Saturday, December 29, 2012

Lioele: Beyond the Solution BB Cream Review

WHAT IS IT: Lioele Beyond the Solution BB Cream


Lioele Beyond the Solution BB Cream: Creates clear and natural skin tone by being effectively absorbed to skin. You can complete make-up speedily as it does not require any make-up base or foundation. Its bisabolol, licorice acid derivatives, and allantoin component soothe your skin and jojoba oil, macadamia nut oil, hyaluronic acid derivatives, and marine collagen make your skin moisturize and smooth.

Before applying on the Lioele BB Cream.

After applying on the Lioele BB Cream.

I ended up applying a little too thick and had to dab the excess away with a tissue paper, but what I am liking is that my skin looks practically flawless, acne and blemish free with this BB Cream. Although the difference in skin tone on my face and jawline/neck is a little obvious.

VERDICT: By now, I am sure most of you would know that I am on a personal quest for the ultimate BB Cream that actually suits or at least complements my ghostly skin tone. Sure, there will always be hits and misses, but at the same time, I can be glad that there are always sample sachets available that allows you and me to try it before we decide whether to buy it long term or not. And along the way, I did find a lot of hits and also misses. Some never promised anything in particular, but did more than it is supposed to while some promised, but ended up lacking in so many ways.

For today's BB Cream review, I am touching on Lioele's Beyond the Solution BB Cream which I had gotten from doing product swaps with my good friend Irene a few months ago. (I just hope she didn't find my goodies so yummy she nom them instead of using them o.o") This BB Cream sample was one of the goodies I got from her during the swap. And boy, am I glad to see something like these. It means I have yet another choice to judge and gauge if this is going to complement my skin tone or not.

Upon squeezing out the BB Cream from the sachet into a re-usable pot, I immediately saw how liquid-y and smooth this BB Cream is. It practically flowed out of the sachet like those liquid whipping cream that you can buy from the supermarket. So smooth, so liquid-y and gel-based like consistency throughout. And without further ado, I immediately pat some on my skin using a foundation brush instead of my (probably) germ-filled fingers. And the BB Cream glided on smoothly, albeit a little too rich or thick to be fully absorbed into my skin.

Throughout the application, I kept seeing brush strokes on my face and I ended up spreading just 1 brush-ful of BB Cream for almost my entire face. And alas, the brush lines are still visible on my face no matter how I tried and tried. *Gasp!* I ended up using a piece of tissue paper to blot up the excess and only did the brush lines on my face went away evetually, leaving behind a really flawless application of BB Cream on my face.

As you can see on the 2nd last image above, I went from acne and blemish prone to flawless smooth and dewy skin. And the scent? It actually has a baby powder smell to it, as compared to previous BB Creams I've received where it's the typical cosmetic/BB Cream smell. Which was kinda surprising to me too. Wow! BB Cream that smells like baby powder? And besides that, the pores on my nose actually looks smaller upon application. Despite being hard to fully spread onto my face with ease, the BB Cream itself doesn't actually feel heavy on my face at all.

And hours after applying this BB Cream, my face doesn't look too oily and it actually even out my skin tone that is full of blemish scars, making it look so supermodel-like :D Despite it looking almost half to a shade lighter, the difference in skin tone (a.k.a color) between my face and my jawline/neck isn't really that obvious, which I can probably blend onto my jawline and neck area to create a seamless and even complexion. And the final result is a semi-matte look, as opposed to the usual dewy tone for skin that has BB Cream applied on.


WHAT I THINK: Luckily, my pimples have calmed down, which allows this BB Cream to even out my skin tone to the point where my pimples and blemish scars aren't that obvious anymore.

WHERE TO REDEEM SAMPLE: As usual, you can redeem this from The Sample Store, however, be aware that 1-2 items costs S$2.99 in postage fees while 3-4 items cost S$3.99.

Why not like my Facebook page at to be informed of latest samples I found, which is duly updated? Also includes updates to contests that I've sourced out for you to join. It will definitely save you the trouble of having to hunt them down :)

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