Saturday, February 2, 2013

Samples Received/Redeemed: 28 Jan - 31 Jan 2013

A somewhat good week, if I really had to compare with the previous 2 weeks if samples, freebies and goodies are considered into the equation. And well, I'm always a curious kitty somehow, despite knowing that the samples for this current issue of Feeling magazine by Guardian isn't really in the Wow! category. But still, I am curious to know more about a particular sample which sells really expensive in terms of retail price.

Without further ado, here's my show and tell for this week's Sample + Haul, with inclusion of a NTUC haul on hair products mostly.

By now, we all are aware of the fact that Guardian's magazine, Feeling, costs only a mere S$1.00 every quarterly issue. And each time, there's always a few samples within and each time without fail, there will always be a travel-size toothpaste..

This quarter's issue comes with:
  • Darlie Expert White Short Survey @
  • S$1 Coupon, usable with every purchase of Darlie Expert White toothpaste 120g
  • Darlie Expert White toothpaste x 1 @ 40g

Alongside with:
  • NUXE Huile Prodigieuse® Multi Usage Dry Oil x 1 @ 4ml
  • Palmer's Skin Success Eventone Fade Cream Ultra x 1 @ 5g

WHERE TO REDEEM SAMPLE: Available at all Guardian outlets throughout Singapore for a mere cost of S$1.00 only. Next issue will only be out in April 2013 :)

It was rather surprising to receive something from Cetaphil Singapore a good 2 weeks before CNY. And I was practically hoping it's not another Cetaphil voucher, since Cetaphil products are expensive. It actually makes more sense to buy in bulk when there's a discount instead of buying them during a non-discount season. I think what's even worse is the fact that the value of the voucher is rather low too. Imagine I am buying a few hundred dollars worth of Cetaphil products and I can only get a discount of S$5.00? Urgh, no thanks, I'd rather not buy any Cetaphil products in that case.

So, imagine my surprise when I opened up the envelope carefully and see something pink with auspicious Mandarin words on it.

Ang Pao packets. Woohoo! Now that's actually more like it :) This is the front of the Ang Pao packet.

And this is the back of the Ang Pao packet.

WHERE TO REDEEM SAMPLE: None. You need to have to redeem Cetaphil sample(s) prior and have your mailing address on Cetaphil's system for them to send it to you. If not, oh well... :(

So, Ying Ying saw this first (or was this the other way round?) and it was a mass sharing event. Which culminated to me asking "How to get the sample ah?" Turns out, the poster had the details, in which we were supposed to SMS our details as requested for a sample. On the other hand, being shortsighted is good, as you can pinpoint the blurness and the occasional blur-related mistake(s) to "shortsightedness" xD

Anyhoo, when I saw this envelop less than a full week after SMS-ing my deets, I was rather surprised to see this in the mailbox so soon. And yep, although it's only just 1 (*inserts sad troll face*), better than none lah~ Ahahaha xD

WHERE TO REDEEM SAMPLE: Anyway, I'm not really sure if it's too late, but it is still worth a try and send in an SMS. It doesn't hurt not do you lose your flesh nor blood just from trying. I've been trying to get a sample from Guardian's Feeling magazine a few issues back, but to no avail. Until I saw this FB flyer, and like I always like to "preach", "Never Say Die Ah".

Go over to and follow the SMS instructions you see on the online flyer. If there's sample stocks left, you should receive your sample in under a week.

From left to right:
  • Essential Nuance Airy Conditioner x 1 @ 560ml
  • Essential Nuance Airy Treatment x 1 @ 180g
  • Rexona Women Powder Dry with Talc Essence x 1 @ 150ml
  • Garnier PureActive Fruit Energy Daily Energizing Gel Scrub x 1 @ 150ml

WHERE TO REDEEM SAMPLE: Nope. No samples for this one, you have to buy them from NTUC supermarket(s). Even better if you have a NTUC card as you can accumulate points for your purchase(s).

Why not like my Facebook page at to be informed of latest samples I found, which is duly updated? Also includes updates to contests that I've sourced out for you to join. It will definitely save you the trouble of having to hunt them down :)

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