Saturday, February 9, 2013

Samples Received/Redeemed: 04 Feb - 08 Feb 2013

Well, as usual, I almost didn't have anything to show and tell for today. But luckily, I remembered to "hound" Heinz Singapore offline to collect my ketchup. Firstly, I was a little "blind" and never saw the redemption details on the confirmation letter. And Heinz Singapore wasn't making it easy, as I need 2 redemption emails and only received one. They dilly dally and took a good 3 to 4 days to send redemption email #2.

I mean, whoever is responsible for the ketchup redemption can check and see their redemption list or something, right? So, even if I managed to "cheat" another redemption email, I still can only redeem my 8 bottles of Heinz ketchup that I won fair and square. And I thought I would email them on the day I received redemption email #2, which is on Thursday and arranged to collect my ketchup the next coming Monday. Which nobody replied to the email.

I tried sending back a PM and in reply got a brusque "Hi, we have made an important announcement regarding prize collection. You can collect your prizes before or on 8th February. Please inform the agency about the day and time you are going to collect your prizes. Thanks." Apparently, it seems like it will hurt them a little to just simply include in the PM that redemption details are on the redemption email itself..

Anyway, I managed to find my way to the address which is just behind Bugis Junction. At least I promised I would be there by 12 noon in the event I cannot find the place and the person who let me redeemed my prize didn't ask something that sounds like "But you said you are coming at 12 noon". Yep, that was what I encountered when I previously redeemed my Palmer's lipbalm from a Christmas Facebook contest. But I have to admit, the answer picked to win the Heinzology #23's answer was a tad... lame.

And yes, I won the Heinzology #10 and Heinzology #17. This brings it to a good 8 bottles that I can save money on :)

WHERE TO REDEEM SAMPLE: Heinzology contest is over. However, be a fan of Heinz Singapore Facebook page at to be updated and notified of latest and up-coming contests, promotions and giveaways.

So, it was actually a lazy afternoon and out of the blue, Venus Beauty had a new status update asking fans to name 1 Venus Beauty branch that they know of. I swear I was already fast enough and thought that I was at least the first 3 commentors. Turns out, there were more hardcore people trolling their wall for any signs of freebies and I was luckily within the first 11 to comment, with a full Venus Beauty branch address, mind you. And no doubt, a particular person copy + paste which led to a few more answers similar to my own.

Honestly, a friendly advice from me. Less of the copy + paste and trying to imitate me, more of your own originality. Don't hate me just because I tend to write long-winded, is precise and detailed, hate yourself cos you cannot be bothered to try :)

Anyway, I am a little sure the delivery for our sunblock was delayed, due to 2 random commentors within the first 11 to actually went poof after commenting. And honestly, I never understand people who joined Facebook contests, especially the ones that ask for answers in the comment boxes. If there's no deadline or any sort stated, it is definitely best to keep track of it at least once or twice a day. But no, 2 of them decided to let the whole world hunt them down on Venus Beauty facebook as they need our mailing address before they can mail out our prizes.

My advice? If you cannot be bothered to keep track of a page after joining contests, maybe you shouldn't be joining them at all. I personally don't think it's nice to have 9 other people's prizes being held up, due to 2 person not being bothered to check for results. I understand if you personally think and felt you won't have any luck at contests, but still, if you join, do at least have the decency and common sense not to hold up other people or winners because of your "bo chup-ness"..

After screwing off the lid, there's actually another foil layer to prevent bacteria and germs from "creeping" in. Yay!

WHERE TO REDEEM SAMPLE: Contest was over. However, be a fan of Venus Beauty Facebook page at in order to be notified and updated on free retail-size giveaways, impromptu contests and so on :)

Was feeling a little confused when I recevied this package, since there doesn't seem to have any indication where it could came from.

Well, opened it up and realized these were the free Red Packets I requested from UOB Singapore's Facebook page. These are actually car decals, too bad I don't have a car to slap them on. On the other hand, if I were to casually remarked that I want a car, someone's bound to reply with "What for! You got your left kah and your right kah!". Thank you Brian Richmond for the "kah" a.k.a car joke inspiration :P

Actually, each person is entitled to redeem once, which makes it 2 red packets and 1 car decal each. Didn't realize my brother requested his too lol Here's the front of it.

And here's the back of the Red Packet.

WHERE TO REDEEM SAMPLE: None. The redemption is over. Instead of X amount of period, it's actually limited to the first few hundred or thousand, I kinda forgot the amount. But it's "While Stocks Lasts!"

Why not like my Facebook page at to be informed of latest samples I found, which is duly updated? Also includes updates to contests that I've sourced out for you to join. It will definitely save you the trouble of having to hunt them down :)

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