Thursday, February 14, 2013

Neutrogena Deep Clean Brightening Mulberry Foaming Scrub Review

WHAT IS IT: Neutrogena Deep Clean Brightening Mulberry Foaming Scrub


Neutrogena Deep Clean Mulberry Foaming Scrub: A gentle exfoliating formula that cleans deep down into pores. Also removes dead skin cells and helps reveal visibly brighter skin. Effectively removes 99% of oil, dirt and impurities. Contains gentle exfoliating beads and mulberry extract that helps reveal visibly brighter and fairer skin.

This brightening foaming scrub actually has small little exfoliating beads and I did see something that resembles mulberry stuffs, which I suppose would be the extracts that is supposed to be present as well. The scent is fruity and when it comes to fruity scents on facial products, it mustn't be overly sweet and yet gives you a perk-me-up in the morning.

Foams and suds pretty well, and it isn't hard to wash it off thoroughly either. (It doesn't look that way in the photo as I am actually a stingy person when it comes to the foam & sud test, as I want to have enough to test and try) And the scent doesn't irritate my skin at all, although I would prefer the sample to be a little bigger so as to be able to use a full 1 week, twice a day. But then, it's a sample from Vanity Trove, so can't expect them to be really generous despite the box being expensive, especially for a particular August issue.

VERDICT: First of all, the scent is actually sweet and fruity, but it doesn't border on nauseating sweetness. It's more like a perk-me-up in the early morning when you need to feel awake and your skin feeling refreshed, clean and smooth at the same time. What I like is that the scent or fragrance of this foaming scrub doesn't linger on unnecessarily on your face, even after washing off the soap suds. And although I personally have combination and oily skin sometimes, I like that the fragrance didn't make my face feel irritated too. And it doesn't leave my skin feeling dry despite hours after using this foaming scrub. And my pores do not feel clogged at all, it's almost like all the yucky surface dirt, grime and dead skin cells were thoroughly removed during the cleansing process.

Personally, I am a huge fan of fruit-based cleansers, especially the types that allows me to exfoliate on a twice daily basis without making my skin feel and look irritated. And I instantly fell in love after trying the sample from my issue of Vanity Trove's August 2012 edition. If I really had to choose between foaming facial cleansers and daily exfoliating scrub, I would definitely go for the daily exfoliating scrub version. As I personally love the idea of daily gentle exfoliating, and this means that I do not have to make exfoliating a must-do once or twice a week to get rid of dead surface skin cells when I am already exfoliating on a daily basis. What's more, it's really gentle enough to use every day.

This Mulberry Foaming Scrub is rich in Vitamins B and C, helps reveal a visibly brighter and fairer complexion. And I feel and can see my skin looking less "rugged" or "rough-looking", if you prefer, after using it daily for 5 days. Normally, the skin around my nose tends to flake easily, especially if I get lazy and forgot to do my once-a-week exfoliating regime. And the easy way to tell? When it's come to extract those unwanted blackheads, it looks as if it's stuck under a layer of something while the remnants of the blackhead looks squished beyond recognition. And that is the tell-tale sign that I really do need to exfoliate. Another method is to use pore strips on your nose, the type that helps to remove blackheads if you don't want to do so manually. If the pore strip comes off looking somewhat clean, that's the other tell-tale sign that you really do need to exfoliate no matter how lazy or tired you are.

We all know how sometimes daily foaming exfoliating scrubs tend to make turn oily skin irritated as it over-strips the natural sebum we have on our skin. And knowing my own skin can be as willful as any random 3-year-old kid, and start acting up via un-announced acne and pimple issues, I was already prepared for unwanted facial BFFs to pop up. But thankfully, it didn't and I would hate for this to happen as I've already mentioned, I love fruity flavored facial washes. And you have no idea how I can snooze for a solid 1 hour on a public bus without waking up, even if the sky falls lol


WHAT I THINK: Yum. It smells so good, gentle on my skin, I'm already close to licking it off my hands instead of applying on my skin xD

WHERE TO REDEEM SAMPLE: I got this sample tube from last year's August Edition of Vanity Trove called the Rocket Science Beauty edition. So, I don't really think you can find any samples for this as Neutrogena Singapore Facebook page doesn't have any sampling exercise as of yet.

Why not like my Facebook page at to be informed of latest samples I found, which is duly updated? Also includes updates to contests that I've sourced out for you to join. It will definitely save you the trouble of having to hunt them down :)

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