Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Rhomlon Double Eyelid Eye Putti Review

WHAT IS IT: Rhomlon Double Eyelid Eye Putti


Rhomlon Double Eyelid Eye Putti: Washable glue meant for eyelids and fake eyelashes.

Comes witha small bottle of eyelid glue and a mini pitch-fork meant to look like you are jabbing your eyeball(s) out while defining your double eyelid line.

This is my eyelid before applying Rhomlon Double Eyelid Eye Putti.

Using the eyelid pitchfork after the glue has turned almost transparent.

After applying Rhomlon Double Eyelid Eye Putti.

VERDICT: The scent of this product is actually very strong, however, the scent doesn't really transfer from bottle to eyelid. So, there's definitely no worries of your eyelids or any part of your face near your eyes smelling strongly of glue. And to be honest, if there's no indication on the bottle itself, I would probably have thought that this is a carry-on travel size bottle of glue meant for school or work projects that involves anything to use with glue. Sounds pretty ironic somehow, huh? I blame the smell of it, no matter how I look at it.

This is actually similar to another more famous brand called KOJI Eye Talk Double Eyelid Glue. I did use the KOJI brand before, but before even 6 months is up, the entire contents inside the bottle dried up without me even knowing it. And it was so many years ago, so I cannot possibly be able to remember what the scent was like. But I am guessing it should be too much of a difference somehow. Both products actually work the same way, albeit one is a more famous brand and sells slightly more expensive than the Rhomlon brand, which can be bought from any local MaMa-esque shops in shopping malls/centres located at neighborhood areas, and probably for a fraction of the price too.

As it comes with a small brush that is already pre-dipped in the eyelash glue, which happened to be attached to the lid. So that we may not accidentally lost the brush in any way possible, perhaps? Applying is actually pretty easy and fuss-free too. As my right eyelid mostly tend to be a little angsty and refused to show up properly, as opposed to my left eyelid, I tend to use it more on my right than left eyelid no matter the occasion or scenario. I figure out that you can probably use it to stick on false eyelashes too, since it's actually rather convenient to use eyelid glue than to actually buy another separate glue for the false eyelashes.

Some of you may be familiar with such a product from one of Michelle Phan's blog post as an alternative to evening out double eyelids without actually having to undergo eyelid surgery. It just so happened that I managed to chance upon a cheaper version from this shop called Aries years after trying out the KOJI one before I couldn't find them anymore in Singapore, maybe except for SaSa.

What I like about this Rhomlon Double Eyelid Eye Putti is that I really suck at using double eyelid tape and I've only tried it once, but it took forever to put it on right. And I thought having to pop in contact lenses was even more nerve wrecking, imagine trying to put on contact lenses for an hour only to have the contact lense pop right out. Turns out I was trying to put it on the wrong direction without even realizing it in the first place.

Although first-timers to double eyelid glue might need a lot of practice to get it right. And I do recommend applying on another extra layer so it can actually last longer than intended, especially if you are not fond of adding another facial make-up procedure at work or a day out. However, I do have some issues with this product though. And here's a look at some of them.

Despite glue being an item that can temporarily stick "things" together, this Rhomlon Double Eyelid Eye Putti actually doesn't last up to 3 hours, despite the fact that some of us who have jobs are required to work at least up to 8 hours a day. If you are someone who kinda sweat easily when the weather/climate/temperature is slightly humid, the stickiness actually gets nullified. Simply put, the double eyelid(s) will become single or no eyelid(s) at all. And when it's actually time to remove the eyelid glue, you will notice that the glue doesn't come off easily with just simply washing your face as per normal.

It actually looks as if you were playing with glue, and some of it got onto your eyelid and you simply forgot to wash it off. Hence, there will be dried flakes of glue stuck on your eyelid. Which actually meant that you need to invest on a product that is specifically meant for removing eye make-up before washing your face as per normal to totally clean it off. Alternatively, the dried flakes of glue do look like I had use something else to clean it of dead skin cells, somehow..


WHAT I THINK: If you are trying to take photos in under a 3 hour time-frame, this might work. If you are intending to leave the house for extended hours of time, best to stick to double eyelid tape as it's actually more effective than the glue itself.

WHERE TO REDEEM SAMPLE: As of now, there isn't any sample that can be redeemed. But if you are curious to give eyelid glue a try, you might want to consider getting them from shops such as Aries (found in neighborhood shopping malls) as they are much cheaper than brands such as KOJI. In the event you find it unsuitable, at least you are only paying less than S$6 for it.

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