Saturday, December 15, 2012

NOPS Egg White Bubble Cleanser Review

WHAT IS IT: NOPS Egg White Bubble Cleanser


NOPS Egg White Bubble Cleanser: Cleansing foam product that provide a gentle touch. Ingredients helps to remove dirt and flaking off. Help control and tighten up skin. Eliminate skin dryness and aging. Reveals radiant skin that is soft to the touch.

Contains egg white extract, along with plenty of foam to efficiently eliminates unnecessary sebum & wastes along with a function known as pore minimizing. Bringing you elastic and soft skin.

I like how thick the foam looks, and all I need is just half to 1 pump to thoroughly cleanse my face. And relax, there's no real egg white in there, I think..

VERDICT: First of all, let's take a detailed look at this NOPS Egg White Bubble Cleanser. Despite the product being called a "egg white bubble cleanser", I definitely did not smell anything related to eggs at all even after 2 weeks of using this. The reason why it's called a "egg white bubble cleanser" is because when you dispense out the foam, it looks literally like whipped egg whites. If you had ever tried making a Lemon Meringue Pie by hand, you would have known that the white cream-foamy thing on top of the meringue pie is actually whipped egg whites. And yes, this is what this facial cleanser resembles. Literal egg white bubble-like foam.

The scent of this facial wash luckily doesn't have a hint of egg or even egg white in it, it definitely smells soapy. I'm sure some of us are rather hesitant when using products that have such a peculiar description. Especially when we have experiences of using egg-related products or DIY stuffs that leaves a lingering egg-y smell that borders on nauseousness. And I am definitely glad my face didn't smell nor feel as if it's been bathed in an actual egg solution. Some days, I am just tempted to re-wash my face all over again with this facial foam cleanser.

The color of the cleanser looks exactly like actual raw egg whites, so I won't be surprised if people are actually hesitant to want to give this facial cleanser a try. But trust me, this facial cleanser actually exceeds my expectations. Despite the facial cleanser looking not much of a difference when compared to other facial foaming cleansers, what I like is how concentrated and thick the foam is, when dispensed out of the nozzle. Hence, half a pump to 1 pump is enough to wash the entire face.

This is best used with a little bit of water. If you are just going to use this facial cleaner directly without wetting your face, you will have this pulling and tugging sensation as you attempt to spread the foam on your dry face. However, with a little bit of water splashed on your face, the cleaning process is actually so much more smoother and gentle on your face/skin. And by now, we all should be aware that too much pulling and tugging on our face/skin during cleansing process isn't good for the skin at all. So take note of this little info.

Personally, I have a very fond preference for facial foaming cleansers as foam is much more effective in removing grime and dirt, as compared to non foaming cleansers. And on the other hand, eggs are actually nourishing and nutritious for our body and also helps to tighten our skin, despite health issues that insists we cannot eat more than X amount of eggs per week. However, nobody said we cannot use egg-related cleansers on our face, body or hair. so it's actually a good advantage if you are someone who's rather against using actual food ingredients for DIY purposes.

Although the foam looks so smooth, soft and gentle (almost to the point of attempting to lick it literally), I find that it actually does it's job pretty well and efficiently. And you can use it once or twice daily. And best of all, I find that it can clean my face from BB Cream and eyeliner application without too much hassle or trouble. And at the same time, I do not feel any sticky sensation, even hours after using this facial cleanser. I just feel like I am plucking a small little piece of cloud everytime I use this to cleanse my face.


WHAT I THINK: Foam looks so egg white-like I'm tempted to lick it instead of using it to wash my face.

WHERE TO REDEEM SAMPLE: If you or your friends were tagged, shared or invited to like Venus Beauty's Facebook page around late September, you would have already got to redeemed this sample from them.

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