Saturday, February 23, 2013

Samples Received/Redeemed: 18 Feb - 22 Feb 2013

It's a rather sweet surprise for this week as there's quite a good amount of samples, including one that comes in a form of a free Beauty Box. Called the Black Box, users can get it absolutely free, provided you sign up for a subscription. And upon receiving the first inaugural February edition of the Black Box, all you need to do is wait for the accompanying survey/questionnaire that you will receive with the email you signed up with for the box. Keep replying to the survey/questionnaire email and the Black Box will continue to be free. How sweet is that for poor blogger(s) like yours truly?

And as I've mentioned before on a few occasions, there's no rule that states that just because you are a beauty blogger meant that you have to literally purchase beauty products in their retail size just to review it. Samples will do just fine, because there's a reason why samples existed. It's for us to try, use and review and determined whether we will want to consider buying it in permanently/long-term. And I don't really agree with the fact that one should spend big bucks to buy something and try, only to end up discovering it's not compatible with our skin type.

And despite the fact there are people who don't mind having a chance to use something that might have been used a few times, I personally don't think it's nice. What if in the event I had a skin problem and I end up passing it to the next person who received something I only used a few times? I would really feel bad about it. Unless I transferred a small amount into re-usable pots and containers, which can solve the problem of passing on unwanted germs. But if I can have the choice, I would rather give out something that's brand new than used.

But, without further ado, let's take a look at the samples I've gotten for the past week, shall we? :)

Got to know about this sampling exercise from a dear friend on Facebook, catch is that we all have to email in our particulars. Good part is that that was supposed to be a 3ml and 1ml sample, ended up being both 3ml samples. Although the indication on the sample itself stated that both are in 3ml formats, let's just hope it is really 3ml as promised. From left to right:

  • Phytomer Hydrasea Ultra-Moisturizing Polarized Water Serum @ 3ml
  • Phytomer Souffle Marin Energizing Oxygenating Serum @ 3ml

WHERE TO REDEEM SAMPLE: I previously got to know about this sampling exercise from a dear FB friend through a link to the relevant FB wall post ( So far, there's no indication of any deadline for redemption or updates on the samples being out, so I figured that if you haven't requested for the sample, you might want to do so at the previous link I've stated. Be fast wor!!

So, the envelope came and the only clue was the address on the back of the envelope. But still, I always have a fond preference for guessing what's inside the envelope by gently pressing and feeling around to guess what exactly it is. weird habit of mine, I admit :D

It's the Avance Duo Demaquillant Super Instant Remover comes in a cute 10ml bottle with a visible two-layer concoction. Need to shake before using yah~ And besides, you don't really need a humongous amount to remove eye make-up. Just a generous but small amount will do, you are trying to remove eye make-up, not bathe your eyelids in make-up removal solution after all.

WHERE TO REDEEM SAMPLE: All 200 samples have been fully redeemed. However, go over to Avance Singapore Facebook page at and Like their page as a fan to be notified of future and up-coming contests, giveaways, sampling exercise, for example.

I have to admit that despite my gently pressing and probing and with the address of the sender stamped behind the envelope, it was still a challenge trying to guess what sample it was. Until I got to the soft, squishy but not yet over-spilled part that had me guess right. Rausch Herbal Haircare sample!!

It comes with a letter that gives me 10% discount with any purchase of Rausch products only at Nishino Pharmacies.

I requested for the Rausch Willow Bark Treatment Shampoo.

WHERE TO REDEEM SAMPLE: If you want a sample, go over to Rausch Herbal Haircare Singapore Facebook page at and Like their page first. But before I go on, here's the relevant post to let you know how to request for your own sample (12g sachet sample) over at

So, I finally received my free Black Box, a free beauty box in Singapore. What I like is that the people behind Black Box prolly did their homework, in the sense that there's a card inside detailing what are the items in the box at a glance, without unwrapping almost everything. And the vouchers? They are safe and secure inside a zip-lock bag too, kudos!!

So, I took a nap in the afternoon and woke up late afternoon/early evening and saw a black box resting on my mouse. Initially, all I saw was Ta-Q-Bin. If you are the first 300 to have already signed up for a free Black Box, note that it's delivered by Ta-Q-Bin, not SingPost. So, if you weren't around at home or nobody's home to collect it on your behalf, you might want to give them a few days to re-deliver or contact you. Alternatively, send them an email at for mailing updates and so on

I flipped it over to see exactly what it is, and *squeals* Black Box. It has arrived!! *worships the free beauty box*

A card welcoming subscribers to the first Black Box in Singapore, absolutely free. As long as you finished the survey/questionnaire they emailed you each month regarding the usage of the items within, you will continue to receive the box for free!! And not forgetting Darlie's calling card too.

A look at the card from Black Box detailing the Black Box.

And at the back of the card, detailing the list of items inside the box itself.

Vouchers that came free with the Black Box itself. Noticed the black zip-lock flat bag in the background? The vouchers came in that zip-lock bag and I love anything and everything black.

2x Nature Valley Granola Bars and the rest of the samples inside the semi-transparent drawstring bag. I've tried Nature Valley's granola bars before, they are simply yum and best eaten with a cup of unsweetened tea :D

From left to right:

  • 2 x Dr. Jart++ V7 VitaLaser Skin Perfecting Revitalizer
  • 1 x L'Oreal Youth Code Rejuvenating Pre-Essence
  • 2 x L'Oreal Paris Total Repair 5 Mask (for hair)

From left to right:

  • Darlie Expert White Toothpaste (40g)
  • Dettol Natural Nourishing Body Wash (150ml)

est lab Sunshield SPF 50 Sunscreen (5 ml) - Cover

est lab Sunshield SPF 50 Sunscreen (5 ml) - Inside, with a card that you can flash for discounts when you buy the item itself physically

WHERE TO REDEEM SAMPLE: Apparently, I checked the website at and it seems to be open for subscription again. So, if you missed Feb's issue, subscribe for the March one. All you need to do when you receive your 1st box is to wait it out for a survey/questionnaire email from Black Box. Fill it in and send it back before it's stipulated deadline and you get the next box for free. So on and so forth, what are you waiting for?

I've received my Black Box already, have you gotten yours?

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