO REDEEM SAMPLE: I previously redeemed the samples from Sunstar Tonic Facebook page at around 22 August. But the sample exercise is now over. However, stay tuned to Sunstar Tonic Facebook page for future sample exercise.

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